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Old Apr 28th, 2003, 08:01 PM   #39
Preventer Wind
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Originally posted by merylsilverburg
This topic was to discuss about anime and we're completely veering off. It's not fully discussed yet because I'm pretty sure people still think my reasons are crap and the Japanese are arrogant racists. And I've explained already that they're not but no one seems to understand that all because of two words: tradition and the difference in culture.
Not at all. I don't think the Japanese are racist and I don't think you are. In fact I believe the majority to be quiet and nice people. I think you have very good reasons and I have never known any Asian to be arrogant. I understand the Japanese are steeped in tradition and their culture is different from the one I live in.

I thought this thread was created so that someone can answer the question about why there isn't American anime. Well, I gave my answers and get bashed for it. That's fine, I didn't expect things to turn out pleasant anyway.
I am sorry for bashing you but, like i said earlier, I was angry about some of the things you said about americans. Though I wouldn't say you got bashed, I have had much worse arguments. You actually have people that agree with you.

Originally posted by merylsilverburg
This is true...maybe you do know a little better of the US...but again, maybe it's the differences of people that you and I have met. Maybe you met more open-minded people...I know I've met some close-minded ones...and I guess I naturally feel that a large percent of the US are like this because looking at how a lot of Americans react to certain things, just heightens my belief.
I just think you are misinformed on how people are in the US. There are probably millions of people that are racists in America, it wouldn't surprise me. But every country has them, but not every country can speak out as much as Americans. You could say it is tradition here in America. I doubt it will ever go away. There have always been ignorant people living on Earth. But to get the impression that most people are like this, I think is wrong. You have to understand the difference between stereotyping and racism. I think that is what you have encountered. If you have met a racist you wouldn't be allowed to speak or you wouldn't get an answer. Or if you did get an answer it would be much more negative then, "Ching-chong, Hiya!" And I don't think a school is the best place to meet open minded people (weird huh?) because school (High School especially) is more about a popularity then being a good person (sadly).

Yes, a large percent of blacks make up the NBA but there are whites that play it and are good at it. A good Asian example is Yao Ming.
I just used him as an example because he plays for my favorite team and is Asian. The sport was originally played mostly by whites (Due in large part to racism). But to say he would have not been as popular a couple years ago, I feel is wrong. There certainly have been a lot more foreign players coming to the NBA the last couple of years but if he had entered a few years back I think there would still have been a lot of hype because there always is about 7 footers. If you want other examples I can give you some (If you don't follow the game that is)

I just don't see the difference it makes where the anime comes from if it looks the same. I understand you feel the same way (right?) that if it doesn't differ that much that you wouldn't have that much of a problem.

Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
I'm like that, I think JRock and J-Pop is better than the rock and pop music that's over here. The thing I look into the most for rap is the beat and then after I think a beat is good I go for the words. So as long as the beat is good I wouldn't mind listening to it.
Some of the JRock is good. I have a game for the X-Box called Phantom Crash (Really good game) and the soundtrack to the game is nothing but JRock and J-Pop. Most of it I didn't like though. And I can't remember the names of the singers and bands I liked.

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