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Old Sep 8th, 2004, 05:57 PM   #6
Iroquois Jack
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Qjij_jijQ is on a distinguished road
^ Continue from above... sorry again, it's just too many words to put in 1 post.

*Stuff appens, people wanter around, they battle Drogg, thugs, creatures, etc.*

After defeating a certain boss, something happens with Larrken...
A female extraterrestrial comes out of his body ( in the form of light, thus not killing him ) Larrken had been VERY quiet from the start and was somewhat creepy... but after she came out, it all changed.

She tells her story to the other party members...
She had came to this planet not too long ago and in order to survive the environment while she was 'forming' and 'evolving', she had to find a host body and she happened to come across an almost dead Larrken, thus she decided to infest him. Larrken eventually recovered, but he was different ever since... as in order to survive, the alien had to feed on something that is the core of all life ( in the story at least ), which is the soul. This had eventually created somekind of 'unbalance' in the life system, as there was a 'living' creature without a soul... this unbalance had created some type of distortion in the 'life cycle', thus making Larrken a 'part' of the world, instead of an entity living in it.

Right after she finishes her speech, Larrken comes back to his senses and viciously kills the alien and runs away... leaving the gang speechless.

From this point foward, Larrken becomes an unstoppable killing machine, killing everything in his path, out of race, confusion and sadness. Since he is on 'part' of the world, he is almost invulnerable, although with time, he starts to slowly disintegrate(sp?) ( He's like dissapearing in smoke, leaving only a train of himself behind )

Eventually, they face off on a flying 'complex' and at the end, they manage to flee as it is about to crash to the ground and he stays there... and dies.

*the gang continues on their journey, facing off against Drogg, thugs, creatures and finally the mafia*

Fights a lot against the mafia and finally beats them, but not without losing Fargus, who sacrifices himself in the last battle against the mafia Leader... thus having Beak replace him in the party.

Then, they finally catch up to the Princess and her army ( which has been raging war against other armies, because the only way to revive the ancient God is by killing a certain ammount of people ) The Princess has almost reached her goal, but the gang stops her ( for the moment ).

The Princess and her body guard flee, leaving all the rest of the armies behind... as they are EXTREMELY close to reviving the God. The party goes after them and they end up in a 'Heaven' like place ( which is all white ) with the Princess having a small lead. Just before they catch up to them, they get attacked again by Drogg ( who is now HUGE, because he ate so much magic... he's also smarter now ) They do battle, the good guys win and he falls down a what seems to be 'endless pit'.

Arrived at the top, they meet the princess and her bodyguard. They do battle and when the bad guys see they can't win ( at the end of the battle ) they make a desperate move and kill THEMSELVES, thus allowing the God to be revived.

Betekenis ( the God ) makes a terrifying entrance through a portal that leads to Hell ( something like that ) and he does battle with the party... at the end, as he is about to deal a final blow, when a sword runs through his chest and he falls flat on the floor, revealing none other than... Larrken! ( Varda now knows that the 'true' evil in her vision was not Betekenis, but Larrken ) He has come back from Hell and although he looks EXTREMELY calm, you can just tell he's there to finish what he started... the party has no other choice but to flee. Larrken runs after them and eventually the good guys manage to escape. He then drops down from the so called 'Heaven' and kills of the rest of the armies and then goes to do the rest to the rest of the world...

Since he is now soulless, there is some type of 'void' that has formed inside him, which is in fact a passageway for demons to come out into the world... so that's what they do.

*Party wanders, trying to catch up to Larrken and stop him, as he keepds killing and destroying everyone / everything.*

At the end, they finally catch up to him in the last place they would've expected... the junkyard ( at the beginning ) But first, they have to run through a maze ( through the garbage ) filled with demons and whatnot, left behind by him.

At the end, they face off under the rain, in dirt... a battle to the end, without any angels ( Angels are always the last bosses... well, almost ). It's simply a question of will. Larrken is quicker and stronger than ever, but the gang eventually manage to beat him off...

After the battle, as he is rapidly dying, Larrken dashes toward the gang in a last attempt to get rid of them ( If the player doesn't react to the flashing 'Press X' that appears in the corner of the screen for a fraction of a second, they all die... if they do, then Larrken gets hit by a bullet, falls and finally melts, leaving only his skeleton ). The gang turns around and find Fargus, in pieces in the garbage, barely managing to hold is gun... he finished off Larrken.

*Celebrations Final Fantasy style... blah, blah, blah.*

Damn that was long... and for some reason, it looked better in my head.
Anyways... if you have any questions, comments, just ask.

... meh, this feels so lame.

Last edited by Qjij_jijQ; Sep 8th, 2004 at 06:01 PM..
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