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Old Sep 6th, 2007, 12:44 AM   #4
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The nunchuck did control pretty well, moving the board with the control stick was indeed pretty easy to use. This game though is like playing with a broken limb, one thing works pretty well while the other is completely useless and hard to manage, thus bringing the entire game down and the good "limb" with it. Controlling the boarder and setting up for a jump isn't too bad but once you get to the trick portion of the game, it just falls apart like a house of cards. SSX has been more stylish tricks then racing so the most difficult and frustrating part of the game is the fault of what was the most FUN part of the other SSX games. So while one part of the controls may be fluid, the other didn't really feel that way and for Wii games you need all the controls to be competent in some respects and even if one part of it is horrible, the rest is dragged with it.

I think I pulled an ubertrick off maybe once, I think maybe if you flail your arms around fast enough like you’re swatting away an army of invisible bees, you'll get lucky and nail one.

I gave a pass to SSX one mainly because the series was highly unrealistic and fantasized from the start. Plus some snow boarder personalities in the real world are for lack of a better word, morons. Their personalities may have been like that in SSX one, but it wasn't as out there or completely obnoxious as the sequels were. It just seems as each game come along the attitude of the characters got worse and worse, I never expected these characters to be "nice and mellow" people because of the nature of the game but they are still beyond ridiculous. Some of them may have been mature and sophisticated as you said and yeah some of them had a style that was their own and just wasn't "boarder number 5." but characters like Luther were absolutely ridiculous and made you want to commit hara-kiri. My dislike of Zoë and Psymon is just the stereotype of them all, they are the typical snow boarders that just act like total idiots that you know if they weren't snow boarding they would probably be pumping my gas at a shell station. Maybe I'm just taking things way too seriously from a game that is pretty much light hearted to begin with, but I just can't help it.

I liked Eddie though, yeah he was a stereotypical 70's guy but his personality and attitude was funny and endearing. He wasn't obnoxious or trying to be all "tough and cool" he was just a funny guy who approached snow boarding that way. Mostly everybody else from the game just acted stupid or way too hard to "be cool" and it turned me off. So my main problem was purely attitude and personality wise, a lot of people may wear stupid looking clothes (like SSX On Tour) but they might have an attitude and personality that makes them a person that isn't irritating and are actually interesting. What clothes you wear doesn't bother me, how you represent yourself and act around others does and the way most of the characters in the SSX games acted, turned me off.

I get what you’re saying about the youngness of characters in On Tour. Everybody did look strikingly younger, which makes no sense since a lot of people in SSX were 17-18 something kids with some people in their 20's here and there. So that absolutely made no sense, but in that game I just made my own character and used him. So this didn't bother me as much as you since I've always been one in games to play with a character I created then one's already in the game unless I really liked them initially. I don't think SSX On Tour had Eddie in it and Mac I liked to play occasionally, he's sometimes amusing but he's acts like way too much of a dummy.

The characters lost a lot of personality on SSX On Tour and it carried into Blur once SSX3 passed the game and the characters in it took a nose dive. With Blur they seemed to stop making the characters fun to look at, I mean hell I really didn't recognize Mac, Moby or Kaori anymore. So I now do know what you mean in how they look character wise did get progressively worse from each game and that is upsetting. But if they revert back to their more original looks and more then half of them still act like complete morons I'll still have problems with it. On Tour and Blur felt blah all around, in terms of character personality (or lack there of sometimes) and to the aesthetics of the games look. I felt it still took a dive from gameplay as well, On Tour and Blur just feel mediocre and "meh" in terms of everything.

I still stand by my original point though, what they wear doesn't really matter to me when they act the way they do. I hate stupid fashion as much as anyone but I think moronic personalities and general "I'm too cool for anything" type of attitudes are much worse then any type of clothing style.

Last edited by Beretta55; Sep 6th, 2007 at 12:49 AM..
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