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Old Jul 18th, 2002, 10:28 PM   #6
Banned Member
Joined: Jul 2002
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AudioBoxer is on a distinguished road
Chapter 6: Bully

The next morning, Towy was on his way to work for the witch, when he was
suddenly stopped at the end of the street. A teenage boy jumped in front of
him and wouldn't let him pass.
"Hey, kid," the boy said, "What makes you think you can walk right past my
"I have to go or I'll be late," Towy said to him as he tried to walk by
The boy grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him back. "If you want to
get by me, you got to give me a dollar," he said to Towy.
"I don't have to give you a dollar," Towy said, trying again to get by
"Oh yes you do, shorty," he replied, grabbing Towy by both arms. He pushed
Towy again, this time so hard he knocked Towy onto the ground. It hurt his
back where his wings were cut. He was afraid he might have lost some of the
yellow liquid.
He thought about using some fairy magic on him. But he knew he couldn't do
that, because he couldn't risk anyone's suspicion that he might not really be
human. If the witch were to hear about it, not only would his mission fail,
but he would be in grave danger of being eaten himself by the witch! He would
have to handle this bully without fairy magic.
He wondered what his hero, Dunerre the Berserker, would do. He saw a stick,
and he grabbed it as he stood up. He went for the boy, swinging the stick
wildly in front of him, screaming.
It did no good; the boy was just too much bigger than Towy. He grabbed
Towy's arm and pulled the stick out of his hand. He put his other arm around
Towy's neck. "Now you're going to get it," he said, and he started cursing at
Towy now knew he would have no choice but to use fairy magic. It would have
to be something that would leave the boy so confused, he wouldn't even think
there might have been magic involved. The first thing he thought of was
giving him an electric shock, which would have been easy. But he knew he
couldn't do that.
The only thing he could think of that might work would be a time-stop. He
would have to stop the boy's time until he could get out of his grip. Even a
full power time-stop would only hold him for six seconds or less, and that
would use up all Towy's strength. But there was nothing else he could do.
Towy was already starting to choke. He could see the boy about to punch him
hard right in his eye!
Towy time-stopped him just in time.
As fast as he could, Towy slipped out of his grip while the boy was frozen
in place. He had a tight hold on Towy, and it took a few seconds for Towy to
wriggle out. Towy managed to get around behind him just in time before the
time-stop wore off.
The instant the time-stop ended, Towy kicked him. Surprised by what was
going on, the boy tumbled over flat on his face. A stone cut him under his
eye, and there was blood on his cheek.
When he looked up, Towy yelled, "You better leave me alone from now on!"
The boy looked up at Towy with a look of shock and terrible confusion. He
wiped his cheek. When he saw that he was bleeding, the boy started crying. He
jumped up and ran to his house.
Before he went in, he turned and looked at Towy. Towy couldn't tell whether
it was a look of fear or of hatred. It made Towy wonder whether or not he
would have any more to worry about from the bully. He hoped that he would be
afraid to try and go after him again. But there was also the danger that he
might try to get back at him, but be more sneaky about it next time.
Towy was exhausted from the time-stop. He barely had enough strength to
stand up. He knew he would be in no shape to go to the witch's house that
day. He turned around and started for home.
He didn't make it. He was only halfway home when he felt so dizzy he fell
to the ground.
The next thing he knew, Towy was back home, with Trisha and her mother. He
was lying on the couch with a pillow under his head.
"Are you alright?" Trisha asked him when she saw him open his eyes. "What
happened?" she asked before he could answer.
"Some big boy tried to make me give him a dollar to get past his house, and
he was going to beat me up so I had to time-stop him."
"That must have been Bill," Trisha said. "He's always been like that. He
likes to pick on little kids. What's a time-stop?"
Towy told Trisha how he had gotten away from Bill, and how he'd run off.
"I don't know if that will stop him," Trisha said. "But I don't think he
liked being beaten by a little boy. He'll be mad, but he might be too scared
to try to go after you again."
"The main thing is I'm sure he was so confused he won't ever figure out
what happened, or think I might not be human," Towy said, trying to smile.
"Watch out for him," Trisha's mother said. "He can be dangerous when he's
really mad. A year or two ago, a little girl's parents yelled at him for
picking on her. A week later he got her and broke her arm. She was only 4
years old. He was arrested, but somehow he got away with it. You'd better
stay away from him."
"Maybe the witch would cast a spell on him for you!" Trisha said.
Towy shook his head. "We don't believe in getting revenge," Towy said. "And
her spells are evil and horrible. But maybe after my true mission, I can help
find a way to stop him from hurting human kids."
Towy felt his eyes closing, and knew he wasn't going to be able to keep
himself awake. Before he fell asleep, he asked Trisha, "Would you go to the
witch and tell her I can't make it today, because I'm not feeling up to it? I
can't do anything that might make her suspicious."
"I'll go," Trisha assured him, and he fell asleep.
Towy didn't wake up again until the next morning. Spending just about the
entire day asleep was enough to restore all his strength. He was fully
prepared for a full day with the witch Reny, even with the skunk odor.
Trisha assured him that the witch understood when she told her why he
didn't come yesterday.
He was careful as he stepped outside that morning. He peeked around before
he ventured down the street. There was no sign of Bill. He quickly but
quietly got by his house, without seeing him. Then he felt safe.
When he reached the witch's home, she was happy to see him. She brought him
inside, and said, "I have something different you can help me with today! I
can feel my powers beginning to fade. I need to eat a fairy. Come with me and
help me capture one!"
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