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Old Jul 18th, 2002, 04:25 PM   #9
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kupoartist is on a distinguished road
hehe... just like my school report, anyways.. here goes :

- Fortune : A jack of all trades... and a master of them as well ^_^. Shes Fortune, the omni-present moderator who's everyone's friend. Great contributions to the commnunity, and a superb artisic talent. And some how, she seems to keep time running at the same time
- Harry : The big bad guy who dishes out the bans ^_^ ... of course he isn't just that. Harry isn't exactly the PS2fantasy bouncer or nothing (though the avatar he used when I was first here, sure got me scared ^_^), he's just the great inteeligemt guy that rules over us all ^_^... hooray for Harry!
- Carlito : He's full of praise and good points, and is always very complimentary. Well, he might not be, and that would explain why he posts less than most people, but what the hey... he's still a great guy!
- Meryl : well... its Meryl duh ^_^... theres a good chance that if you dislike Meryl, you're a bitter twisted person living in some kind of bubble. I see less of her around here nowadays, but she knows she always has friends around here ^_^
- Mourdor / DragonBane : whatever the name, he's the guy who knows RPGs. one of the peeps active when I first logged on, he was clearly the guy with the big bulging RPG brain ^_^ also has the redeeming feature that he's a likeable and groovy guy as well ^_^
- Mena : always starts her threads with a frown icon, but she seems happy enough ^_^ Great fun to have around, and always keen to show off any inner strangeness through her Avatars and Signatures ^_^... In the past she created a lot of cool art, but seems to have lost confidence in her amazing abilites... keep trying Mena!
- Blackthorn : He's open to ideas, but arguementative as hell. (isn't that a contradiction?) hehe... anyways he's just a nice guy when it boils down to it, and hes just full of intelligent and well thought out arguements.
- Spank-A-Thon : he probably doesn't know the meaning behind "mindless spam". I don't think i've ever seen a post from him that doesn't make your brain feel inadequate and puny. Always has intelligent arguements, but he definatly isn't a bore or anything ^_^
- Gadzoox : Groovy Newbie ^_^ Always look foward to seeing her art, as its simply fantastic (she definatly knows her stuff better than me). And she's also completely mad
- Soul_Angel : Keep seeing less of her, which is sad, but we can still look foward to those occasions ^_^
Rei : Rei's posts always seem tobe colourful and intelligently written, and I always look foward to them.
- Cannibal_clown : recently, perhaps he's redefined "colourful" with his language ^_^, but he's always CC and will always have his place in the forums (as an anime guru, not that i'd know to much as i rarely go there :/)
- Spirit : he perhaps posts a little less, but he's always updating us on his excellent artistic endeavours ^_^
- Sword 4 Hire : worshiper of in-game bad-asses he has that badass aura around himself. a general cool guy ^_^
- Kamari-ice : perhaps he's easy to lead on and a bit excitable, but he's very pure at heart and a great guy to have around. seems to be slowly learning in just about every department
- The Rhythimo : as a newbie this guy instantly hit me as a good guy. problem is, he seems to have vanished, though I'm prolly' not looking in the right place or somthing ^_^
- Kabuki Magnifico : When things get a little to serious, and tempers start to rise a little to high, you can always count on Kabuki to enter into the conversation with something plain stupid - but we're sure thankful for that ^_^
- Sleazy_P_Martini : ye olde forum mainstay, it definatly wouldn't be the same without this guy. Has decent opinions, and a wide intrest in a lot of things. Also has a name thats pretty damn catchy ^_^
- Hylas : PS2fantasy's likeable red-head ^_^. Amusing, Intelligent and just generally great to have around. Always looking foward to her visits...
- Ruby_Moon : at a certain time every now and then, Ruby Moon seems to be the name plastered over the majority of the threads. Always has intelligent feedback and arguements to give, and I always anticipate her "return"
- x157anz : a cool guy that's been around for a while. Contributes some good stuff, in a lot of different places.
- Qjij_jijQ : You get a mention, because your name makes my head hurt ^_^ ... our paths cross rarely, but you're still a nice guy ^_^
- Female_Vivi : or "The illegal FF merchandise girl" ... only kidding ^_^. She's nice to have around and is another great person in our ickle forum family ^_^
- Macceh : a decent guy with a love for Final Fantasy. that makes him worth mentioning to me ^_^
- JC_Denton : He's on holiday. He's hardly ever here, so I may as well say somthing nasty knowing that he won't notice right? ... I can't do that, so I'll just say that he's worth a mention as he kind of introduced me to this place... kind of... (running low on Justification points )
- NanjiJ : See above. except he isn't on holiday. oh and "hardly" is much the same as "never"

And then theres the rest of you. I'm sure I've missed some important ones, but then just about everyone here deserves a mention. you're all a bunch of groovy guy and girls ^_^ (this didn't look so long in notepad O_o)
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