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Old Nov 19th, 2002, 06:56 PM   #2
Dark Angel
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Joined: Feb 2002
Location: England
Posts: 226
Dark Angel is on a distinguished road
Chapter 2

Somewhere deeper in the base stands a man of much older age then Snake. His hair a snow white, it went all the way to his shoulder area. This man stood in the shadows and all you could see was his brown custom made cowboy suit, and shoes with spurs. Instead of wearing gun holster standard side to side, he wore it in his custom way, back to front. Among the military world he was known and fear as..... Revolver Ocelot. Deep in the core of the base was his location. In front of him stood a massive piece of equipment, with many modules, and blinking lights that caught the eye. At the moment he was talking on Codec to and unknown counterpart.

Ocelot: "Defense preps are in place everything is ready to go."

"What of the elevator leading to it?"

Ocelot: "Don't worry about that, its been taking care of."

"Good, will you be departing now?"

Ocelot: "You should know me by now, I like how these things play out."

"Haha, ok do as you wish."

Ocelot goes offline.


Snake: "Otacon, you were right. I've got the security level 3 card you were talking about."

Otacon: "Good, Snake the area of the Super computer room should be heavily guarded. Not to mention it is a long walk down that spiral, and there are some unavoidable surveillance cameras..."

Snake: " Don't worry I'll slip through, and as for the long spiral I'll improvise."

Otacon: "How so?"

Snake was looking from the monitor room with his scope at the surroundings.

Snake: "It seems the railings are in symmetry, I could rappel down to the bottom."

Otacon: "You'd risk getting spotted."

Snake looked around some more noticing the cameras that go down the spiral.

Snake: "Not really, the cameras focus on the spiral walkway, I'll rappel down the center."

Otacon: "What if there are some SEALs patrolling?"

Snake: "That is why I have the M9, Otacon I'm going offline."

Otacon: "Ok Snake good luck."

Snake walked from the monitor room, and looked over the railing once again. The drop seemed endless, Snake regained his composure and wrapped the rope around his waist, then he wrapped around the railing, stepping over to the opposite side of it. He took one final look and then pushed off.

Slowly, he begin to descend off one the super structures to the railing. For the moment he could see no guards. After a couple of moments, Snake finally could see what was the bottom. It was a colorless floor, in the middle it held the inscription, "NAVY." Snake landed right in the middle of it, but instinctively hid behind some nearby crates.

The bottom floor was like the other one he had been too, the only difference was there was an elevator to his ninety degree position. There were also two SEALS exiting that same elevator, Snake could see them form his position clearly. Watching and waiting for his moment to strike.

Snake could see them clearly, his M9 equip, ready to strike out at a moments notice. The SEAL on the right went up the spiral, the other SEAL seemed to be patrolling the area around the elevator. Snake could see that, and begin pondering on when to strike. However, he didn't notice that his shadow was being given off a bit by the light above him. Snake was a pro, but even he couldn't notice the obvious mistake he was making. The SEAL spotted his shadow.

"What the...a shadow?" The SEAL ask questioning himself aloud.

The guard started over to his position. Snake bit his tongue for he knew he had made a huge error, the guard now was getting near, with every second that passed by, seem like an eternity. Snake swallowed hard, then spun out with his M9, the SEAL obviously startled jumped back, but regained his nerve immediately, he quickly reached for his rifle. It was to late, Snake had fired a knock out round into his throat. He grabbed his neck in pain before falling to the ground unconscious.

Without wasting anytime, Snake ran to the elevator in was on his way to the ground level to where the Super computer was reportedly held.

After more then a few moments, the elevator reached the ground floor. Snake took a look around at his surrounding upon exiting the elevator. He was in a room full of crates and other obstructions to hide behind, the room stretch about forty yards, it was pretty wide as well. Snake couldn't see across the room because of these obstructions. This room was similar to the ones above. Snake crept across it slowly, but could spot no sentries on patrols.

"It's to damn quiet...." Snake said to Himself.

Snake didn't know a SEAL, with an assault rifle was creeping upon him. He was only a few crates away from Snake, Snake stopped walking and begin to look around. The SEAL hid behind a crate a few feet from Snake. His sixth sense was telling him he was being followed, so quickly he equipped his SOCOM pistol. The SEAL begin walking again, but now Snake was so keened in on his senses, he could hear his footsteps, even though the SEAL was walking lightly across the floor. Snake leaned against one of the crates, as the SEAL came near. He was counting in his head to time his strike.


Snake popped out the corner and fired off two rounds from his SOCOM, the sound shattered through the room, but the SEAL was agile enough to dodge the bullets, and took cover behind a crate adjacent to Snake.

"Damn!" Snake said to himself disappointed.

This SEAL didn't have a radio on him, so obviously he wasn't going be able to call backup. Obviously, this wasn't any ordinary SEAL. Dodging bullets at that distance didn't look like luck to Snake. He had his M-16 resting on his shoulder as he stood crouching on the crate. The SEAL had dark black hair and green eyes, wearing standard military issued covert op equipment.

"Who the hell are you!?" The SEAL ask demanding an answer.

"It doesn't matter, you won't live to talk about it." Snake answered.

Snake knew he was out gunned against this SEAL with his M-16. Somehow he would have to manage with his SOCOM pistol. With quick decision he rolled over to another crate beside him. However, he wouldn't fire any random shots at the SEAL's direction. Snake only cared for shots that hit, he didn't like wasting bullets. The SEAL didn't share the same attitude, for he casually unloaded fire into Snake's designated position.

"Sneaking out here was a big mistake on your part. I was sent here, to take out people like you. I was getting disappointed that no one ever tried, but you change all that." He said with a chuckle in his tone.

He continued to fire with deadly accuracy at the crate Snake was behind. Snake had his plan ready, waiting for his signal to strike. Once again, Snake rolled across to another crate to get an eye on the SEAL's position. He crouched behind the crate, listening carefully to the sound of the SEAL's gun.

The sound of clip being released from the rifle could be heard clearly in Snake's ear, immediately he jumped out from the crate, with his SOCOM pistol, firing off two rounds in unison to the sound. The bullets hit home, tearing the flesh from the SEAL's shoulder, and firing arm. He flew back into a crate wrenching in pain. Snake approached him fast, but cautiously.

Snake was finally upon him with his gun drawn directly at the fallen SEAL. The SEAL was wounded badly in his shoulder and arm. Snake’s expression showed no remorse for what he had done, and it was obvious he was ready to interrogate.

"Who the hell are you!?" Snake said angrily

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Pliskin...." He answered.

"What the hell!?"

Snake had used that alias in the "Big Shell" incident, it couldn't be a coincidence that someone knew about it.

"Yes I am." He said again.

He slouched up against the crate, Snake watching his every move.

"You aren't a SEAL, who sent you!?" Snake ask in a demanding tone.

"Well, I'll give it you that I'm not a SEAL."

"I can see that, so who are you!?"

Pulling a small liquid in a tube out he smirked, Snake watch as he put it near his mouth, drinking every bit of the small portion it had. Snake made a confused look, but soon realized what he was doing.

"Well, you will figure out soon enough...but I ask myself this rhetorical question. Will it be to late?"

His eyes closed slowly, and it was apparent to Snake he had passed. Snake felt his neck for a pulse to confirm it, there was nothing, he was gone.
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