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Old Mar 24th, 2004, 06:35 PM   #5
Cannibal Clown
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Well, Il Palazzo was bitching at me for not giving it a go on this thread as well, so i figured i'll add my two cents in as well, considering nearly everyone mentioned me, it'd be courtious to do the same.

Merylsilverburg Since she is the one who brought the thread back, it'd only be right to speak of her first. To me, she is definatly the most Anime knowledgable person i know of. Almost intimidates me when i post on the same anime thread as her. Along with that, she knows no bounds when it comes to long and enjoyable posts. her several "Novels" she has scattered throughout these forums are quite the reads. Everything she says is worth the bandwith and always offers something for the wiser of us. Sad to say, she seems kind of quiet as a social person, she loves to be there with eevryone, but just doesn't seem to show that awesome and energetic personality that i know she has under that avatar of hers.

eli Of all the people on this site who i don't know in person, she is the one i talk to the most. It saddens me when i don't see her posts much on the forums, but when i do, it's always something to look forward to reading. She definatly has her own distinct personality and shows it well. being one of the older members on this site, she always seems full of wisdom in her posts, even though, at times, English being her second language, her posts aren't the most understandable, but with everything else, she makes up for it without a problem. Great member, and friend.

Gadzoox The Best little doodler here. I envy her abilities with the greenest of thoughts. She doesn't post much, but i can always count on something new being in the art section, which blows my mind every time. her personality is really, umm, something else. The energy and light from her can be seen in her posts as well as her sigs and avatars. Wow, this girl is just a whole lot of weirdness and awesomeness bundled up in one person. Definatly puts her own distinct footprints in every thread.

PiggleHumsy Hell, with a name like piggle, you know that someone like me enjoys her presence here. She's like a child with a diploma. Her spirit and zaneyness is always noticable in every posts. And if you happen to miss the post, you'll sure see her off the endge Signatures which adds more than enough color to every page. I don't talk to her much anymore, but when i get the chance, it definatly lightenes up my day.

REchick Doesn't seem to make a big dent in me from her posts, but her lively personality off the threads is really something else. I haven't talked to her in a while, but when i do i sure as hell enjoy it. Not many girls are into the whole survival horror genre of games, but she sure as hell is, which does nothing more than add an insainly large amount of awesomeness to herself, and makes her all the better of a person to have as a member at a forum like this one.

Lost Myth What can i say, her creativity and emotional side shows no better than in her writing. Whether is be in the replies to others threads, or her more noticable writings in the fan fiction threads. She definatly has her own unique title in this forum, and is surely appreciated by all who read her posts.

Happy_Doughnut She's as sweet as her name. Her light spirited remarks and opinions to the threads she posts to are always something worth while to read. She's without a doubt, one of the highly known people of this site, and deserves the respect from all who know her.

Panuru I figured that if i didn't add her i may be severely punnished in some way shape or form. Well, anyways, i don't really interact with her all that much, but i definatly notice her nontheless. being one of the biggies in charge, and of course, her very intellectual comments in her posts. Even though her name has changed three times now, she is still the same person for sure. As long as her personality, and ways of thinking and expressing those thoughts into words never changes, then i don't give a flaying fuck how many times she changes her name. Now here's the question, will my "F" bomb get edited by her or another mod, we'll see now won't we?

Now On to the Males!!! Yay, that's us guys!

Il Palazzo Of course I'm going to start with him, my best friend in the physical world, and a great member to add with that. he is surely of of the most knowledgable people i know when it comes to music, games, movies, many of the anime sereis that he introduced me to, which i thank him eternally for, and most importantly, has the greatest collection of porn i have ever seen. Kudos to you my friend! But other than that, his posts are distinct, honest, and not biased. he tells it how it is, and doesn't sugar coat anything in order to please the ignorant masses. His posts are one in their own, and should be taken into consideration by everyone who reads them. Definatly a proud memeber of these forums.

MakG As of late, his presence has begun to become a mystery to me. I know that by the few posts of his that i do come across, he's still the same creative, upbeat, well educated, and kick ass guy he always was. He is another who's art work always stomped my own, and he earns my respect for that as well. This is one of those guys who always gets his point across, and knows his shit, so don't try to prove him wrong on most accounts, because it's futile. His color and originality to his posts are always noted, and has always been one of the more well known people of this site.

Trunks69420 He's got spirit that's for sure. I just recently started to really get to know this guy, but i'm glad that i have. He's a very cool guy, and his defiant and cocky attitude can be seen a mile away when he wants it to. However, when he needs to be, he can show how serious he is, and point out to everyone who reads his posts, that he knows his shit, and his opinion is definatly one to take into consideration in all threads.

007JamesBondMy other great friend of the forums. Even though he doesn't make many appearences on the forums, (being in Korea can do that to a guy) I still notice each and every post he makes. His attitude is distinguishable to all others, and i love seeing every bit of it in all of his posts.

Harry Well, in all honesty, i never really see the guy post all that much, and have no idea what he's like by the stuff i do read of his. he's smart and competent in keeping the forums together, so i offer kudos to the guy. But he's the other person in complete power on the forums, so the main reason i added him here is just to make sure he's there. It's a necessity.

Reid I don't see much of this guy, but he's one who makes his mark wherever he goes. His posts are intellegent and full of wisdom. Oh, and he knows his stuff when it comes to anime, so he's definatly up there in my book.

Well, if i ever get to it, i'l post more, but i'm eating dinner now, and am going to have to stop, i hope my two cents is worth you read.
If you could see the future, would you try to change it? Would you keep trying... even if you knew you would always fail?

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