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Old Apr 27th, 2003, 01:47 PM   #32
Stationary Wonderer
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Anyway, this rapper Jon he currently popular or was he popular a while back?
He just released his first CD I believe not too long was a while after 9/11.

Yeah, people do like different styles...but it's all a matter of taste, rather than being good, right?
Weather something is "good" or not is in the eye of the beholder and if that person eyes are Japanese then yes they probably have a different idea of what is good and what isnt. Its called cultural differences and they effect nearly EVERY aspect of life. I mean I consider myself to be very open to music...If I hear something that I think sounds good then I listen to it regardless of whos performing it. But I must say Ive heard that J-pop and J/Rock stuff and I dont think its good at all. So i would say its not good and you would say it is good. Whose right...the answer.. neither of us. Basically you cant say that J-Pop is good yet wouldn't be liked in the U.S because were racist. Thats simply NOT the case. And yes it has alot to do with your taste in music . And that isnt effected by racism its effected by cultural differences. Im not racist against asian people at all.. in fact.. I would love (After this whole SARS thing is cleared up) To go to China/Japan and visit for a while.. the culture thier is very interesting to me. So Im not racist yet I stll dont like J-Pop or even think its good music.

They like the whole martial arts thing, but if an Asian or whatever were to speak to them or say anything, they would start with the "Man, you stupid or something?" or "Ching-chong, ching-chong...shaddup chink!"
Ok heres where U can benefit from an AMERICAN point of view on this one. I grew up in a black neighborhood and have gone to schools with a large black population all my life. (Keep in mind we are talking about your average urban African American here). And I can tel you that its not just Asians that are treated like that by black people. If a white kid tried to talk to them (The group of them you spoke of) hed be treated the same way and called whitey or something rather than chink. The only way you can get in with that kind of group is to act like them...essentially you must act black. Anyone could get to be friends with a group of black kids regardless of their nationality as long as they acted black well. (Acting black includes wearing black cloths.. speaking ebonics.. ya know that sort of thing). Theres a Chinese kid that looks VERY Chinese that hangs out with nothing but the urban.. rap obsessed black kidz in our school and is as much one of them as they are themselves. I mean you are right Meryl being Asian will get you trated differently...and theres always those ignorant.. immature people who think you have to be into martial arts but that can easily be put behind you if you if you adopt their style and get in with thier group. I mean sure no Asian is going to get in with a group of Ignorant American kids if he doesent act like them just as a white kid isnt going to get in with a group of black kids blasting country music and wearing tight cloths. Bottom line we ALL feel racism in one way or another it isnt just a "We hate Asians " kinda thing. We hate me. Were equal opportunity haters . . And fi you dont want to change your style its called "Get in where you fit in" its what we all have had to do at one point or another there are plenty of groups that would accept and befriend an Asian person who kept their culture close to them

The kinder, gentler, Vicious

Beretta55- "fo sheezy heezy neezy weezy flipity floppity floop"

Lost Myth- "I already know you are something special and I think the Pistons did too,
because then why would they have won the trophy on your birthday dude?

Anonymous- "Whos more to blame, me for being quote un quote gullible ?, or him for lying !?"
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