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Old Aug 26th, 2006, 08:33 PM   #9
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally Posted by kupoartist
In terms of budget and competence, it would make sense that every second, non-Miyazaki film coming out of Ghibli at the moment would be more of a money spinner to raise funds for the next big thing (regardless what the critics have said, people went to see the damned thing ).
Of course, and that's why they do what they do. But I think the real reason why people went to see it, regardless of the critics, is to see how Goro did...compared with his great father, that is. Pretty sad and nerve-wrecking, don't you think?

Originally Posted by kupoartist
I'm not a fan of Goro Miyazaki jumping the queue. I think it's very cynical that they wanted to bring in a nobody with the right surname to draw people in.
That's kinda unfair to say. If you read his profile at Nausicaa, Goro may be a nobody to you, but he helped set up the Ghibli Museum in Japan and served as the managing director there for quite a while. According to his blog, he was always interested in animation but never went into it due to his mother's wishes (his blog on his relationship with his father is also very sad too). Also, when production was beginning for Gedo, Goro led the team and drew out the storyboards. After they were approved by Hideaki Anno (from Evangelion fame) and Yasuo Ootsuka (from Lupin), the producer, Toshio Suzuki, felt confident that Goro could direct the film. Maybe in most cases there is doubt when someone with a popular/famous last name pops out of nowhere, but in some cases, it's unfair to accuse.

Originally Posted by kupoartist
Regardless of Goro's competence (or lack of), the team at Ghibli can float a reasonable movie without A-class direction, so basically, it's probably a watchable film that you will most likely enjoy, but not regard as the best thing since sliced bread.
Your wholehearted belief and attitude in the team at Ghibli is somewhat fanboyish, no offense. Ghibli may be one of the best animation studios in Japan (and to some, in the world) but they are not of some higher realm or power. They don't have the full ability to carry over crap if the story/direction is crap. To say that the film could be potentially enjoyable just because of the Ghibli name, is a contradiction to what you said about Goro.

Originally Posted by kupoartist
Meiko, in the meantime, content yourself with the fact that Only Yesterday is out in like 2 weeks. Not in the US of course, where it will never be released because discussing menstruation makes Disney swoon and hide the entire movie away in the big iron vault. I use this opportunity to do a "haha! Europe finally got something America didn't out of Japan!" dance.
It really is unfortunate about Poroporo but I don't think people in the US would enjoy it that much anyway. I mean, people bashed Yamada-kun to pieces, so why should they like this, which is somewhat similar? I think this film is okay, but it's not astounding. It's just a very mellow and somewhat dramatic film which I think is geared more towards females than males. But the beginning is rather good and very cute and the progression of Taeko is seen throughout.

Originally Posted by kupoartist
On the subject of Disney / Pixar / Dreamworks, I can only really admire Pixar and something of what Disney used to be. Disney is truely down the pan now, Dreamworks' output is just dire. I kind of enjoyed the Shrek movies, but they're not nearly as clever as a lot of people take them to be and they're certainly not masterpieces. Dreamworks are usually trying to copy Pixar, which just goes to show that Pixar are that much better.
I didn't understand the whole hubabaloo about the "Shrek" movies. It's not that good...some parts are funny, but most are not. Another film that I was sick of hearing about was "The Incredibles" by Disney/Pixar. Some called it a 'masterpiece', I call it 'mediocre.'

Originally Posted by kupoartist
One thing I do hate - and this goes for all american animators - Voice Talent is taking yet another dive into the abyss. The actors doing voices in western animators aren't professional VAs, but names put in to draw fans. The prevalence of comic-type animation movies in the west is furthered by this. Most of the A-listers brought in for animation movies can't manage serious acting in live-action, let alone animation where granting a character life is solely achieved through voices. Dubs of Anime movies make me cry for that reason, and Disney's approach is to fill out Ghibli's movies with celebs because they don't trust that the movies can sell themselves.
Oh God, the celebrity dubs of Ghibli films are horrible! When I bought Hauru and listened to the dub, I thought my ears were going to bleed. Not so much of the voice of Sophie (which I thought was okay) but that of Christian Bale as Howl. It's bad enough to put anyone comatose. I thought calling the celebs to do the voices for the traditional 2-D was fine (like back in the days of "The Lion King" or "Beauty and the Beast") but now, it just seems dumb.
"You're a louse Roger Smith" ~ R. Dorothy Wayneright

"Have a little priest" ~ Mrs. Lovett

"Grim Reaper, you could not get the women? What was the problem? Didn't you reap them with your grim reaping equipment?"

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