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Old May 26th, 2008, 09:16 PM   #5
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Yes I am aware that there are many different styles of games on the 360. I am also aware that many different styles are not nearly as talked about or highly praised though. I clearly stated that "Now don't get me wrong, the 360 is a good system, it has fun games." However I don't get how you can argue that the most celebrated and highly touted games on the system are a majority FPS. I am not really sure how saying all games on PS3 are FPS though, most of the top games are not FPS at all. You will also notice that the non-fps games also don't sell at the same rate as FPS's do for the 360. There is the odd acception, but for the most part its the FPS games that sell Millions the first week, while the others sell well, they don't sell like mad. I will dissagree with the controller comment though. I personally don't feel the comfort of FPS on 360. I have never been a huge FPS console fan, but if I had to choose, I would chose the PS3 controller. However thats personal choice.

While its true I don't own a 360, my roomate does. I have spent many hours using the system. He owns both Cod4 and Halo3. I choose COD4 on PS3 for the controller alone. The game is solid on both systems but I just find it comfortable in my hands.

I also disagree how you say the if the positions were switched it terms of sales that the same thing would happen. We can look back on the companys consoles history to show just that. Many of the PS best selling titles sold fairly slowly and consistently. The first couple MGS titles for example, Gran Turismo, Devil May Cry. The only real acception might be Final Fantasy. Grand Theft Auto would really be the only acception to that but even that didn't happen until Vice City and San Andreas. In fact with the acception of Madden and the above you don't see many titles from sony near the top in those catagories. What do you see on top though? Halo 2 and 3.

I think you mis understood me about the "if its doesn't do well its nothing", comment. What I was saying is that if the game didnt sell well in the first week, it seems that on the 360 the game won't sell well overall. However many games that didn't sell well in the first week of the PS3 are still selling consistently. I used Uncharted as an example. For the most part looking back on history, Sony owners won't buy a game unless it has a proven track record or at least has a good following over time. However if the game has proven it self, it will sell, and sell well. On the other hand, it appears that xbox owners will get their hands around anything that has a nice looking box cover. Thats not a bad thing either by any means.

Your right, companies want money right away and not over time. However consistent income also helps with development of the next title. I am not really sure where sony is in a "sore spot". They have been doing really well over the last quarter and as I showed you before game sales are on the rise and increasing increadably well. Did you not see EA's sales figures? The Sony brand was the best selling on all 3 platforms, and thats individually, not on all 3. Sonys own titles and gaming partners are also doing really well. Its not 2007 anymore. Games selling overtime is just as good as selling lots now. Money is Money and if its $10 today or $10 next month its still $10. I don't agree with you that companies will shut down or stop making games for systems cause the game doesn't sell a million the first month. In fact we have yet to see that happen. You used Uncharted as an example. Well we have not seen any slow down from David since making the game. They knew and understood that the game would sell slow, but they also knew that because they put in such a huge effort that the game would pay off. We are already seeing this trend on the PS3 this gen. Don't make a game half assed or it won't sell. HAZE anyone? However, make it good and good things will happen. Nobody has left, nobody has been fired. So that reasoning just doesn't work. On the same note, MS knows they don't have to do anything special with Halo 4 to bring in boatloads of money. Sadly it will sell another 2-3 million the first week just cause it says Halo on the box.

What do you mean online gaming is not that huge on PSN? I don't have the NA stats in front of me but it was announced today that Half of the userbase in Japan now are online with their PS3's. NA numbers are close to that. Its doing extremely well. You obviously have not been online with games like Warhawk or Motorstorm in a long while, the games are still very popular. They also just both got updates not long ago which has brought even more people back.

Its no secret ported games to the PS3 were absolute garbage last year. I won't argue that. However that is hardly sonys fault. You also can't blame sony fans for not buying games that really were not worth the money. I mean your fact that it games like Dead Planet and Dead Rising sold millions just furthers my point that 360 owners will buy anything good or bad. I mean critically Lost Planet was not great, Dead Rising was better but far from greatness. Saying that GTA4 out performed the PS3 by leaps and bounds is just rediculus though. Many review sites all said that the performance and feel of the game has an edge to the PS3. COD4 aswell was pretty much right down the middle. I guess if a leap and a bound is the equivalent to equal then it must be true. Your fact that multiplat games outperform on the 360 was news in early to mid 2007, not any more though. Not now that companies understand the system a little better. GTA4 is a great example.

I didn't say that ALL 360 owners only played FPS. I said MOST. You can see that in sales figures. True, every once in a while a game will sneak in there and do better then expected but I won't take back that you give a 360 owner a simple story with simple game play and they will buy it. In fact put a new fancy helmet in there and it will sell millions (Halo 3 anyone?) I also didn't say the 360 didn't have other games, but its hard to argue that the Majority of 360 owners are geared towards one style of game. Luckily you have over 10 Million people in the US with a 360 so games like the ones you listed will still sell a million copies, where the FPS games will sell 2 - 3 million.

I am sorry your offended by the give them a simple story comment offended you. You obviously don't fit into the MOST category I was referring to and thus have no reason to be offended. I am curious though? Did you every play Uncharted? I mean if thats a simple story everyone in the world of gaming is huge amount of trouble. I mean seriously, check out the bonus videos you get after completing the game, there was a lot of work that went into the story of that game. If that story was simple, then every game out there on all consoles is simple. As for resistance, like I said, not a big fan of FPS on consoles. Really I only like COD4 and that was a friend influence.

You are right about one thing though, you could make a garbage FF game and it would sell, you know why though? Cause for the last 15 years FF games have proven themselves over and over again. Even the bad ones are considered to be great. However a game like Halo has already proven that garbage sells with a shiny box around it. The amount of work put into FF over the years will give that company the ability to shoot out garbage and make a profit, yet we have never really seen that in a FF game. Oh you could say the odd one wasn't great, but you can't argue that the amount of quality games to come out of that series is what sells it.

You are right that I have not played all that the 360 has to offer cause I can play it all on my PS3. I have no need, especially now, to go out and get one. Like I said, its a great system, I play the one here all the time, but there is no need for me to go buy what I already can get. I don't feel its the same the other way around, but to each his own.

I don't agree there are just as many non FPS owners and FPS fanatics on the 360. I think sales of games like Halo and Bioshock prove that. The number might be close to even, but its not even. Hence why I use the words like Majority or Most. Meaning more then 50%. In fact thats not cool that you generalize me saying things like that and Referring to it like I am saying ALL. I also agree that FPS sells well on PS3, but so does every other type of Genra, they all sell pretty equal when you look at total sales of games in each catagory. You can't argue that for the 360 however. FPS dominates that across the board. Also I never said Bioshock had no story, so don't put words in my mouth.

To come back to this cause its at the end of your post. And the basic point I made before. Game companies know that games on the 360 will sell a million copies early in their life cycle. Its proven. Which is also why these companies don't put in the extra effort to make the games exceptional. They make them good, but not great, and it doesn't matter. They will sell! Sony developers know that won't happen for them though, unless they go above and beyond. We have already seen that this year too. It really amazes me what 360 owners will pay for, MOST of the games are only OK. Yes many PS3 games are JUST OK, but we don't buy them.

Anyway, I didn't mean for this to turn into a console battle. I tried to respond to all your stuff, but it was sorta all over the place. I tried not to repeat myself or at least go back and add thoughts from your post into mine in the corresponding area. Glad to have a good heated debate though, its been a while. Its fun.

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