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Old May 11th, 2006, 07:51 AM   #16
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You are welcome Meryl! I could have never downloaded the movie without that!

Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
I read a theory that Snake at the end of the trailer (if it really is him) could possibly be controlled by the nanomachines in his suit...which might explain why Snake's actions/thinking is a bit different. I personally don't like the idea of multiple endings, if this is the case. The reason why is because you don't know which one is the "real" ending...I know Kojima did something like this with MGS, but when Snake saved Meryl, it was assumed Otacon got out somehow. But, since this is supposed to be the final game, it would be annoying to receive no complete, final ending to finish it all. It was pretty painful to find out that Snake's body is decaying so quickly, but what if this was Big Boss and it's his body that's decaying rapidly? I mean, if they brought Big Boss back to life, he is supposed to be dead to begin with, hehe. Also, another thing I thought of at the end of the trailer: when Snake's voice over said "Some legends are meant to die, some bloodlines must come to an end" what if the "legend" meant to die isn't Snake, but Big Boss? He is the original legend/perfect soldier, after all. And the bloodline that must end could be Big Boss' original bloodline (his own).
I would hate if Snake was actually controlled by nanomachines! I also do not like the idea of multiple endings, especially in storyline-based games like Metal Gear Solid. The idea of Big Boss being back in this game is fascinating, and it would justify all the efforts done by Kojima to tell Big Boss story from a different point of view in MGS 3 and the new PSP game, MGS: Portable Ops (which is part of the MGS canon, according to Kojima). This said, I believe that when Snake speaks about the need of ending his bloodline he refers to himself, but also to Liquid and anybody else with Big Boss' DNA. But correct me if I am wrong - weren't Genome Soldiers "enhanced" with Big Boss' genes? Doesn't this mean that even if Solid killed himself and Liquid Ocelot, his efforts would be pointless? What is this really all about?

Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
That's true, Big Boss really is Snake's lifelong enemy. And Campbell did say "No one else can stop him" which can refer to Big Boss, especially with the whole Outer Heaven plan in MG2 and MGS4. But what if Otacon and Campbell are referring to Ocelot? Again, kinda bizarre but since Ocelot's arm is attached to Liquid and in MGS2 we did see that Ocelot was controlling Liquid, it's possible that Ocelot is really "regenerating" himself onto a parasite taking over the host's body. Plus, "Liquid Snake" is really beginning to look more like Ocelot than himself, poor guy. What if Ocelot is the main enemy, since he is an agent of The Patriots and he's been in all the games? Or perhaps him and Big Boss are in this together, who knows?
Indeed, Revolver Ocelot is the only true bad guy of the series, and he could definitely be Snake's main enemy in this game. The idea of Ocelot regenerating himself through Liquid's body, and not vice versa, is nice. I just hope Kojima will explain better the whole arm thing (how on earth can an arm contain traces of someone's memory?), even though Ocelot's possession can be partially justified by the psychic skills he may have inherited from his father, the Sorrow. Also, do you know if there are some theories to explain why Ocelot was able to jump like a Ninja on board of the Metal Gear in the end of MGS2?

Maybe we must wait for the new MGS: Portable Ops to know a bit more about it, or maybe it's just that I honestly do not know a lot of things about the series' storyline. In any case, Revolver Ocelot has always sided with the Philosophers/Patriots, and the Patriots are those that really control the economy and politics of Western countries, including the U.S., in MGS - so they were basically behind Snake's infiltration in Outer Heaven, and this makes them Big Boss' sworn enemies. They took Big Boss' genetic material when he was in a coma, from what I read in Wikipedia (was this explained in MGS?), obviously without his permission. So, if Big Boss is actually on Revolver Ocelot's side in this game, he could be an unknowing tool in the hands of Ocelot and the Patriots, like Solidus in MGS2.

Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
The legs in general are scary...dinosaur-like legs supporting a machine body? Very disturbing indeed. You're probably right though...I just thought they were Metal Gears because they seemed so capable...maybe they're protype Metal Gears? Or perhaps they're baby Metal Gears?

I rewatched the trailer and there was something that was bothering me from the first time I saw the original short one. This may or may not produce a whole new set of theories: when Liquid Ocelot (that sounds so weird, lol) said "It was you who killed Abel and was cast out by Eve. You killed your own flesh and blood. What's next?" Okay, if Solidus represents Abel and Snake represents Cain (according to the story that I looked up on Wikipedia) then who is Eve?

Finally, let's say if Snake commits suicide at the end...I wonder if we'll play as Raiden to finish the final boss, kinda like in "Legacy of Kain: Defiance"? Kojima said we wouldn't play as Raiden, but why would he say "My turn to protect you Snake" if he wasn't going to really partake in the action?

One last thing: I saw on Wikipedia a theory that the game might come out 7/7/07 due to the oddly-shaped 'L' and '4' in the title's logo. This would commemorate the anniversary of MG which was released 7/7/87
I really did not understand the whole Abel and Cain reference. Abel and Cain were brothers, so Liquid Ocelot must indeed be talking to Solid Snake in that scene, referring to the fact he killed either Solidus or Liquid. But if Solid Snake is Cain (who was cursed by God, forced to wander earth with the constant fear of being killed - a man constantly at war?) and Liquid/Solidus are Abel, who is Eve? It could be a person, or even an organization that generated them or from where they all come from, in a sense or in another. This somebody could be Big Boss, or in general Outher Heaven, called "mother company" in the trailer. Solid sided with the United States in the past and killed with his hands his own brother (Liquid); thus he is banished from the only land where all soldiers can find their place, the great mother, the Eve of all soldiers - Outer Heaven.

But if the Ocelot talking in the trailer is actually Revolver Ocelot, Eve could even refer to the Patriots and Les Enfants Terribles project.

Originally Posted by kupoartist
Perhaps he will, but he wouldn't do it by shooting himself. Though drammatically effective in the trailer, it's immensely non-sensical. Snake's wish is to destroy his genetic material, but how is that to be achieved through getting shot?
You are absolutely right kupo... a suicide would achieve nothing - it's indeed a really strange scene, yet it is given such a big meaning in the trailer that it's hard to believe it is just a trick played by Kojima on us. Oh I like speculations about Metal Gear Solid games!
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