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Old Mar 26th, 2004, 06:57 AM   #10
Enemy or Ally?
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Alright, I'm back with a few more people. (BTW, I'm glad this thread got a few replies...I was so worried...)

Soul Angel: I wish she were here because she was such a sweet person but so quiet. It's sad not to see her around; I remember she made beautiful artwork on the FF series, was a terrific moderator, and was just friendly in general. She also has such a beautiful name: Akamie. I hope she's doing well in her life and hope she visits us in the future!

Gadzoox: An honestly cheerful person who is a wonderful artist and great at giving art advice (thanks for the shading tips! ). At times can be a little inconsiderate, however because she is one of those people who speaks before thinking, it's understandable of her behavior. I was very happy to hear when she became an animator and I hope she's doing well with her career so far.

Carlito: I know I annoyed him with my behavior this one time in the past, so I always feel ashamed whenever I see him around. He's not around often, but he is a genuinely nice and fair person who is always good at coming up with solutions or answers to problems/questions, which always amazes me.

Rei: Another great person and administrator, I really appreciate her caring ways and the way she helps or gives advice to people. She is friendly and wise and she was the first person who really gave interest in GLAY. I always look forward to reading her posts because there is always something there that I never think of in the first place.

Jjmoohead: While he's not around as much anymore, this guy really loves this place and the people. He's always sharing stories/pictures about his life or events that occurred and I think that's cool. He can be silly but yet very responsible at the same time. He takes his job as moderating seriously and I really like that in him. I hope his life is going well for him.

Reid: Being the only person on here who knows a little Japanese, I literally depend on this guy if I ever need help with translations or whatnot. ^_^;;; Besides that, I also appreciate the information/reviews on the latest animes because he always seems to get them before anyone else does. A great person who is friendly, though quiet, but very informative.

ssjtrunks13: Oh, this guy is so friendly it's amazing. He's always so laid-back and carefree and I haven't really seen him get into an argument with anyone. He really likes to include people in his discussions and this guy always has something to say...within a few months of joining, his post count just shot up! And without spamming too! A really likeable guy who really loves music, but mostly rap.

goodman: I always feel so inferior to him whenever I get a chance to speak or discuss certain topics. A really wise member who is always giving advice on love/relationships, reviews on games, his opinions on the site, and so on. His posts, no matter how long they are, are always a pleasure to read.

BlackThornn: I don't think I've really disagreed with him once...I always feel the same, which is rare for me. He is very opinionated, but also open-minded at the same time. I always feel like a dud around him because he just seems so intelligent. I enjoy his posts, the advice/help he gives, the support he gave me and others, and just him in general. ^_^

Spank-A-Thon: Here's another person who I enjoy reading his posts...very insightful, informative (especially in the past), and just plain thoughtful, I do wish he could present the same things now...but I do know his reasons why. And as with goodman and BlackThornn, he is also a person I feel pretty inferior around. -_-;;; I also appreciate the way he tries to help out and give support to the administrators and his compliments on all the hard work they did.

Piggle_humsy: So full of energy (but in a good way), it exhausts me. She seems to be just a general care-free person who seems to like making people happy, but I don't really know her as well besides her love for the "Harry Potter" and "LOTR" films. Regardless, she seems to just enjoy her time here and that's cool.

eli: She's not really "new" here, but I don't know her! Must've been when I "disappeared", lol. Because of that, I can't say much about her as I would like to, so I'll just have to go with what everyone says around here: Friendly, knowledgable person, who loves soccer, music, and gaming. She also looks quite the popular person on here, though discreet at the same time.

Deathwatchz: Heh, it's true what he says; we haven't really discussed anything together at all. But, I do know that he is pretty close friends with a lot of people on here because of his friendly personality. I remember when he first joined and his girlfriend followed soon after...and I thought these two make a great couple. ^_^ I do hope she's doing better now, Deathwatchz and I also hope to know you a little better.

Qjij_jijQ: Okay, okay he's never on anymore or he's in Invisible mode, but I have to include him because...he's a great guy. Funny and friendly (to some at least), I remember he used to be very curious about a lot of things...he also posted a lot of funny and interesting stuff, though they were very short. Hope he returns one day.

JC Denton: I remember I forgot him in the original thread and I am determined not to forget him this time because I felt pretty bad about it. Anyway, never got to know him as much as I would like to, but from what everyone else said about him, he is a pretty terrific guy. Helpful to the site and very appreciated by the administrators, I just hope he'll visit in the future just to say "Hi".

Hadoken: I was glad to see him around just recently and was glad he was doing okay. This guy is such a jokester, always making everyone laugh and always starting something new and interesting. It was great to talk to him in the past and listen to some of the stuff he says because he was informative as well.

Infernal Mass: Hoping I'm right, I believe this guy used to be DigiMortal. ^^;;; If so, then whew! I thought he disappeared forever! Anyway, I really like him...very funny and nice, though he used to spam a lot...-_-;;; Regardless, he is also one of the more informative people with a lot of articles, news, updates, etc. Glad to see he's still around here.

Vic Viper: Changing his name several times in the past, I get lost and forget who he is, heh heh. But, besides knowing that he's always on top with all the latest information on games and animes, I don't know him as well regrettably. But, I must thank him for all he does because I wouldn't know what's going on if it weren't for his useful posts and information. Thanks man.

Alright, that's it for now. ^_^
"You're a louse Roger Smith" ~ R. Dorothy Wayneright

"Have a little priest" ~ Mrs. Lovett

"Grim Reaper, you could not get the women? What was the problem? Didn't you reap them with your grim reaping equipment?"

"I tried that but the women, they all know hopscotch" ~ Eddie Izzard

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Last edited by merylsilverburg; Mar 26th, 2004 at 06:59 AM..
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