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linkkiller31 Mar 1st, 2004 04:11 PM

Adult swim
Do any of you out there watch adult swim. I do and love it. I wish they did more comedy shows though my fav is mission hill. What do you uys think of adult swim. Some of my friends parents think cartoon network is selling out to more grown up things. but i like it and hope it stay's forever. I also love the anime on it like fooly cooly awesome. well thats it for now.

Vicious_2003 Mar 1st, 2004 05:35 PM

I like to watch Family guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Sealab 2021. But sadly they come on really late and when I have work in the morning I usualy cant affor to stay up and watch them.

Cannibal Clown Mar 1st, 2004 07:28 PM

Well, i never really watch Television that much anymore, but i do believe that adult swim was the greatest thing to happen to cartoon network, and it also introduced me to cowbot bebop, which i owe it my eternal gratitude for. But what you were saying before, about it being sold out to more adult orientated shows. Well, just before they made adult swim, a study was made, showing that nearly %50 of cartoon networks viewers were 18 and older. So they aren't selling jack shit out, they are just giving the audience what they want. And much of the anime they treid so very hadr to get on toonami for the longest of time they could not because of the fact that they couldn't edit it enough to have it allowed to be shown on a channel like cartoon network, which is why, when adult swim started out, it had that harsh, 18 or older only warning on it.

After tyhey made adult swim however, they noticed that toonami wasn't getting jack shit for ratings because of the fact that the bigger better stuff was on later, and the older audience that used to watch toonami so religiously just watches it late at night now. That's why they are getting rid of the toonami block after 6 strong years of running it, in like april i believ, not sure. But they are moving it to saturday nights from 9 to midnight. Replacing toonami will be another thinhg like it, targeted towards 8 to 12 year old males. It'll have totally spies, teenage mutant ninja turtles, and a few select others, and the moved toonami will have a few new shows like gundam seed and whatnot.

But trust me, adult swim didn't sell anything out to an older audience, they just gave their target audience what they want with the best respect for their own interests rating wise. Before, when they had the original space ghost talk show on cartoon network at like 10 at night, that was like one of the only adult orientated shows on that channel, and they still had to keep it clean. Then when they made Boomerang and saw how popular it was, they figured that there are plenty of adults who do watch cartoons still, and would definatly watch adult swim. And sisnce they had access to titles such as family guy and futurama, seeing how popular they were, they knew that it was a win win idea.

but yes, adult swim is great, on many more levels than one. The shows are awesome, and the ratings are great, making more promise for the stuff that the poeple like me are more interested in (anime)

IcyMourdor Mar 2nd, 2004 02:26 PM

I don't watch it that much anymore. I own all of Family Guy, Futurama gets boring after a while. I want to watch more Big O. I like that anime for some reason.

Deathwatchz Mar 2nd, 2004 06:16 PM

I like the whole adult swim idea, even though i don't get the chance to watch it right now unless i'm on one of my few overnight breaks at a hotel, and then i'm not usually sober (don't shoot me dear, i know you don't like it too much, but i'm gonna go nuts here!!!) so i'm not paying full attention to it. I have seen a few mexican shows down here in texas that i had no idea about till now, but if i had a choice then i would definitely put them on adult swim. there was this one about a bunch of high school kids, and it had somewhat choppy movement, but they had some great episodes on it. i can't remember the name, but there was this one kid on it who was a big time pothead, and he had an afro made out of pot smoke, with the little hair pick in it and everything. (you gotta see it to think its funny) but other than that, i think the whole adult swim idea was excellent, because there are fewer and fewer adult oriented cartoons on, and this gives it a much-needed boost to the selection.

merylsilverburg Mar 2nd, 2004 08:25 PM


Originally posted by Mourdor

I want to watch more Big O. I like that anime for some reason.
YEAH! You rock, man! :cool: That anime is the stuff dreams are made of. The best series on the Adult Swim block, IMO. If they ever show the Second Season again, don't expect the same quality as the First Season though. :weep:

Anyway, back on the topic, I've never really watch the Adult Swim network because half the animes shown there I've already seen. But, I used to watch a little of "The Family Guy" and "Space Ghost" because I thought they were pretty funny. But that's about it.
I would have to agree that Adult Swim does allow more older audiences to watch adult-orientated cartoons/animes which is a great thing.
However, Adult Swim does have some really sleazy ways in getting hype and ratings. For example, for those who've seen "The Big O" in 2000 (before Adult Swim) know that many people wanted to have a Second Season. After many years of begging and pleading, we were finally granted with it. When they began airing the Second Season, all the episodes ran fine; each were shown accordingly and there were no problems. But then, when episode 26 (I think) was supposed to be aired, they "accidently" showed another episode (I believe 18) in its place. Well, this was an outrage and many people e-mailed Adult Swim and demanded the reason (I mean, it was the final episode and they just so happened to screw up). Adult Swim answered back with "We accidently aired the wrong program", but of course, how can that be possible? Many people thought it was this whole ratings plot conspiracy and many people honestly thought it was a mistake. As for me, I go with the first just because it seems that Adult Swim is getting way over their head, thinking they can mess with people knowing they're the only program that can air those certain series.

Preventer Wind Mar 6th, 2004 12:27 AM


Originally posted by Cannibal Clown
That's why they are getting rid of the toonami block...Replacing toonami will be another thinhg like it, targeted towards 8 to 12 year old males. It'll have totally spies, teenage mutant ninja turtles, and a few select others....
HAHAHAHAHA Totally Spies targeted to 8-12 year old males? :laugh: That is too funny. My nephews watch the show though... :disturb:

I used to watch Adult Swim a lot. Lately I haven't because I have seen everything or I have no interest in the new stuff. Though I am going to start to watch Witch Hunter Robin when they go through the series a second time. I wish they would put Home Movies back on the weekdays. I would prefer to watch that over Family Guy or Futurama.

omni vengeance Mar 6th, 2004 02:07 AM

Eh, I watch it from time to time. I own the first season of Family Guy..Futurama gets boring after a while..Inuyasha is too drawn out..So basically, the only good thing on Adult Swim for me is Bebop, aside from Sunday nights, which are always hilarious and abnormally original.

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