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Old May 24th, 2002, 08:33 PM   #1
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Talking *MGS2 fanfic...*

I wrote this a few months ago and never continued it since nobody noticed at my old forum, but if people want me to I will continue it...I'm going to post each chapter of the story in seperate posts, so excuse my double posting please! Here's chapter one ^_^
MGS3:The Patriots

The night sky could clearly be seen over the city of New York. Not a single cloud was in the sky either, as the stars
could be seen as well. The moon lit up the city streets and made Manhatten look like a beautiful city...a beautiful city that
the Patriots were hiding on, somewhere. A man walked down the citry streets, being overshadowed by the many skyscrapers that
were packed among the city. The most notable two were the newly rebuilt Twin Towers, the World Trade Center that had been
attacked by terrorists so many years ago had already been rebuilt. The man looked up at the building and headed in it's
direction. Just as he was about to open the front door, he felt his left earlobe vibrate. He ran over and hid in between the
two towers, which were now connected at midpoint with a large walkway. He hid in the shadows of the two massive towers and
tapped his ear.

"Raiden, can you hear me?" A gruff voice called out.

"Snake?...Yeah, I hear you" The man answered.

"Snake, are you sure it's the World Trade Center?..." The same man asked

"Yeah, Otacon hacked into the Pentagon's database just to be sure, but there's no doubt about it" The man dubbed 'Snake'

"Snake, are you going to accompany me on this mission?" The man dubbed 'Raiden' asked.

"No, I don't think so. If word of me sneaking through the WTC got out, that would probably mean the end of Philanthropy
for good. Don't worry about it Raiden, this is an easy one.
Otacon suggests that Metal Gear is being developed somewhere in the basement floors of the building.
You should check there first. Getting inside is gonna be up to you" Snake replied

"...Ok Snake. But what if I get caught? Then what?"

"Well, if you do get caught in the middle of this mission, it means the end of you, Otacon, and myself. There are sentries
posted in the building though, that's been a nessecity ever since the attack. Do NOT get caught Raiden. I think you should
get inside now. Remember, you need to finish this thing before the night is over. If you need to, contact me with the Codec.
As you probably know, my freqency is 141.80. Contact me if you have any more questions about the mission. Good luck Raiden"

The man peeked around the corner of the massive building on the left,
and slowly opened the doors, raising his M9 tranquilizer, firing it at the receptionist at the desk before she could see him.
He slowly walked over to her, picking up a card key from out of her shirt pocket.
He put the card in his own pocket and concealed his M9, walking over to the entrance to the hallway which lead to the south
side of the building.
He peeked around the corner, jumping out with his gun held, holding the weapon to the back of a masked guard. The sentry
was carrying an M4 automatic rifle, but the weapon was not in the guard's hands anymore, or at least not where the guard
would be able to use it. The sentry began to turn around, but the man called Raiden immediately, and almost silently told
the guard to stand still. He aimed the barrel of the M9 towards the back of the guard's head and fired. The guard fell onto
his face and started to snore loudly as he breathed through his nose. Raiden picked up the guard's sleeping body and dragged
it over to the receptionist's desk, hiding it safely below the desk itself.

("....this shouldn't be too hard...") Raiden thought as his long, blonde hair russled behind him as he ran down the south-
-heading hallway.

Raiden made his way down the long, dark hallway. There were electronic doors on either side of him, but Raiden couldn't
enter either of them, as he needed a security level 2 keycard.
Just as he was about to walk past these doors, he heard voices coming from the door on the right. He pressed his ear up
against the door and listened carefully.

"Is it almost finished?" A familiar voice asked.

"...Yes, Metal Gear will be fully operational after just a short while...is there anything else you need to know?" Another
familiar voice asked"

"Yes...Liquid's arm, where is it now?" The voice asked.

The other one hesitated.

"Hmm...can't tell me eh?...That's fine...I'm going to go down and check on Metal Gear's progress, you stay here and stop
anyone from getting in" The voice said as Raiden could now hear footsteps coming up to the door. Raiden quickly ran back
to the room that he had first come in to and flattened himself against the corner of the hallway, peeking around the corner,
seeing that there was no doubt that this man was Revolver Ocelot, the man that had worked for the Patriots and who was also
possesed by Liquid, Snake's brother's arm, which explained why he had been asked about it. Raiden began to slowly follow him,
but as he crossed the same room that Ocelot had come out of, he felt a cold and clammy hand grab his mouth and pull him into
the room. Raiden was thrown to the ground violently.

Raiden looked up, and saw that this other man was Vamp, from the Big Shell incident. Raiden had supposedly 'killed' Vamp
twice, but here he was, standing right in front of Raiden. His hair was still the same, long raven-black hair it was the
last time Raiden and Vamp had fought. His overcoat was black, but just like the one he wore in the Big Shell.

"I see that you are here to ruin our plans once again..." Vamp said as his toungue circled his lips, his sharp fangs being

"Well...we won't have to worry about you anymore...." Vamp said as he drew his knife and chuckled evilly.

Raiden looked around. He didn't have a weapon, although he and Vamp were in a fairly large room for an excecutive office,
and there would be plenty of room for Raiden and Vamp to fight, if Raiden had a weapon that is. Raiden looked around, scanning
the area. There wasn't a place to hide. He immediately contacted Snake on the codec.

"Snake!!" Raiden said with fear in his tone.

"What is it Raiden?" Snake asked

"Snake...Vamp...he's alive, we're in this room, he's gonna kill me Snake! What do I do!?" Raiden shouted.

"Calm down kid. If you're worried because you don't have any weapons, don't. You've got your arms and legs. Knock him out."
Snake replied, keeping his cool and calm tone.

Raiden cut the transmition and waited for Vamp to attack. Vamp spun around once and attempted to slice Raiden's mid-section.
Raiden leaped out of the way and while he was in the air, did a roundhouse kick and slammed his foot against Vamp's jaw,
sending him backwards a few feet. Vamp shook his head and put away his larger knife, drawing the smaller knives that he had
used before. He threw them quickly at Raiden, all being dodged except the last one, it graised Raiden's left arm, cutting
through his sneaking suit. Raiden let out a cry of pain and held his wound. Vamp once again drew his larger knife and leaped
towards Raiden, but missing again as Raiden rolled to the left, sweep kicking Vamp's shins, causing him to fall. Raiden took
a few steps back and waited for him to get back up. Just as he did, Raiden slammed his left and right fists into Vamp's jaws,
alternating between the two. He could feel Vamp's warm blood trickle through his knuckles as he cracked Vamp's jaw. Vamp
screamed and threw Raiden backwards, but still ignoring his pain. His jaw hadn't been broken, but close to it. He began
to throw his knives at Raiden, throwing everything he had. Raiden ran around to the side of Vamp as Vamp attempted to follow
Raiden's movements with his knives, but couldn't. Vamp felt Raiden's foot press against his back, and Vamp fell foward, landing
on his face, blood running down the sides of his mouth. He lifted himself up quickly and threw Raiden against the wall, running
out of the room, clutching his wounds.

Raiden was breathing heavily. He fell to his knees and contacted Snake.

"You alright kid?" Snake's voice asked.

"Yeah...I think so but...Snake I, I saw Ocelot here, in this building" Raiden replied.

"WHAT?!?" Snake exclaimed, yelling over the Codec.

"There's no doubt that Vamp and Ocelot are after Metal Gear. At least now we know for sure, that a Metal Gear is being
developed inside of that building" Snake said.

"No, Snake, the way they were talking, it sounded like they were actually behind the Metal Gear here, as though they were
behind it's assembly" Raiden said.

"Well, whatever it is, you still have to get rid of the Metal Gear that's in there. Getting rid of Ocelot and Vamp first would make
things easier though."

"Snake..." Raiden wasn't able to protest, as Snake had already ended the conversation.

"Damn..." Raiden cursed as he exited the room.
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Old May 24th, 2002, 08:34 PM   #2
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chapter numero dos!

Chapter 2:Infiltration

Raiden walked over to the doorway of the room where he and Vamp had just battled. The fact that Vamp was still alive, as well as Ocelot was
bad enough for him, but then there was Metal Gear, it would seem that they'd be after Metal Gear, but no, it was as though they were the
ones behind the project. Raiden, confused by the recent turn of events, contacted Snake once again.

"Snake?" Raiden called out.

"Yeah, I'm here" Snake replied

"Snake....tell me my mission again...I'm confused right now. With Vamp and Ocelot here, it seems like history is repeating itself once again..."

"Fine. I'll tell you everything I know up to this point. About fourteen years ago, there was a terrorist attack on the tower that you are standing in now.
It's rumored that during that time, whch was around 2001, there was a secret project, the first Metal Gear of the twenty-first century. The
Metal Gear that would in turn, 'spawn' the REX and RAY models. According to what Otacon dug up about this, it seems that this Metal Gear
was purposely developed earlier than the REX and RAY models, so that it would be THE most advanced weapon in the world..."

"So it's been in development for almost twenty years?" Raiden asked, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Yeah, it seems that way. And the way that Ocelot and Vamp were talking, as you said, it seems as though they may be the ones behind it all..." Snake replied.

"So that means that Ocelot was involved in the Metal Gear Projects before Shadow Moses..." Raiden said, seemingly talking to himself, not to Snake.

"Raiden, remember. Your mission is to find that Metal Gear, and destroy it before it is completed. As the newest member of Philanthropy, you could say
that this is your final test to prove yourself...." Snake said with a chuckle.

Raiden laughed as well, but he knew that this was no laughing matter. Snake had mentioned the September 11th attack, but it didn't make sense, why
would a Metal Gear be developed at this time? Was it timed this way purposely? Or was there something deeper to this than previously thought?

Snake's face went serious again.

"Raiden, our only problem here is that we don't know where Metal Gear is. My guess would be that it's somewhere underground, but you're gonna have
to confirm this hunch somehow. Try and find someone that might know something. At this hour, many of the employees are not working currently, but
you should be able to find someone who knows something..." Snake said.

"Alright...I'll contact you if I find out anything" Raiden replied.

"By the way Raiden, I just got a call from Otacon, he's going to be helping on the mission as well. You can reach him at the frequency 141.12. He knows
everything about the structure and surroundings of the World Trade Center. Contact him if you have any questions about that..." With that, Snake ended
the transmition and left Raiden to find someone that could tell him where Metal Gear is.

Raiden peeked around the corner of the doorway, not able to see any guards in the hallway. He exited the large room and headed down the dark hallway,
keeping his eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

Raiden stopped as he reached the end of the hallway, seeing a massive doorway. He slid the Level 1 card into the slot, but nothing happened. He saw on the door that a Level 2 card was required to enter. He cursed and slammed his fist against the door, getting a feeling of Deja Vu as he did so.

As he turned around, he almost literally ran into a guard, who had heard the large echoing sound of Raiden's fist hitting the door. The guard raised his weapon, firing it. Raiden leaped to his left and dashed foward, slamming his weight into the guard as the both fell to the ground. The guard kicked Raiden off of him and sprang up to his feet, revealing his radio, calling for backup before Raiden could knock him out. Another stream of bullets came from the barrel of the sentry's gun. Raiden ran into the room on the oposite side of the one that he and Vamp had fought in. To his misfortune, it was a fairly small room with nothing to hide behind. There was only a large desk and a small window, too small to escape from. The desk had several drawers, and there was nothing else in the room except for an old bookcase with several books on nuclear weapons research on the shelves. He could hear several sets of footsteps approach the doorway. Raiden's heart pounded in his chest as he desperately looked around the room for something to use to his advantage. After a few quick moments of looking, he discovered a small handgun in one of the drawers. It wasn't anything special, as Raiden couldn't recognize the handgun. It's design was similar to that of a Magnum's. He just hoped that it's power was as well. Raiden flipped the desk foward, giving him something to hide behind. He checked the handgun for bullets. It was loaded. He had six shots to make, so he wouldn't be able to miss a single shot. He held the gun tightly, waiting for the small group of soldiers to open the door.

The door flew open, lead pouring into the room. Raiden clentched his teeth and waited for the gunfire to stop. The attack squad eventually had to stop to reload, and this was where Raiden made his move. He popped up out from his cover and fired the handgun quickly, killing five of the six guards attacking him. Just as he had planned NOT to do, one of the shots that he made had missed. The remaining guard stood still as stone, petrified at how precise this strange man's aim was. Raiden immediately flipped over the desk he was using and landed in front of it, the surviving guard fumbling to reload his weapon. Before he could do so, Raiden sent two punches into the enemy's face, and a roundhouse kick into his abdomen, knocking the soldier unconcious.

Raiden let out a sigh of relief and tossed the handgun to his side, it wasn't really all that combat worthy. Raiden stepped over the bodies and headed back to the level 2 door, trying to think up a way to get inside.

Suddenly, the door began to open on it's own. Someone was coming out of the hallway. Raiden couldn't afford to be spotted again. He stood to the left of the door and waited for whatever was opening the door to come out. To Raiden's relief, it was only a soldier. Raiden sprung foward, wrapping his arms tightly around the guard's neck, twisting and turning the bone in the person's neck until it finally cracked and killed the soldier. Raiden found the level 2 keycard in the guard's pocket. He took the card and continued down the level 2 door.

The room that he was in now was fairly well-lit. There wasn't anyone in the room at the time, making things easier for Raiden. He slowly stepped into the room, looking around cautiously. The room was carpeted and had a few leather chairs and tables scattered around. There was no other door besides the one that Raiden had come in, unfortunately. There was nowhere else for Raiden to go, he had reached a dead end. Raiden once again recieved a call from Snake.

"How you doing kid?" Snake asked.

"Not good, I've reached a dead end, there's nowhere else to go." Raiden replied, disapointed.

"Which Tower are you in?" Snake asked.

"I'm in Tower B, that was the original mission plan right? I was to sneak into Tower B..." Raiden said

"Change of plans. Go to Tower A and see if that card can get you anywhere. Contact me if you find anything." Snake said

"Got it" Raiden replied.

Raiden ran all the way back to the outside of the massive towers, and made his way over to the tower on the left, Tower A. The door had a large 2 on it for security. Raiden slid his card into the slot and the door opened, the lights in the room coming on instantly.

Once again, there was nobody around. Raiden was beginning to think that this mission would be a little too easy. The room that he was in now was much more furnished than the entrance to Tower B. There were potted plants, chairs, and windows, all in just the entrance hallway. There was also a receptionist desk, but no receptionist. Raiden shrugged and continued down the hall. As he came to the door at the end, he could hear voices again. One of them was Vamp's, the others was indistiguishable.

"Yes...he's here, in Tower B" Vamp said, speaking as quietly as possible.

"No, I wasn't able to kill him, but I will, do not worry..."

"Yes...of course"

Raiden heard a click and then heard footsteps coming for the door. Raiden went to turn around, but was too late. Vamp spotted Raiden and chased after him, with Raiden running as fast as he could back down the hall. Raiden could see the exit just up ahead, he was almost there. Just as his hands were about to push open the door, half a dozen sentries opened it for him, surrounding him. Raiden looked around, seeing six guns, aimed directly at him. He looked back and saw Vamp standing right behind him, breathing on his neck. Raiden could feel his ear vibrate. Snake was trying to contact him.

"Raiden, are you all right?! Answer me!! RAIDEN!!!!!!"
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Old May 24th, 2002, 08:35 PM   #3
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Chapter 3:A new hero

The helicopter's blades sliced through the air, the rain from the dark sky pourning down onto the body of the dark figure looking out the door, a small flare near the figure's mouth, smoke slowly pouring from it's mouth. The dark figure's face was hidden by a black overcoat with a hood at the end. It flowed in the wind created from the helicopter. The helicopter flew in closer to Manhatten, flying in towards the very center. It stopped and hovered over the two massive towers it had come to, the World Trade Center. A rope flew from the helicopter, the dark figure sliding down the rope. The rope itself was cold and wet, and the person sliding down the rope's palms began to burn from the speed of his decent. He couldn't take the pain anymore. He let go of the rope, falling downard towards the roof of the left-most tower. He grabbed onto the rope once he was close enough to the ground, jumping down from it, landing on the slippery roof of the tower. Water splashed up as his feet impacted the roof. He slowly walked towards the small box-like house on the top of the roof and went to open it.


This strange person threw a quick punch to the left, a punch to the right, and a powerful roundhouse kick, all administered to the locked door that now lay at the figure's feet, a broken pile of splienters. The man walked over what was once blocking his way and headed down the dark stairs. It was dark and the man could not even see his hand in front of his face. He slowly trudged down the dark stairway, trying not to lose his footing in the darkness. He made his way, step after step. It seemed endless, until he stepped down onto the ground of the building. The room he was in was still fairly small and dark, but the light from the guard patrolling the room lit up the dark area, allowing this strange person to quietly sneak up behing the guard, draw his socom pistol, and shout for the sentry to hold his hands over his head.

"...Wh....who are you?!" The guard shouted, fear clearly taking over his body. He spoke with a Russian accent as well. This made the strange person **** his eyebrow and press the gun against the soldier's head.

"You a Russian?" The man asked.

The hostaged soldier hesitated to answer.

The man shrugged and sent a foot to the side of the guard's head, causing him to fall down to the ground and pass out. The man dusted off his palms and looked over to his right, spotting a large cargo elevator. He stepped inside and hit the 'BF1' switch on the panel and folded his arms as the large metal gates shut in front of him, and the old metal elevator began to send him downward. He put his hands on the hood of his overcoat, slowly removing it. His dark brown hair and blue bandanna were soaked with water, as were his face and chin whiskers. He wiped his face clean with both hands and threw off the rest of his disguise. He was wearing a dark blue, almost black sneaking outfit with several ammo caches hooked to the front of it. On it's left leg was a holster for his pistol. The man folded his arms again and looked up, muttering something.

"..I'm gettin' too old for this..."

A ringing tone could be heard in the inside of this person's ear.

"Snake, did you get it?"

"Yeah, there aren't that many patrolling this area. One thing bugged me though, I just heard one of 'em, and he sounded like a Russian..." Snake replied.

"...Russian?...You don't think they're..."

"No, there's no way they could be involved....unless..."

"Snake, you remember Gurlukovich's army from the Big Shell incident, right?" The other voice asked.

"Of course...what happened to them after that? We both know that their leader, Olga Gurlukovich died at the hand of Solidus..." Snake replied.

"Ocelot became the new leader of this orphaned army. According to the information gathered by Raiden, Ocelot is involved in this one. He probably had his army take over the place, and hold it hostage." The voice said.

"But Raiden saw employees in the building, it didn't seem any different..." Snake stated.

"Huh....that's odd....we'll worry about that later. Snake, Raiden is somewhere in there, as is Metal Gear, you know what you have to do."

"Right...talk to you later Otacon..."

The elevator finally reached it's destination, and the doors to the elevator opened, allowing Snake to walk out into a massive warehouse. There were boxes stacked up to the cieling, and the room was hardly lit by the small lights at the roof that seemed miles away from the ground. Snake had a feeling that Metal Gear would be somewhere in this area.

Just as he was about to step out onto the warehouse floor, his Codec rang.

"Be careful, there are claymore mines around that area...use a mine detector..." A distorted voice instructed.

"No...it can't be..." Snake said to himself.

"Who are you?!" Snake shouted.

".......Let's just say I'm...one of your fans..." The transmition ended.

Snake immediately contacted Otacon.

"Otacon! Someone just contacted me, and he wasn't using burst transmition either, it was a transmition from inside the base somewhere...you don't think it's...."

"No, that would be impossible...there's no way that he could still be alive." Otacon replied.

"Yeah, but it was impossible to develop an invisible nuclear warhead wasn't it, it was impossible to create a genetically enhanced soldier, it was impossible to revive him in the first place, but they did it anyway...I have a bad feeling about this..." Snake said.

"Just watch your back Snake, I'll try to locate where the transmission came from." Otacon said.

Snake slowly snuk foward. The large warehouse was filled with large cargo boxes, perfect for hiding if the time would come. Snake continued down the massive hallway, hiding behind these cargo boxes, patiently sneaking around the sentries patrolling the area. A guard walked from one box to the other, and before he reached the other box, a metallic hand grabbed the soldier's neck, and a massive, shining katana slit the guard's throat. Snake silently gasped as he witnessed this only a few feet away. Snake heard another scream, and realized that this person had killed every guard in the area. He could hear footsteps coming towards him. He stood up and drew his socom pistol quickly, aiming it at the silent assassin that had just killed the sentries in the warehouse. He was wearing a white bandana that was wrapped around the entire top of his head. His lower face was covered by a black mask that distorted his voice. Only his green eyes could be seen. His clothing consisted of a white ninja gi. A large japanese katana was strapped to this 'ninja's' back, and his arms had metal armguards on them.

"Who are you?!" Snake shouted, keeping his gun aimed in between the ninja's eyes.

The ninja hesitated, closed his eyes, and said.

"...Neither enemy nor friend...I am back from a world where such words are....meaningless..." The ninja said as he drew his sword.

"No...you can't be Gray Fox...you died in Shadow Moses...how could you...be here..." Snake said, stunned, his finger straying away from his gun's trigger.

"Come Snake...let me see just how strong you are...." The Ninja said, assuming a battling stance.

"Who are you....are you Gray Fox?..." Snake hissed as he slowly sidestepped the ninja, strafing around him.

The ninja once again hesitated.

"Call me....White Devil...."

The ninja shook his head and darted towards Snake, his sword extended so that it might slice Snake's throat. Snake quickly rolled foward and spun around, firing his Socom pistol at the moving white blur that was once the ninja. Snake's oponent quickly twirled around several times, deflecting the bullets fired from Snake with his katana. As soon as the ninja's twirling stopped, he shouted out;

"You cannot defeat me with weapons!"

The ninja, or, "White Devil" dashed behind one of the many massive cargo boxes in the warehouse.

"Where'd he go..." Snake said as he stood still and looked around, confused. White Devil came around the side of the warehouse at blinding speeds, slowing down when he came to a cargo box that was not far from Snake, who was, to White Devil's advantage, not facing his oponent. Devil came up behind Snake, but before he could even raise his katana, Snake gave Devil a strong backwards elbow jab, following it up with an ariel roundhouse kick, sending the ninja away from Snake, giving him some distance. Snake heard his codec ring. Devil was still down on his hands and knees, recovering from Snake's attack.

"What is it?!" Snake shouted, breathing heavily.

"Snake, it's me..." A familiar voice whispered.

"Raiden?!" Snake exclaimed hastily.

"Yes, it's me. I can't believe your frequency is still 141.80...not a very good idea...oh well..." Raiden replied calmly.

"I'm fighting someone, or someTHING right now, dressed as a ninja, I can't keep up this transfer or he'll get to me. Raiden, wait for me to call, just stand by for now!!" Snake shoted as he ran off to his side.

Devil sprang to his feet and came up to Snake, grabbing him by the mouth.

"It's no use trying to hide Snake, I can sense your body heat, where you are...and now...you will die...."

Devil raised his sword and pointed it toward Snake's head.

EDIT-Should I continue this?
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Old May 24th, 2002, 10:08 PM   #4
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Hell yeah finish it! Great story man, it's been awhile since I've played MGS2 and this story got me in the mood for another round of it. Very intelligent and creative fic indeed...keep it up!
and for now the tired soldier sheathes his sword...
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Old May 26th, 2002, 11:03 PM   #5
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I'd love to continue this story...but if I don't get more replies then I really don't see the point in doing so....T_T
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Old May 27th, 2002, 12:40 AM   #6
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hey i like it very cool hey heres a idea if you do another story with metal gear how about you include people from this forum in it just a idea.
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Old May 28th, 2002, 12:08 PM   #7
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Here is Chapter 4

Chapter 4:Hauntings of the Past
Snake could feel Devil's katana being pressed almost gently upon his neck. He tilted his head downward, looking at the ground below him. Drips of sweat began to run down the front of his face and onto the floor. He could feel the blade's pressure on his skin increasing. This was the end for him, no doubt about it...

Just as the blade penetrated his skin, a gunshot could be heard, coming from the northern area of the warehouse. The bullet shot through the air, coming towards White Devil. The bullet almost hit it's mark, grazing the Ninja's arm, causing him to hastily take the katana off of Snake's neck. Snake quickly sprung to his feet, delivering three hasty blows to Devil's face, followed by a lightning-fast kick to his chest, sending him to the floor. The Ninja got up slowly, with the bleeding Snake looking down upon him. Devil clutched his wound and fell limp.

"Snake....you may have won this battle...but I am far from finished with you my friend..."

Devil dashed off into the darkness behind him, fading away from Snake's sight.

Snake turned around, walking towards where the gunshot had come from. He kept his Socom held in his hands, fully loaded. He walked slowly past the giant crates, and came up to a dark figure, one that he could not make out in the darkness. When it caught sight of Snake, it slowly backed away from him, eventually breaking out into a frantic run for the next room.

Snake quickly followed the dark shadow into the next room.

He opened the door and slowly walked foward, keeping his Socom held out in front of him. He was inside of what seemed to be an office of some sort, with marble floors and beautifully a beautifully decorated interior. He didn't expect to see something like this in an underground housing for the new Metal Gear. But before he could take another step foward, he heard the sound of a gun's magazine clicking. He could feel the presence of something to his side. He quickly turned to his right, holding his gun in front of him.

"David?..." A feminine sounding voice called out.

Snake instantly recognized the voice that called his name.Nobody but 'her' knew his real name.... He knew that voice anywhere...it wasn't the type of voice that he was able to forget. He lowered his weapon.

"Meryl?..." He asked.

The red-headed girl stepped out from the shadows that kept her hidden and now could be seen completely. She was wearing the same black tank-top and green pants that she had worn on Snake and Meryl's first...and what was thought to be last, mission.

"Meryl...what are you doing here?" Snake hastily asked, turning around, unable to look at the woman for some reason.

Meryl looked surprised. She walked over to Snake and put her hand on his shoulder.

"David...it's been almost three years...aren't you concerned? Don't you want to know what happened?..." Meryl said sympathetically.

Snake nudged Meryl's hand off of his shoulder.

"Not really..." He replied coldly, turning around, walking around Meryl, making sure not to make eye contact with her. He then started looking for another door in the room that may lead to Metal Gear.

"David...." Meryl said.

Snake turned towards Meryl, and this time he looked her straight in the eye.

"Don't call me that...it's not my name..." He hastily resumed scanning the room.

Meryl walked over to him again, this time standing on his right side.

"Snake...don't blame yourself for what happened. You couldn't do anything...it wasn't your fault."

Snake tilted his head, looking at the ground.

"Exactly, I didn't do anything!!....I should have done something...it's all of my fault...all of it...the people who took you away...I'm no better than they were...hell....I'm worse...if only I hadn't been so weak..." Snake said as he continued to stare at the floor.

Meryl grabbed Snake's hand

"David, listen to me. There was nothing that anybody could've done...he was just too strong...I knew...I knew that they were going to take me away from the start...I knew you'd try and stop them, but....I also knew that you wouldn't be able to save me...."

Snake's mind raced back to the very night that he had lost the only person he loved...

After the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake and Merly moved away from Alaska, leaving all of their painful memories behind. They moved to Europe, and lived a happy life together for several months. All until that one night that changed everything.

A dark figure stood in front of a fairly large house, with a radio in his left hand, and a knife in the other. He looked up at the house's roof, and leaped high into the air, landing perfectly on the roof. He activated his radio.

"Yes...the girl is here...."

"That is correct...Snake is with her...."

"You want me to kill them both?..."

"Just Snake then...."

"What about the girl?..."

"I see...yes...of course...."

He walked along the roof until he came to a window that was at the back of the house. He jumped down to the edge of the roof and hung off, staring into the window, trying to make out what was inside.

It was Snake and Meryl, sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Hanging on the wall behind them was a tattered and torn dark blue bandanna. The rest of the room was fairly empty.

The dark figure swung foward, his legs almost shattering the glass of the window. He quietly used his knife to cut through the thin glass precisely, and then let the glass fall down onto the ground below him as he snuck into the house. He picked up the red haired girl and leaned over Snake, his knife now pressed against Snake's throat. But before he could apply pressure to the sleeping Snake, Meryl's eyes slowly opened. It took her a few moments to realize what was going on, but when she did, she tried as hard as she could to free herself from this dark figure's grip.

"DAVID!!!!!" She screamed as Snake quickly shot up, seeing a knife right below his chin, he slowly moved back down.

"Yes...that's right...do not worry Snake...she will be in good hands....although I cannot say the same for you.

Snake quickly sprung foward, grabbing the knife's handle. The dark figure quickly threw Snake's hand off of the knife and he then held Meryl at knifepoint, slowly backing away.

"Make one more move and you'll have quite a mess to clean up...." The figure said with an evil smile.

"Snake...I was sent here with orders to kill you and take the girl...but....I think I will spare your life in exchange for the girl's....take a good look at her...you won't be seeing her again..."

The figure jumped out of the window, running down the side of the house with lightning-fast agility and speed.

Snake ran over to the window, watching helplessly as his love slowly faded from his sight. Snake fell to his kness and covered his face with his hands.

"What.......what have I done?....Meryl...I'm so sorry...please forgive me...."

Snake looked at Meryl, now aware that the woman that he loved was standing right in front of him...

"Meryl....what...happened to you?.."

"They kept me at a 'prison'. They had already known that you had told me everything. They were going to keep me there for the rest of my life....but...after I made several attempted escapes, they decided to simply execute me...they figured it would be the best way to solve the problem. I made one last attempt to escape...and it was sucessful. I tried to find you David...I managed to get back to Europe...but you weren't there...I searched all over for you...and then...just recently, I found out about you and Otacon forming that 'Philanthropy' group. I figured that since you were after every Metal Gear on the planet, if I managed to find a Metal Gear...I'd find you. And here you are." Meryl said as she out her arms around Snake, burying her head in his chest.

"David....I still love you...I always will...what happened back then...it doesn't matter anymore...I don't blame you for it...I love you, David"

She noticed the wound on the back of his neck.

"David......you're hurt........" She said as looked into his eyes.

"M...Meryl...." Snake was speechless at this point. The one person that he had lost and though would never see again was right here in his arms. He wanted right there and then to forget the mission and get out of there with Meryl and start yet another new life together.

Snake leaned in to kiss Meryl, but before he could, his codec rang.

("Damn it...") He thought.

He answered the codec call.

It was Raiden.

"Snake...you won't believe what I just found...."
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Old May 28th, 2002, 04:09 PM   #8
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Arrow Good Work

Its A Great Fiction, Trust Me It Is. By The Way, MGS2's Tanker Chapter Took Place In The Year 2012 And Plant Chapter Took Place In 2014. Just Thought U Would Like To Know That

But Its A Great One. A Job Very Well Done. Add New Style To It, New Features, New Get Ups And Stuff Like That! Its Still Great!
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Old May 28th, 2002, 10:24 PM   #9
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Thanks man, I was never good at keeping the dates of the game true to the actual fanfic. When I figure out the right amount of time that it was, I'll edit the 4th chapter to fit with the storyline. Chapter 5 is being worked on now
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Old Jun 21st, 2002, 09:37 PM   #10
Black Heart
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Thumbs up

Esjay, you have to keep on posting your fic! I know it's frustrating if you don't get as many replies as you expected, but trust me, it's too cool to for not being posted! I'd like to read the next part!
A really good MGS fic it is! I must say it makes me want to play the game again!
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Old Jun 24th, 2002, 03:50 PM   #11
Ice Cold
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Keep it up Esjay!

Great story man, it's been awhile since I've played MGS2 and this story got me in the mood for another round of it. Very intelligent and creative fic indeed...keep it up!

Semper Fi!
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Old Jun 30th, 2002, 08:34 AM   #12
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Yeah, keep on posting! This is a very good story based on MGS series!
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