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Old Oct 18th, 2003, 11:53 PM   #23
Preventer Wind
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Age: 37
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So based on 1% of people you've decided that age flat out doesent matter. I just cant make any sence of that
Yes. How do you not see it? It's not just for 1%. It's for every one. If being older really mattered Florida wouldn't have as many senior citizens. Why is it that most of the time it's the older people that get fired and laid off? Why is it that younger people usually fill their jobs? According to you that's just insane. Why did Lebron James go #1 in the draft? He's only 18. By your standards almost every single collegiate player regardless of race or sex or anything else is better. Do you really believe that? Or can you now see that it's not age that matters?

Again, I belive maturity goes ALOT deeper than that. Any moron can make a decision and stand behind it. I could pick my nose and then stand behind my decision to pick my nose. So to you that alone would make me mature. Again, I cant make any sence of that
Yes, any moron can be mature. It doesn't take a lot of know it all to know how to be mature. Picking your nose is fine by me. Just don't touch me. The real definition of maturity is reaching the final level. But being mature involves what I said.

Ive hard many little kids say things that a more mature person wouldnt. Like telling someone whos got cancer that they are bald. A more mature person would know better. While a 5 year old would not. The fact that you would blame a little kid whos only 5 for doing something immature just boggles my mind. Maybe thats why your so mean to little kids eh ? .
No that's being honest. Are you saying that being honest is not being mature? Sometimes it's not. How could you fault a kid for being honest? No one who survives cancer would care that a 5-year-old called him or her bald any way. Does the kid no any better? Most of them don't. If as a guardian you would explain before hand to the kid what is wrong with the person then the kid would know better and the kid probably wouldn't even say anything. Why are we talking about 5 year olds and cancer any way? And how am I mean to little kids?

And I do have what, 3 more years experience than you. Thats where mine comes from. And of course ones perception of events around him and how many people he deals with form day to day effects what he makes of his experience. So its not completely about experience, but it is the largest part.
Your 3 more years of doing what? Breathing? Eating? Sleeping? Hell you were older then most of your graduating class, how come you weren’t Valedictorian? Where my good friend does you being older then me have any thing to do with any thing other then you can legally buy smokes and some porn or you can work at more places then me? How does experience come into play there? For being 3 years older then me what do you have to show? Your High School Diploma? A couple of paychecks? How silly of me. I think I will bow down the next time I see you and seek information in the ways of...ummmm help me out here....???

"Know thy enemy and know thy self,"
"Find naught to fear in 100 battles."
"Know not thy enemy, but know thy self,"
"Find victory and defeat in equal measure"
"Know thy enemy, but know not thy self,"
"Find defeat in every battle."

Sun Tzu
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