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Old Nov 13th, 2002, 04:04 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Weapon_XZ84
ONot a true sequel ?. How can you say its not a true sequel when it dwarfs GTA 3. Theres no question that VC has GTA 3 beat, argue as long as you want but youll still be wrong.
I think you're missing the point of a discussion forum - no one is 'right' or 'wrong' when it comes to opinion. Every opinion is valid.
Why all the negative comments towards VC anyways, it is an absolute masterpice of a game and Rock Star officials spoke out in a press conference saying "We didnt just make VC a rehash sequel" They went on to say how it dwarfs GTA 3 in just about every way.
So you'd rather have a forum where everyone waxes lyrical about how great GTA: VC is? That would get pretty boring quick. Take Final Fantasy VII, a masterpiece if there ever was one, yet there are lots of people who don't like it or see faults in the game. A forum full of positive threads would get boring very quickly.

As for Rockstar saying they didn't simply rehash GTA3 - what does that prove? They will say anything to get you to buy the game cos at the end of the day, they want your money.
Lets face it, which is better or weather or not VC is a GREAT game isnt really up for debate, its a fact. (Not saying you cant list your opinions were all entitled to do that )
You can't say it being a great games is fact because it isn't. You may think it's a great game, I merely think it's good. I think Final Fantasy VII is a great game, other people don't. In either case, it isn't fact but instead is an opinion.
But can you really say that with all its improvements the stinking absence of the so called "Gloominess" really makes that much of a difference ?.
To me it does, it affects the atmosphere of the game. The dark, seedy feel to GTA3 drew me into the game a lot more than the bright, cleaner looking GTA: VC. I really got into GTA3 - I'm nowhere near as into VC.
I just dont get why theres always a good number of people in a group that like to go against the main stream opinion and focus soley on the games minor flaws, like "Gloominess" gimme a break !
When you have a group of people there will always be others who have a differing opinion. That's human nature, and given this is a forum it's only natural to express that opinion in the hopes that discussion will be lively and balanced. A world where everyone thought the same would be extremely boring and lead to no innovation whatsoever. Any community needs people with differing opinions to thrive.

As for minor flaws, I could also mention the sluggish controls and the frustrating targeting system which although much improved, are still not as quick as say Devil May Cry. Perhaps I could mention the frame-rate barely reaching 30fps the majority of the time. I could mention the bland interior locations, or the fact the characters appear to have no fingers...

Yes there are some improvements - but adding such things as the ability to ride motorbikes hardly constitutes a massive improvement.

I have to agree with MakgSnake.
Vice City is basically an add on (expansion pack) kinda thing. Adding new elements which could be "possible" for the current game surrounding are put in.
I'm sorry if this upsets people but the improvements present do not represent a true sequel, but more of an expansion disc. If GTA3 is FIFA2002, then GTA:VC is FIFA2003... Naturally though, this is just my opinion...

- S
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