Thread: Room 101 Game
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Old May 13th, 2006, 10:08 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by IcyMourdor
1. Rap music that talks about killing, how well some guy is going to please some girl, or how much money they have. Killing doesn't make you cool, it makes you a criminal, and I will have no problem convicting you to prison. Plus, good for you if you can talk about how good you are in bed, but nobody else cares. As for the money, knowing the lifestyles of many celebs, you won't have it for much longer.

I agree with what you are sayin much of the time. There's a lot shitty rap music with no lyrical skill out there that tries to sound appealing by adding the subject material you speak of. Now here's where I disagree with you. There are also a lot of emcees with incredible lyrical skill that rap about these things and are able to make it sound fresh and poetic. Some cats like Wu-Tang decorate their lyrics with violence and a little flexing of their egos, but it's connected to a deeper message and/or story about strength. I can see why that would be hard to understand for somebody who doesnt listen to much hip hop, though.

2. Parents yelling at their kids in stores. Come on, you know that if anyone walks by, they are going to stare at you as you are yelling at your crying child. Who is the bad person now?
Or even worse... watching parents hit their kids in public while screaming like an absolute banshee everytime their child breathes. Now, I will not claim to know the stress of parenting, but I really hope these people eventually get an idea how pathetically out of control of their lives they look.

3. Strong feminist attitudes. Hey, I am all for equality between genders. My boss and my fiancé are both women. I follow THEIR commands, so don't jump on me yet.

The reason I say this is because I am sick of some of these women that judge all men as if we are just trying to keep women in the kitchen and in the beds. Not all of us men are like that. In fact, a great majority of us aren't. If you see a guy that is horrible to women, then go ahead and kick him in the butt, and give him one from me too. Don't, however, blame every guy you see because of one bad male that you met in your life.
LOL... no kidding. I have always been one of the first to speak up about the importance of women in our culture and how their image has been opressed by religious institutions for centuries, essentially leaving women AND men to grow up without a familiarity with the divine feminine spirit in their lives. Why do you think the divorce rate is so high? Unfortunately, this lack of balance causes a lot of women to go a bit militant in their feminism. Can we really blame them for feeling this way? Not really. We can call them on their extreme actions, though. Seriously, if you are female and you really feel that all men are scumbags and nothing more than pigs that need to be put in our place, then you need to do some serious self reflection and figure out what your own insecurities are. You aren't any better with that attitude.

4. Racism as a white. Another thing that bothers me. All I have been hearing the past two years from a lot of white people is that racism is behind us and that it isn't a problem anymore. OF COURSE YOU THINK THAT, YOU'RE WHITE! I am white and as I white I have no right to say anything about racism. The only thing I can do as a white person is not be racist and hope other people follow my example.
The only thing I disagree with here, and disagree with strongly, is what you said about having no right to say anything about racism. Now don't get offended, but my opinion is that statement is ridiculous. If we are all truly equal, do we not all have the right to speak up about what we feel may be injustices against our own ethnicity? That is TRUE equality right there. Mutual respect for eachothers struggles from ALL backgrounds is what its all about.

5. Plastic on CDs, DVDs, and Games. I am sick and tired of peeling off that fancy plastic layer that prevents me from enjoying my new game or music.
HAHA That shit drives me crazy, too. But hey, how much more happy are you to open that new game at the end?

_RED_ stuff

"..loathsome laughing, mixed with such a cry as no man has heard save for in the phlegathon of unrelatable nightmares; a cry wherein reverberated the horror and anguish of a haunted lifetime packed into one atrocious moment..."
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