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Old May 26th, 2008, 02:55 PM   #4
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You do know there are just as many different styles of games on the 360 right? Yes FPS makes up a significant chunk, that's always been MS bread and butter but the 360 has just as many diversified games as the PS3. Saying its all FPS would just be the same thing as saying all the PS3 has is third person shooters. It also helps that FPS games perform very well control wise on the 360, nothing to match a PC but the set-up is pretty well. From my experience with FPS on the Sony platform since the PS1 days, they never felt or controlled exactly "right" which is why MS has gotten most of its success from FPS, the fact they control really well on the 360 controller. Plus with online gaming being how huge it is these days, MS Live system only makes it a better fit.

I feel if you had a 360, you'd have a much better response and time with a game such as CoD4.

As for sales, I agree there too. But if PS3 was in MS position in terms of sales and power like the PS2 days, the same thing would happen. "If it doesn't do well in a week, it's nothing." All that would change is the face and who's sitting on the throne, so personally don't feel this matters as much.

I own all those 360 titles (except Halo 3, I stopped caring for the series when Halo 2 was a bomb) but I have twenty other games that aren't even remotely FPS games, or even shooters to mask the FPS chunk by miles. Also, CoD4 on the 360 still manages to sell a ridiculous amount, despite being months old. Which brings me to another fact, publishers and companies don't want games to "sell well overtime" with how much it costs to make games these days, you want that investment back as soon as humanly possible. That's the nature of business and one of the reasons why the PS3 is still in a sore spot.

Online gaming isn't for everybody, and not all that huge on PSN so Warhawk I feel is an acquired taste game for being online only, and racing isn't as big as it uses to be so Motorstorm is also a bit moot as well. Considering that game didn't live up to the hype. Games like Dead Rising and Lost Planet, coming out on the 360, managing to sell millions and not be FPS games at all. While the PS3 version of Lost Planet underperforms and didn't make the sales. GTAIV and CoD4 also out performed the PS3 versions by leaps and bounds, which is what the companies want. A game to sell as fast as possible so they can make back that investment quickly, and go on to produce/make other games with that money. Games selling overtime doesn't count as much in this generation.

Some PS3 users like racing, some like third person shooters, some like racing. How does Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon (RPG's), Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Crackdown, (third person games), Project Gotham Racing 4, Forza Motorsport 2 (Racing) grab you? And all these games sold very well. So I can throw the same argument you are throwing at me, the 360 has just as much game diversity. Uncharted also still sells well to this day consistently because it's one of the few high profile games on the system worth playing, it also help that it's exclusive. Whenever a multiplatform title comes out, the 360 version out performs, while the PS3 version is in the back. A game still raking in sells is good, but as I said the videogame industry is shrewd. These publishers and companies want games to sell as many copies as soon as possible, if they don't they may not give that company a shot at this game again, or worse close them down or even lay off some people. Selling a trickle over time is not what's desired. I don't agree with it, but it's the nature of business.

I'm a tad bit offended by the fact of "give them a simple story, with simple gameplay and it'll sell like mad." this can imply for PS3. What do you do in Uncharted? You shoot some dudes in the face with guns and follow a story that is akin to a Jerry Bruckheimer or Michael Bay film, which are easy to follow. What do you do in Resistance? You shoot aliens in the face while told what to do every step of the way. The stories of those games are not complicated as well, so Sony is just as guilty of doing this. It's not a goldmine tapped only by MS, EVERYONE does it. Why? Because it brings in the cash. So it seems to me you just not played all that the 360 has to offer and are making baseless assumptions because the 360 is not your console of choice. Play Bioshock, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Ace Combat 6, and Lost Odyssey and get back to me. The Halo 4 half ass this game formula really only applies to that game, because of how rabid the fan base. Just like how you can release anything in the Final Fantasy line on a Sony Platform and regardless of how half-assed or junk it is, that game will also sell like hot cakes laced with cocaine.

There are just as many 360 owners who don't go all hot and bothered just for FPS. This is just making baseless accusations. FPS make a huge chunk of this market, yes but that's also because it's what's extremely popular now, just like platformers were in the days of old. If the PS3 had a more installed base, a better online service, and not getting trash versions of FPS games on multiplatform releases, FPS would be doing JUST as well on that platform. I think CoD4 being one of the PS3's highest selling games, even more so then Uncharted, an original IP that's not an FPS already proves this point.

Again, there are plenty of 360 games that sell over time as well, but it's not needed when you have that install base that can buy them. If a game sells a million or half a million in a week, the goal of the publishers and companies has been met and they are happy. There are still games in the top 20 or so lists that are older 360 titles as well, just the same for the PS3. If a game is good, regardless of what it is the game will still take in sales.

Plus, while Bioshock may be an FPS that game goes leaps and bounds beyond "simple gameplay and simple story." You'll know this once you play it. There's a reason why it was one of the highest selling games of 07 and got quite a bit of GOTY awards, it being a shooter was not the end all reason.

Last edited by Beretta55; May 26th, 2008 at 02:59 PM..
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