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Old Feb 2nd, 2005, 06:38 PM   #72
Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 769
kamari-ice is on a distinguished road
I am mature now, but when it comes to this subject, I just have to let it all out. Harry, Faile, and the rest that are anti-bush, thank you very much. As some know, I am from Louisiana, what you all do not know, is that I am anti-bush as well. I maybe 15 years old, but I know more than most people do in the United States. My point of view starts off like this, please do not ridicule me if my information was already stated by someone else before me, sorry if it is. First off, Bush wrongfully won the first election, and he wrongfully won the last election. Many people complained about former President Bill Clinton being, in simple words a male pimp, but that does not even live up to how many lives that are being taken day by day with President Bush in office. Over here in the states, if you do not like Bush, people start giving you the evil look and start being very mean. I truly think that I was meant to be born in another country, cause this country is going down hill. We are spending millions to billions of dollars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other soon to be countries rather than putting books in the classrooms, or even using that money for our roads (our roads are terrible.) Many people say that Kerry flip flopped, well at least he flip flops rather than Bush who stays on the same subject no matter what. I.E. Weapons of Mass Destruction, and many other things. At least Kerry would have said that once, or not even once, and went on to another subject. President Bush complains about the United States getting medicine from Canada, an excuse is "we cannot trust foreign medicine," while Vioxx and other medicines that are made in the United States, are killing people and harming others.

The Dixie Chicks were always my favorite country artists ever since their debut album, and I started to like them more when I heard that they said that, "Bush is an idiot, and we are ashamed that he is from our homestate of Texas." After that incident, radio stations were being rude and refused to play their songs, America the land of the free and freedom of speech no longer counts anymore. No matter what Bush does, harms us or puts us in harms way, people still follow him. Not me of course. I noticed ever since Bush got elected, he has been making us enemies with other countries, especially France, and I am angry because I have some French in me. He is very buddy buddy with that man from England, please forgive me I forgot his name, but he is like the president over there in England. While this is so, I have seen, on the internet the only way to real and factual information, that Europeans despise Bush, and I totally agree with them. Bush looks weird at people when they protest, like people are not allowed to protest, yeah right Bush!! Only few people know this, but many people in New York before the RNC protested against Bush in the streets of New York. I was rooting for those people as I was watching C-Span, the only channel that does not make it look like everyone is for Bush.

Well the main thing is that I wanted people to know that are in other countries, that we are all not for Bush. Many people dispise him, including me. There is no comparison between Bush and Kerry, Bush is way more harmful than Kerry will ever be. Everytime I look at the President on t.v. I get sad, because there are many soldiers, Americans and Europeans and other good people, that are dieing now for no apparent reason, and nobody can use WMD's anymore. But it is funny that after that people found out that he lied about WMD's, people say the war is to protect us. Protect us from what, Saddam gave us no harm, his regiem was crumbling beneath his feet before we got into this war. I remember when 911 happened, he just continued to read/listen to a teacher reading a book instead of getting on t.v. and comforting Americans, which he did very poorly with that grimace behind his fake tears. Bush's other reason is 911 for war, which we still do not really know who caused it, no matter what others say, how can one or two men on a plane with a boxcutter obviously harm people, people would get away or fight back, not let them harm them with a tiny box knife. Our government is very corrupt, and you can tell by the look in the President's eyes, yes he is worser than Hitler, he mineswell be since he does not care about all Americans, only the rich which I am not. Social Security might be going down hill, and we are in a major national debt that we did not have before Bush got into office. There are many Republicans in the U.S. and they do not care for anybody but themselves, and being greedy. But many celebrities and actors dislike Bush, and I will say once again, the U.S. is not just full of Republicans, there are kind-hearted people like me and better than me in the U.S. That is all I have to say, if I offended you, I am gratefully sorry, I am just trying to get my point and opinion across.
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