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Old Jun 15th, 2002, 07:05 PM   #1
Iroquois Jack
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Qjij_jijQ is on a distinguished road
A story from me ?!?

... Yeah, I know... I'm quite surprised too !

Anyway, I had some time to waste and I figured: Why not write a little scary story ? So, I did... kinda. It's not very scary and it's not very little, but it's still a story, so

Here it is:


a m e r i c a n d a r k t a l e

He had been behind in his work throughout all day and it was now almost 8 :00 pm and he still had a huge conference report to finish… It was raining outside. It had been raining for the past 2 days, but the weather was supposed to clear up any time now… that is what they said. Almost every other member of the faculty had left, since it was Friday. They were all very excited that it was finally the week-end… they had been waiting for it all week after all. He wasn’t used to be the last one to leave and he didn’t really like the feeling… he felt alone and lost. Maybe a good cup of coffee would help him finish his work…

He went to the coffee machine down the hall, where he came across the only other person beside him, that was still in the building… the janitor, of course.

Janitor: Working late tonight ?
Him: Unfortunately… yes.
Janitor: I haven’t seen you around a lot… are you new here ?
Him: I’ve… been working here for the past… 12 years.
Janitor: Really ?
Him: Really…
Janitor: I’m sorry… what did you say your name was again ?
Him: I… never told you my name.
Janitor: Oh ! That’s right… what is it then ?
Him: I have to get back to work now… maybe later.

Without waiting for a reply from his new found friend, he decided to get back to work. He had to finish his work soon… he really hated having to stay at work late.

It was now about 10:35 pm and his work was almost complete… the only thing left to do was to make some copies and he could finally go home. He picked up everything he needed and left… in search of the copying machine.

As he was climbing up the stairs, like he always do, in order to stay in a somewhat decent physical shape, everything suddenly went black and small red lights disposed in every corner of the staircase started flashing… it was a power failure. He rushed up the remaining 2 floors in order to get to the copying machine and he then noticed, by looking through a window that his building was the only one that didn’t have any electricity… After a few seconds standing in front of the window, he remembered that the machine was electrical and that it was now probably out of order… he decided to go back and get his things… he would finish his work Monday morning.

He came back down to his floor… the 24th. Everything was dark there. The only place where he could see lights was near the office desks, where his things were. As he was walking toward there, something caught his attention… to the right, there was the janitor’s broom closet and it was wide open and everything inside was wrecked. Something was going on around here, but he wasn’t sure what… He decided to hurry. He started walking through the corridor, but suddenly… he heard a small sound… He couldn’t hear quite well where it was coming from, but it was close… very close. It wasn’t a horrible sound, but a rather low and weak one. The more he walked, the more he could hear it… it was almost like the sound was coming from right beside him, but he could barely see his hand in front of his face… his only source of light was the lights of the nearby buildings that peeked through the windows near his office. He started running, but the sound was becoming more and more violent… it was like someone was trying to scream, but he still couldn’t figure out what it was.

Arrived in front of his office, he noticed that the sound was now almost practically gone… this nightmare was almost over. He entered his office and tried to find his things. To his surprise, the power came back and he could finally see clearly. He took his jacket and briefcase and stormed out of his office… still bothered by the origin of the noise he had previously heard.

As soon as he turned around, he saw, a few steps away from him… the janitor lying on the ground lifeless ! He had been stabbed numerous times in the back. Then, everything became clear… the noise he had heard a few seconds before… it was… the janitor calling out… for help ! There was someone other than him and the janitor in the building… and that someone was still close… too close for his comfort.

He ran back to his office, terrified like he had never been before. He entered his office and locked the door behind him. Now that the power was back, he was able to call the police for help… but as soon as he picked up the phone, the power went out again. He now knew that the power failure was no accident… someone had done it on purpose… but who ? and why ?

He heard someone walking up to his door… but fortunately, he had locked it a few seconds earlier. He felt somewhat glad he had been wise enough to do so, but as soon as he heard another familiar noise, he knew it was now all over…

… that 'someone' had the janitor’s keys.


Yeah, I know it's crappy, but what ya gonna do ?!?
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