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Old Nov 19th, 2002, 06:54 PM   #1
Dark Angel
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Dark Angel is on a distinguished road
Metal Gear Solid 3: Enter the Patriots

A kinda departure from my usual MGS fics...but hey I just had to have a go at the MGS3 thing too:

Chapter 1

"Until yesterday, I was confused as anyone else in this whole thing. The 12 man of the Wiseman Committee dead, left us wondering what the hell was going on. Our anti-Metal Gear activities were still at a high, but some how the Arsenal Gear that crashed into Federal Hall disappeared. And old friend named Natasha Romaneko tipped us off on where it could have been held. A remote Island in the Bermuda Triangle."

Snake could be seen swimming ashore from a far in the cover of darkness in the glimmering moon of the night.

"This must be it"

Sticking his hand out with a rectangular object in hand, a high energy field began to fall revealing a Island. Some search lights were scanning the area, but Snake quickly avoided them with his stealth techniques, finally crouching against a rock, the energy wall closed again, suddenly his Codec ringed.

Snake: "This is Snake, can you read me Otacon?"

Otacon: "Nice and clear Snake, are you ok?"

Snake: "Yeah, it was a long swim from the cargo ship I hid aboard, but I managed"

Otacon: "That’s good to hear"

Snake: "There are a number of search light here, and the electro diffuser you gave me took down the energy wall."

Otacon: "Yeah, the Intel we got told me about it. It only took a few calculations to found out a code and gizmo to diffuse it."

Snake: "I'm going to take a look around with my scope"

Snake took out his scope, which could see a great distance ahead of his normal vision. He took a good look around but could see only search lights and a watch tower.

Otacon: "What do you see?"

Snake: " Sentries"

Otacon: "Of course not Snake, they don't expect someone to find this Island, we got this Intel from Natasha, and you know her."

Snake: "Yeah she has access to Top Secret info, some underground league she with huh?"

Otacon: "Exactly"

Snake: "Ok, we just got to be cautious, we've been used before"

Otacon: "I know, I remember the Tanker incident."

Snake: "Right, so let’s go over what I'm suppose to do here again."

Otacon: "Ok, we know Arsenal Gear program AI is here, Snake that disk you have with you is a virus similar to the one Emma made."

Snake takes the disk out his pouch and examines it, it is a normal shape disk with a plastic covering.

Snake: "How did you program something like this so fast?"

Otacon: "Simple, I mostly copied the program my sis' wrote and added some of my own twist."

Snake: "Ah."

Otacon: "Well, anyway Snake you are to insert that disk into the super computer located on the B2 level of the base."

Snake: "Otacon hate to break it to you, but I don't see any base here."

Otacon: "Its there, use your scope again."

Snake pulled out his scope looking into the area where he thought something might be.

Otacon: "You see that watch tower?"

Snake: "I do."

Otacon: "You see it isn't really a watch tower, it has an elevator in it that goes down to the secret base here"

Snake: "I see, can I go straight to the super computer by that?"

Otacon: "Snake, you of all people should know it won't be that easy."

Snake: "Well...."

Otacon: "That will take you down to the main floor, from there you must find the main elevator that goes down to the super computer."

Snake: "Oh I see, I go down to the main floor and from there, find the main elevator that goes to the super computer."

Otacon: "You got it."

Snake: "Ok I'm ready to go."

Otacon: "Before you go Snake, you have the M9 knock out gun, please no senseless killing with the Socom, plus you risk getting spotted with that."

Snake: "I know Otacon, I'll try."

Otacon: "One more thing, I won't be saving your mission data."

Snake: "!?"

Otacon: "Its someone you might know"

Snake: "Mei Ling?"

A different voice comes in over the Codec.

"Does this sound like Mei Ling?

Snake: "Meryl!?"

Meryl: "You got it. Long time no see Snake."

Snake: "Otacon what the hell!?"

Otacon: "I thought it was a good idea, you guys haven't talk in ages"

Meryl: "Not happy to see me Snake?"

Snake: "....!"

Meryl: "No Hard feelings, I'm only here for saving mission data. My Frequency is 140.25, just like old times. Call me when you need to save"

She goes offline.

Snake: "Otacon will gotta talk..."

Snake goes offline.

Snake slowly rose to his feet and begin to time his footing through the searchlights, he knew only a rookie would be spotted so early. He wasn't a rookie however, haven't a payload of stealth missions under his belt, sneaking past searchlights is child's play.

After he rolled past the last searchlight, he ran up to where the watch tower was, instinctively crouching against it. He could see inside the entrance, the watch tower was made of old cobblestone that was well worn. It felt tight against his back, but his grey skin tight sneaking suit absorb most of the shock. On his head he still wore his renowned bandana which was around his forehand, his hair a dirty brown color with a mullet hairstyle, eyes a cold blue.

Those eyes peered around the corner to the entrance, inside Snake could see what looked like an old cargo elevator with an iron gate for a door. It appeared to be moving because the sound of its motor could be heard making a churning noise.

A few moments past and the elevator reached where Snake was apparently with a passenger aboard. Snake could see someone did come off and was more alert when he saw a familiar patch on the passengers arm.

"Navy Seal....?"

He immediately called Otacon on his Codec.

Otacon: "What is it Snake?"

Snake: "What is a Seal doing here?"

Otacon: "Don't you remember that Arsenal Gear was a Navy project?"

Snake: "Oh that’s right, it was made to compete with the new Ray model."

Otacon: "That explains why that Seal is there, he is probably on guard duty."

Snake: "Ok he shouldn't be much of a problem. I'll deal with him"

Snake took out his Scope to peer around inside of the watch tower, ahead of him he could see a number of large crates that he could use to sneak around the guard.

Snake quickly rolled in when the guard let his nerve down and stuck up against the crate. He watched as the guard walked out of the entrance of the watch tower and begin to run to the elevator. Once inside of it, he pressed the main floor. The elevator gate closed and it moved briefly afterwards.

The elevator trip was not brief, and in the that time Snake's Codec ringed.

Meryl: "Hey Snake"

Snake: "Meryl...?"

Meryl: "Yes"

Snake: "What is it?"

There is a brief pause.

Meryl: "I just wanted to know how is to be back "in."

Snake: "I don't feel much of anything, I've been through so many missions, this feels routine."

Meryl: "Routine, yeah that sounds like the Snake I know."

Snake: "....."

Meryl: "Snake..."

Snake: "What is it?

Meryl: "Is killing still routine for you?"

Snake: "Meryl, I don't think about that. I told you before at Shadow Moses: "Killing is something that becomes easier the more you do it."

Meryl: "Yup same ol' Snake."

Otacon cuts in.

Otacon: "Hey Snake I got more Intel."

Snake: "Hmm?"

Otacon: "A Seal on the floor you headed has the level 3 card the leads to where the super computer is."

Snake: "Huh...who gave you this?"

Otacon: "No one."

Snake: "What the..!?"

Otacon: "You see Snake, when you landed on the Island your nanomachines via satellite link me up to there database."

Snake: "Ok?"

Otacon: "You know I'm a hacker, I easily cracked whatever security measure they had and got info on everything in there."

Snake: "So, a guard on the floor I'm headed to has the level 3 security card that needs to the super computer, gotcha."

He goes offline, and the elevator eventually reaches the floor.

Snake quickly jetted out the elevator, the door closing behind him. The base was constructed circular, spiraling to the bottom. Fluorescent lights were high above lighting the dark tunnel that the spiral created below. Snake was on the highest level, it was a cat walk with a three rails securing it. He leaned over the rail taking a look down the dark abyss.

"That's a long drop.." Snake said to himself.

To his left was a monitor room, which he immediately noticed. Taking out his M9 he stealthily crept up to the entrance. The door open automatically, and Snake could see a Seal sitting down looking over the monitors. Without hesitation he pulled the trigger, the knock out round hit the Seal in the back of the head, making him go limp. Snake dragged his body to the ground and search through his pockets. Finally he pulled something out, a squared shape plastic looking card. He begin to examine it.

"So they do use key cards here, looks like PAN card to me.

The number 3 was on the right corner of it.

"Security level 3, Otacon was right."

Chapter 2 coming in a minute.
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