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Old May 1st, 2004, 02:41 PM   #20
Pu the Owl
Useless Oracleâ„¢
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I will never be able to give an objective opinion. I just want to say he spent a lot of hours, sometimes making me angry for too much waiting, to work on this site. He's really involved in everything he decides to do. He's so sweet and willing to give help whenever one person asks that sometimes I'm jealous. When he comes to me and starts talking about the site, the people contacting him, the troubles he had to solve during the past months, I didn't really helped him as I wanted to, which is a shame. He deserves all the good things of this world, but I often treat him so badly he probably doubts I sincerely think so.

One of the best online people I had the chance to meet over the past years. One of the most clever and open-minded persons I know in general. We're both lazy and maybe forgetful, so we don't talk as much as I'd like. But I often find myself wondering about him, if he's fine, if he's taking good care of himself, etc... He puts himself down too often, sometimes I'd like to shout at him, to make him wake up and realize what a beautiful person he is.

She's one treasure of a girl. I really feel close to meryl, even if I can't call her a close friend, due to my and her lack of long conversations. But I found every line I received from her very meaningful. I do think she lacks of a strong self-confidence, thus she's always worried to do or say the wrong thing. She apologizes a lot to others, even in those cases she's the one to be right She always has a good word for others and she's very generous and kind to everyone. I'd like to punch those who treat her so rudely in real life and make them see what happens to those who offer ignorance to someone like meryl, who's always offering kindness and patience instead. They clearly don't know her, because you can only to appreciate a person like her

This place wouldn't be the same without him. People look at him as a sort of older brother, who knows everything and can talk about anything with the same competence, wisdom and maturity. He can say very important things or talk about serious matters without annoy people, so everybody's always looking forward to read what he has to say, me included. At the same time, he's never invasive, so that sometimes you wonder if he's been around lately or not. He always supported us in the hardest moments, and besides his old membership, for most of us he remains more than a simple member.

Sometimes I got furious at him, especially in certain occasions, when we both were involved in a discussion, but on opposite sides. He's so passionate and sure of his opinions and beliefs, that sometimes he can even sound cynical or stubborn in most of his replies. Also, he can hold grudges for a long time, but this is for the same reason I was talking about: he's very passionate regarding every single thing he does. One of the best people I know from these boards, very supportive and responsible, very caring and always willing to help when needed. He never said "no" when I asked him a favor regarding the forums, so I must thank him!

A good gal. Very impulsive at times, very sure of herself, but also very reliable when it comes to serious matters. She's all for action, which sometimes can be irritating for a lazy procrastinator as I am. When she's around this place, she's always checking that everything's working fine, but most of the time she does it in a very discreet way, so that you don't notice when she changes or corrects something (but I an see it from moderating logs!). So, she's always worried about making the forums more functional. I consider her to be very wise in certain situations, that's why I'm happy she's part of the staff, even if I don't demonstrate it all the time.

When I first saw the name the_artist among the registered members, I remembered it wasn't the first time I met this member. In fact kupo was a member of another forum I used to visit now and then. He's really an enjoyable person, from every point of view, at least from my personal knowledge. And remember that moogles rule, so you must respect kupo for this reason!

Awww... I remember the days little Mena Sniper hated me! Or at least, she somewhat disliked me. I was very saddened by this situation, because it was the fact I was an admin that made her think I was against her, while I've always enjoyed her posting and her ability of involving people in her discussions. Thanks god later time solved the problems, and I could talk to her in a more relaxed way. She's such a nice girl and though I could never get closer to her, I bet she's a wonderful person to be a friend.

This guy is amazing. Even when he's not around, after a coming back he always shows his interest. Ok, many people say they've been thinking about the forums and the members while not around, but you can never tell to 100% trust them. Moo is so genuinely honest and sincere, in everything he does, in the way he asks for opinions or shares details of his life, that you cannot think he's not what he says to be. He's also a funny person, able to post jokes and other similar things, but as someone said, he's not often understood in his real intentions because he's too honest with everybody.

Not only a strongly opinionated person, but a very stubborn girl. This ain't a negative aspect of her personality, in fact you can always count on the fact she will never lie when expressing an opinion. She remains a very positive girl, also if she had some tough moments, especially last year. The thing I like more is she never loses her attitude even when she could sit and complain. When she complains, when she's angry, when she's mad at someone, she mantains her cool and at the same time energetic attitude.

Soul Angel
Ahh... she was one of the sweetest girls! That's why it's sad she rarely comes. But I suppose it's a good thing she still visits now and then. She was involved in many projects, from posting her drawings in the gallery to letting us read her fantasy stories in fan fiction forum. A really enjoyable person, very nice, quiet and always interested in taking part in all funny threads, also contributing with lots of creative ideas.

A silent man, but when he talks you always notice him. I didn't have many occasions to contact him in a closer way, so I can't say I know him well. Apparently not very active as a forum's member (you can see it from the number of posts...), but very patient and aware of problems that are going on, he always come up with some good suggestion when you ask him and he's not afraid to express a sincere opinion when needed.

Though he had to face hard luck, he always ended showing determination. This helped him to finally obtain what he deserved, first of all calmness of mind and also some new self-consciousness of his possibilities. In general, he seems to always have a good word for whoever needs it, that's very sweet of him and I often appreciated this trait of his personality, probably because his experiences taught him to notice when someone else is in trouble.

The Bowie-obsessed! She's one of the most energetic people I've ever met in a forum, and I admit I'd be curious to see if she's like that in real life too! She must be an entertaining person, I got a very postive idea from her attitude. I like her artworks, they remind me a lot of when I was a kid and wanted to become an animator for Disney cartoons, lol! Her uniqueness and creativity in style will surely bring her many satisfactions in a future career. And I'm sure her personality will help her too. I think she fully deserves it, because smiling is a great gift you do to others and to yourself, and she smiles a lot!

As rei said, he was a great moderator. I was very disappointed when he decided to leave his place among the staff. When I wasn't around for some days, I knew I could count on him above all to keep anything clean and in order! A very relaxing and reassuring thought, if I have to tell the truth! People started jokes about his behaviour and sometimes strict way of moderating, but apart from the laughs, that meant he really was more diligent than most of us staff members, me included, are. Apart from that he's a very clever member, I'm happy to see he's around more often lately. He's contributed with cool ideas to involve everybody in the posting, making them express themselves, their personal opinions, and also making them have good fun.

More later...
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