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Old May 27th, 2008, 11:13 AM   #7
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I didn't mean to put words in your mouth if thats what it came across as. I was just trying to point out that the heavy hitters on the 360 are FPS games. I agree there are great games out there, its just that when it comes to the biggest sellers historically xbox is a FPS machine. You have a point that with a user base at the 10 Million mark in NA, that it might not be the majority who are buying these games. It just looks like it on paper to me, but I will accept your reasoning.

I didn't mean to make it sound like I have not played other games. My roomate has I think 8 of them, but the majority are launch games that truly lacked anything worthy of playing time, much the many of the PS3 launch games. Other then that he has Forza, and Gears of War. He has a couple others like guitar hero 3, but we prefer Rockband (which I already have). As I stated before, the games are fun and the system is good, it just appeared to me that FPS dominated the console, cause thats what xbox owners want.
Beyond those games, most of the other stuff I touched on with the 360 has a PS3 counterpart like NFS and Burnout. Or I already own on PC like the parts of Orange Box or GRAW for example.

I guess if the companies are expecting to make a huge amount of money then anything but a quick start would be a disappointment. I don't think that the companies expect it though. I think David Jaffe put it best when he said that he never expected Uncharted to fly off the shelves. He knew though that the game would sell over time. He went on to say that games like that or new IP's in general are an acquired taste and sell by word of mouth. Uncharted doesn't still sell well today cause its the only thing available, but because people are seeing that hardly anyone doesn't like it and when they give it a chance fall in love with it. We may see good sales with the sequel though as has been the historical trend with PS owners. I think you would find that if you dug into some of these companies, that they go into new IP's with simular feelings, most are happy to break even early and build a fan base. There is an exception or two of course, but I think its more of a general feeling. I think thats why your already hearing about sequels to games that didn't make sales headlines.

Is console development really livelier on the 360? Not to start a my games are better thread but wouldn't it be fair to say that the upcoming releases on the PS3 seem to be stronger? I realize there are some nice titles coming but, I don't know if I can agree with that statement (at least 2008, early 2009)

I don't believe your example of Clover proved anything.(wow sorry if that sounded harsh, not my intention.) You have to remember too that Capcom shut them down, they didn't end themselves. It was the board of directors at the big company that ended the little company. In fact I believe I read on Joystiq that the head guys at Clover split after the release of God Hand cause they had filled their obligations to Capcom. Plus those clover guys have already opened an independent studio although I can't think of the name at this moment. All this caused speculation that Capcom shut it down cause the big guys left and not cause they were not paying the bills. We have not seen the last of the Clover guys. Their unique experiences will live on. Do you really think they would separate themselves from guaranteed paychecks just to make the same thing?

Agreed MS Live is better the PSN, I have no doubt, but for $50 a year it better be. Although the wide spread reports of the COD4 issues on Live has not done anything but add flame to the "mine is better then yours fanboy BS we see online (not you and me now)" In case you didn't hear COD4 has been having connection issues for the last 4 months or so on Live, games dropping and such. I think some of the issues were corrected lately but other then that and some lag issues its been better overall.

There has been some PS3 issues too, but the companies statement said themselves that the biggest problems have been on Live. Again that was about 2 months ago. I think what the misconception is that PSN has nothing going for it. (not saying its you saying this) For a free service that can offer a quality online experience I have no complaints.

The reason development on 360 is easier is because its the same system that PC's and the original xbox have used for years. Developers didn't have to learn anything new when making the games. I don't agree that the PS2 was nearly as difficult as you are implying, but it was pretty evident that the companies learned and learned well. There are still excellent titles being released on the PS2 today. You are correct in stating that the development on the PS3 has not been easy, but those same developers who say it was hard at first, also have come back and said that they see so much potential in the system. I have not heard many people actually come out and say its extremely difficult. Many have said they had some issues during development but you have to understand that this is new technology. Sony took a chance on something new and we are only seeing stuff that has scratched the surface so far. I mean lets face it, a game like MGS4 would never run or look like the PS3. There isn't the space (unless you made it into 5-6 disks) or the processing power. Hideo Kojima said that himself. I agree though it was sonys fault for trying something new, but in the end it will be worth it. Its like you said, developers found they develop on PS3 first and it even makes the 360 versions look better. They are already learning.

You said that my views on Dead Rising and Lost Planet are purely opinion. Is it not fair to say that you saying they are good games is also in fact opinion. I don't think I said Dead Rising and Lost Planet were buying anything games either. What I did say is that the 360 developers could make anything and it would sell.

While there are things to do on the 360, admitted there are more games, hell there better be with the kind of head start they got, what I am worried about personally is the future of the 360. I realize there seems to be some solid titles coming out, but it would be pretty hard to argue that 2008 and early 2009 go in favor of the PS3, beyond that is anyones guess cause we have not heard much or anything about it yet.

Lets be clear too that if anyone was expecting PS3 to outsell the the 360 on GTA or any multiplat game then they are kidding themselves. Is it cause the 360 version is better. No!, its because the install base is bigger. Its a known fact that the PS3 attach rate for GTA was much better then the 360's. Is a simple fact that there are more people with the systems so more should buy it.

I guess where I disagree with the simple story is in the research and development of that story. Its not like they just said hmmm lets make a game about treasure. Many of the games elements are based on actual written legend which I thought was pretty cool. The way the game was developed to was pretty special. Its basically the first of its kind. I hope they do it again. Again if you read what I said about David Jaffee (creator of Uncharted), it was never there intention to make it a blockbuster game on day one, it was a game that would take time to be loved and game 2 would hopefully be the bigger movement.

The only big difference between Halo and FF when it comes to your opinion and mine is that you yourself said that the Halo franchies didn't do it for you. Your opinion is your opinion when it comes to what you like and don't like. The biggest difference though is that each of these FF games gives you hours and hours of RPG experiences and you won't get a game that can be beat in 4 or 5 hours. Lots of thought and development has been put into each and every one of the FF games. On the other hand Halo 3 was slapped together pretty quickly in terms of game development and didn't do much to further the series. It was one of the biggest complaints of the game, it was the same thing just in a newer box. However the FF games have continued or brought new stories each time out of the box, giving fans something to enjoy. For me 7 was probably the best, and 9 might fall in the top 5. Everyone has an opinion, but I still don't see how comparing Halo to FF is even fair when it comes to history and quality. I mean FF has had more then double great titles then Halo has titles. Thats like saying National Treasure is equal to Starwars.

If I said 360 developers are intentionally half-assing it then I am sorry, I didnt mean it that way. What I was trying to say was they could half-ass it and they would still do well. Although when you look at Halo 3 you almost wonder if your statement that no game developer starts out with that intention..LOL jk jk You see I feel this way cause we have already seen it. Not so much lately, but definitely early. We see the same thing on Wii, but the difference is there that the Wii community doesn't pay for it, but traditionally the MS people have (not everyone). Its nothing against the owners, its just that MS gamers are pretty hardcore for the most part, its hard to deny that. If MS pushes a game publicly and does advertising its amazing the kind of following it will get. Even if its not great in the end.

Final thoughts, I have not considered this to be a you vs me debate. I just realized how it was looking to others if they were reading. Its a great discussion and one that is taking me a freaking hour to respond too lol. We have way to many topics to cover in one post LOL. Also its all good about the post, I think we have some point by point discussion going on now. Lastly, being blunt is fine, I am not offended. One mans baseless accusations are another mans thesis. Looking forward to your response.
(Had to shorten, was over 10,000 characters lol)

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