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Old Dec 4th, 2002, 04:32 PM   #15
Dark Angel
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Joined: Feb 2002
Location: England
Posts: 226
Dark Angel is on a distinguished road
Fine then..

Chapter 5

The sub begin to surfaced from the water inside a moist docking bay surrounded by guards. Water dripped from the sub as it laid motionless in the still water. The sub was also surrounded by railings, above were high powered lights, and in every corner stood guard on watch. In one instance the lid hatch flew open and out came to SEALS, following them was Ocelot. Ocelot stroked his hair back as he took a look around the wide room full of guards. Ahead of Ocelot, stood a man who looked as he was the in command.

The man was of average height, with long black vibrant black hair, cold blue eyes, and a dark complexion. He was wearing some kind of body suit made of an unknown composite. Upon his back was a large rifle shaped weapon, it was unfamiliar to those ignorant to the top secret military world. But it was his weapon of choice for this person. The man smirk at Ocelot, and Ocelot return the same expression.

"Ocelot, so everything went as planned?" The mysterious man said.

"Yes, I have the disc." Ocelot responded.

He removed the disc from it's concealed spot on him and handed it to the man.

" it's only a matter of time Ocelot, our plan will succeed."

Ocelot nodded and thought to himself.

"Yes.....only a matter of time, but you are only a pawn in the game of the Patriots my friend.

They both walked off followed by most of the guards. Meanwhile inside the sub, Snake was just waking up from the long ride, getting ready for what was next.

Snake hit his head a few times to shake off the cobwebs, he then begin to approach the bow hatch of the sub. It was wide open, but for the moment no guards were around that area of the sub, being that most of them had left. Most of the sentries were above on the catwalk above, and around the front of the sub. Snake silently let himself in the water, immediately equipping his o2 stabilizer. It was oval shape and went directly over his face. He begin to observe from under the water the few sentries left in the room.

Snake noticed one on the northwest corner of the highest catwalk, the guard seem to be just to be stationary and not patrolling, however the guard in the opposite corner was patrolling, Snake made a note of that. Finally he observe the current level he was on, there two guards guarding what look like an elevator that went to the facility main areas. They were standing on both side of the elevator. Snake knew he couldn't get through that way, he would be spotted for sure. It had no choice but to find another way inside.

Unexpectedly his codec rang once again.

Meryl: "Hey Snake this is Meryl, I'm going saved the codec conversation up to this point ok?"

Snake: "Ok...Meryl."

There is a long pause before she speaks again.

Meryl: "Snake....."

Snake: "Yes Meryl what is it?"

Meryl: "What are your feelings right now on this?"

Snake: "I'm confused, and don't know what to expect...why?"

Meryl: "No I just wanted to know."

Snake: "Hmm...?"

Meryl: "Ok that's all bye for now."

She goes offline and he transfers to Otacon.

Snake: "Otacon can you do the same thing you did back at that other facility?"

Otacon: "You mean with the nanomachines right?"

Snake: "Yeah, I'm having trouble finding a way getting in...."

Otacon: "I would be able to help...but that area you are in has some kind of block..must be a security measure..."

Snake: "Is that on every area Otacon?"

Otacon: "I dunno for sure,..But I'll look into it."

Snake: "I'll find another way in then."

"Wait Snake!!" Otacon said alarmed

Snake: "What is it?"

Otacon: "It's a well known fact that sub docking bays have drainage vents. I'm sure that one has it too. It should be located somewhere under the water."

Snake: "Great wonder where it will lead me."

Otacon: "I dunno Snake, but you will figure something out."

As soon as he cut the conversation he went under the water swimming gracefully towards the bottom. He immediately spotted one of the vents. Approaching it within seconds, he pulled the vent off with little struggle, and begin swimming into it. After a long swim through the narrow tunnel, he finally surfaced in a big storage tank, possibly where the water is stored when it gets drained from the sub docking bay. The large dome based room was very damp and cold. Ahead of him was a electronically locked door which he was unaware of at the moment.

Snake approached it but find it wouldn't open. Disgusted he let out a grunt slamming his fist against it. His digust was distracted by a voice he heard coming from the other side of the door. It was muffled and feminine, but understandable,

"Why are those guards around the sub?" The voice ask demanding

"The Commander told me to.." He is cut off

"Listen to me you fool, get those guards back to their normal patrols in the base." She commanded.

"Yes right away."

They both walked off in the opposite directions, Snake stood there wondering how he was going to get out of the room.

Frustrated, he had no choice but to codec Otacon.

Snake: "Dammit...Otacon, there is an Electronically locked door in front of me. Is there another way around...!?"

Otacon: "I don't believe so Snake, there probably is, but maybe I can do something about this door give me a sec..."

Snake: "So you got access to this area?"

Otacon: "That's right, now all I have to do---"

As Otacon was talking the door suddenly open. Snake, obviously relieved said:

Snake: "Great, it opened, good job Otacon."

Otacon: "What? That's strange, I didn't even finish decoding the lock mechanism, how is that possible!?"

Snake: "!?"

Otacon: "Hmm, I don't like this at all, Snake it might be a trap....."

Snake: "I'm use to those, Otacon don't worry, I'll pull through."

Otacon: "Ok, Be well."

Snake cautiously stepped through the door surveying his surroundings carefully as he entered the long base corridor.
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