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Old Jul 29th, 2007, 03:58 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by jjmoohead
Sorry for the double post (i cant seem to edit now)

I re-read the first post and you said that you wouldn't be able to play old PS1 and PS2 games out of the box or play older games they eventually make work with the software cause you don't have access to high speed internet. There really isn't anything to worry about with that. You see when the PS3's ship with the 80 Gig Hard drive the latest firmware update will ship with the box, well the latest up to the point of packaging. I would be more then willing to bet huge amounts of money that they will have software in place to play old games before it ships.

That being said, when new games are released the majority of them carry with them the newest update at the time they are packaged. This allows for your machine to be updated. It works much along the same line as say a computer having Direct X updated if its an older version on your computer when you install a new game.

I have had my PS3 since launch and I have no connection to internet available for my Unit. I have the latest updates too because I simply rent or purchase a game from time to time that comes with the latest updates. This updated firmware will contain any of the new software information required to play old games that have been updated to work with the PS3. Again though I must stress that I am more then sure that a high percentage of games will work on the release date of the PS3 80gig machine.

Also and finally, the 60 gig is all that is required. Since sony has no problems with you exchanging the 60 gig hard drive for a bigger hard drive on your own (without voiding warranty) there is really no need to wait for the bigger HD. The manual actually lists companies whose hard drives are recommended.
But is there actually any proof, or confirmation from Sony that they'll do that? Just because it’s possible doesn't exactly mean they'll do it. The latest 360's that come out don't have any backwards compatible Xbox title updates added to the system or the console updates either, you still have to go online and download them regardless of how old or new the 360 you bought is. I'm not trying to sound hateful of Sony or belittle your opinion, but there are many obvious things game companies should do but never follow-up on. The only thing I've heard on the issue is that the box for the 80GB PS3 says "limited connectivity with PS2 and PS1 games" which more then likely still implies having to go download more firmware updates.

Renting games to get new updates again may not sound worth it to people, renting a game on average is eight to nine dollars and some might not want to spend that money on a game they don't care about for a firmware update. I have noticed that whatever new 360 game I got it updated itself and some differences to my system. But I never had the majority of the updates that were made available over Xbox Live. If Sony does indeed put the newest firmware updates in all their new games then that is a plus. Since Ninja Gaiden Sigma is one of the newest PS3 games released I'm curious to see if I'll get the latest firmware update.

There is still the issue of the 600$ price tag, bundled with a game that is not worth it unless you absolutely love racing titles. I'm pretty sure they will lower it, but that could take a while to finally happen. But adding a bigger hardrive and not voiding the warranty is a big plus. I don't see where I'll need one since 60GB is big enough for me but it is a nice idea.

But if the newest PS3 does come with the firmware updates then I’ll gladly bow out, but I still haven’t heard any surefire proof on this matter. But even if it does the 60GB price drop is still the better option, Sony might drag the price out on their 80GB for a while and some really good games are just a few months away.

I'll also note that the PS3 seems to be the easiest to get online with. It does have wireless capabilities right out of the box and my internet set-up is wireless. So I should be able to get online with it without the hassle of wires and the like. You have to pay a hundred dollars for an Xbox 360 wireless adapter to have this option.

Last edited by Beretta55; Jul 29th, 2007 at 03:59 PM..
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