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Old May 26th, 2008, 09:47 AM   #3
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Yeah I don't think it will sell an unreal amount of games by any means. Lets face it, there are already way to many FPS games on the market. You have to remember that the PS3 doesn't pertain to just one type of gamer either. There are so many different styles of games on the PS3 that you don't see a huge amount of first day buyers for many games.

With the 360's main focus being FPS since thats what the US demographic plays, any time you have even a slightly above par shooter it will sell like its the only game available. In some cases because it is. Not saying the 360 doesn't have other games, its just that the core of the best sellers are FPS.

The thing we are seeing this generation is that if an 360 game is going to sell well, it will do so within the first week. Its a good judge on how well the game will do. If it doesn't have an exceptional first week, it won't do well overall. With the PS3 however, the games sell well over time. It doesn't have to be an exceptional first week. The proof of this is in the attach rate. PS3 started off at launch at around 1.5:1 and now is closer to 5:1. The 360 started off around 5:1 at launch and is now at 7:1.

You buy a 360 today and you your looking at getting 1 of 7 games, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears Of War, The Orange Box, GTA4 and COD4.

You look at most peoples 360 collection and I bet most of them have these games. There is nothing wrong with that, they are great games, but something else that is similar with them other then the majority being FPS is that they all sold a lots in their first month and have since slowed down in weekly sales.

On the other hand, with the PS3 you are looking at games like GTA4, COD4, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Resistance, Warhawk and Motorstorm (or even GT: P now)

The difference is that in the 7 big games listed for both systems (yes I realize that there are others that could fit in here) that the majority of the ones on 360 are FPS and only 2 out of the 7 on PS3 are FPS. So you see the PS3's best games give diversity. Which means not everyone is going to pick up every single title. Some don't like racing, some don't like FPS, some don't like platforms. Its only reasonable to see that they won't sell a bunch the first week cause not everyone plays all those styles. What this means is that you have lots of different demography in the PS3 community. Some like racers, some like FPS, some like platform, some like RPG. Not many love them all though. So what you see is games not selling fast early, but gradually over time. Look at Uncharted, it didn't sell huge at the start, but is still to this day selling consistently.

If you take me for example I have never been a fan of FPS on consoles. I don't like the controls after playing games like Counter Strike on PC for so many years. It was this reason and this reason alone that I didn't get a 360 in the beginning cause the only really solid games they had were FPS and I didn't play FPS on consoles. In fact I didn't play FPS on consoles at all until COD4 when a friend of mine convinced me to pick up so we could play online together. Surprisingly I enjoyed it although still not happy with the controls. It did allow me to try out other FPS games on the PS3 though that I would have otherwise let slip past.

Now don't get me wrong, the 360 is a good system, it has fun games. However the owners are hardcore and you give them a simple game with simple gameplay and simple story and it will sell like mad. Its actually a pretty impressive formula done my MS. They could release a halfassed version of Halo 4 and it will sell Millions the first week. Although some would argue that they already did that with Halo 3.

So in conclusion (wow this went way longer then intended) your right, I don't expect bioshock to sell nearly what the 360 did, there are just not enough hardcore FPS people for it to make a huge dint. The general thought when it comes to PS3 owners is that they are a very well spread out demographic of game lovers, where the 360 are hardcore FPS fans. Games won't nessessarily sell huge on the first few days for the PS3 but we will see large sales over time. On the 360 though, we will see large sales early, but practically stop selling after that.

The Magic Is Coming!
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