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Old May 24th, 2002, 08:34 PM   #2
Esjay's Avatar
Joined: May 2002
Location: Nisan Sect.
Age: 36
Posts: 508
Esjay is on a distinguished road
chapter numero dos!

Chapter 2:Infiltration

Raiden walked over to the doorway of the room where he and Vamp had just battled. The fact that Vamp was still alive, as well as Ocelot was
bad enough for him, but then there was Metal Gear, it would seem that they'd be after Metal Gear, but no, it was as though they were the
ones behind the project. Raiden, confused by the recent turn of events, contacted Snake once again.

"Snake?" Raiden called out.

"Yeah, I'm here" Snake replied

"Snake....tell me my mission again...I'm confused right now. With Vamp and Ocelot here, it seems like history is repeating itself once again..."

"Fine. I'll tell you everything I know up to this point. About fourteen years ago, there was a terrorist attack on the tower that you are standing in now.
It's rumored that during that time, whch was around 2001, there was a secret project, the first Metal Gear of the twenty-first century. The
Metal Gear that would in turn, 'spawn' the REX and RAY models. According to what Otacon dug up about this, it seems that this Metal Gear
was purposely developed earlier than the REX and RAY models, so that it would be THE most advanced weapon in the world..."

"So it's been in development for almost twenty years?" Raiden asked, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Yeah, it seems that way. And the way that Ocelot and Vamp were talking, as you said, it seems as though they may be the ones behind it all..." Snake replied.

"So that means that Ocelot was involved in the Metal Gear Projects before Shadow Moses..." Raiden said, seemingly talking to himself, not to Snake.

"Raiden, remember. Your mission is to find that Metal Gear, and destroy it before it is completed. As the newest member of Philanthropy, you could say
that this is your final test to prove yourself...." Snake said with a chuckle.

Raiden laughed as well, but he knew that this was no laughing matter. Snake had mentioned the September 11th attack, but it didn't make sense, why
would a Metal Gear be developed at this time? Was it timed this way purposely? Or was there something deeper to this than previously thought?

Snake's face went serious again.

"Raiden, our only problem here is that we don't know where Metal Gear is. My guess would be that it's somewhere underground, but you're gonna have
to confirm this hunch somehow. Try and find someone that might know something. At this hour, many of the employees are not working currently, but
you should be able to find someone who knows something..." Snake said.

"Alright...I'll contact you if I find out anything" Raiden replied.

"By the way Raiden, I just got a call from Otacon, he's going to be helping on the mission as well. You can reach him at the frequency 141.12. He knows
everything about the structure and surroundings of the World Trade Center. Contact him if you have any questions about that..." With that, Snake ended
the transmition and left Raiden to find someone that could tell him where Metal Gear is.

Raiden peeked around the corner of the doorway, not able to see any guards in the hallway. He exited the large room and headed down the dark hallway,
keeping his eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

Raiden stopped as he reached the end of the hallway, seeing a massive doorway. He slid the Level 1 card into the slot, but nothing happened. He saw on the door that a Level 2 card was required to enter. He cursed and slammed his fist against the door, getting a feeling of Deja Vu as he did so.

As he turned around, he almost literally ran into a guard, who had heard the large echoing sound of Raiden's fist hitting the door. The guard raised his weapon, firing it. Raiden leaped to his left and dashed foward, slamming his weight into the guard as the both fell to the ground. The guard kicked Raiden off of him and sprang up to his feet, revealing his radio, calling for backup before Raiden could knock him out. Another stream of bullets came from the barrel of the sentry's gun. Raiden ran into the room on the oposite side of the one that he and Vamp had fought in. To his misfortune, it was a fairly small room with nothing to hide behind. There was only a large desk and a small window, too small to escape from. The desk had several drawers, and there was nothing else in the room except for an old bookcase with several books on nuclear weapons research on the shelves. He could hear several sets of footsteps approach the doorway. Raiden's heart pounded in his chest as he desperately looked around the room for something to use to his advantage. After a few quick moments of looking, he discovered a small handgun in one of the drawers. It wasn't anything special, as Raiden couldn't recognize the handgun. It's design was similar to that of a Magnum's. He just hoped that it's power was as well. Raiden flipped the desk foward, giving him something to hide behind. He checked the handgun for bullets. It was loaded. He had six shots to make, so he wouldn't be able to miss a single shot. He held the gun tightly, waiting for the small group of soldiers to open the door.

The door flew open, lead pouring into the room. Raiden clentched his teeth and waited for the gunfire to stop. The attack squad eventually had to stop to reload, and this was where Raiden made his move. He popped up out from his cover and fired the handgun quickly, killing five of the six guards attacking him. Just as he had planned NOT to do, one of the shots that he made had missed. The remaining guard stood still as stone, petrified at how precise this strange man's aim was. Raiden immediately flipped over the desk he was using and landed in front of it, the surviving guard fumbling to reload his weapon. Before he could do so, Raiden sent two punches into the enemy's face, and a roundhouse kick into his abdomen, knocking the soldier unconcious.

Raiden let out a sigh of relief and tossed the handgun to his side, it wasn't really all that combat worthy. Raiden stepped over the bodies and headed back to the level 2 door, trying to think up a way to get inside.

Suddenly, the door began to open on it's own. Someone was coming out of the hallway. Raiden couldn't afford to be spotted again. He stood to the left of the door and waited for whatever was opening the door to come out. To Raiden's relief, it was only a soldier. Raiden sprung foward, wrapping his arms tightly around the guard's neck, twisting and turning the bone in the person's neck until it finally cracked and killed the soldier. Raiden found the level 2 keycard in the guard's pocket. He took the card and continued down the level 2 door.

The room that he was in now was fairly well-lit. There wasn't anyone in the room at the time, making things easier for Raiden. He slowly stepped into the room, looking around cautiously. The room was carpeted and had a few leather chairs and tables scattered around. There was no other door besides the one that Raiden had come in, unfortunately. There was nowhere else for Raiden to go, he had reached a dead end. Raiden once again recieved a call from Snake.

"How you doing kid?" Snake asked.

"Not good, I've reached a dead end, there's nowhere else to go." Raiden replied, disapointed.

"Which Tower are you in?" Snake asked.

"I'm in Tower B, that was the original mission plan right? I was to sneak into Tower B..." Raiden said

"Change of plans. Go to Tower A and see if that card can get you anywhere. Contact me if you find anything." Snake said

"Got it" Raiden replied.

Raiden ran all the way back to the outside of the massive towers, and made his way over to the tower on the left, Tower A. The door had a large 2 on it for security. Raiden slid his card into the slot and the door opened, the lights in the room coming on instantly.

Once again, there was nobody around. Raiden was beginning to think that this mission would be a little too easy. The room that he was in now was much more furnished than the entrance to Tower B. There were potted plants, chairs, and windows, all in just the entrance hallway. There was also a receptionist desk, but no receptionist. Raiden shrugged and continued down the hall. As he came to the door at the end, he could hear voices again. One of them was Vamp's, the others was indistiguishable.

"Yes...he's here, in Tower B" Vamp said, speaking as quietly as possible.

"No, I wasn't able to kill him, but I will, do not worry..."

"Yes...of course"

Raiden heard a click and then heard footsteps coming for the door. Raiden went to turn around, but was too late. Vamp spotted Raiden and chased after him, with Raiden running as fast as he could back down the hall. Raiden could see the exit just up ahead, he was almost there. Just as his hands were about to push open the door, half a dozen sentries opened it for him, surrounding him. Raiden looked around, seeing six guns, aimed directly at him. He looked back and saw Vamp standing right behind him, breathing on his neck. Raiden could feel his ear vibrate. Snake was trying to contact him.

"Raiden, are you all right?! Answer me!! RAIDEN!!!!!!"
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