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fantasytiger Sep 30th, 2003 09:34 AM

Please respond everyone I need advice
hey what do you do when jealousy starts eating away at you or poisining your mind making you paranoid. it starts hurting because you don't want to feel this way but you can't help it. What do you do when you are unsure and your head is spinning and you don't know who to trust or what to believe. I need advice please do not ask any further into the topic just give me the best advice you can think of a time were you felt like this and go from there:blink: :(

Rei Sep 30th, 2003 09:50 AM

Jealousy most of the times is a very irrational feeling and very destructive. I don't know if it's you who are jealous or another person, so I'll refer to you in any case, even if it's not you to have this problem, ok? You must focus on the problem, trying to be 100% rational and ask yourself "Why am I jealous? What is that worries me so much? Am I afraid of something so I react in this way because of them or do I have reasons to be jealous?" etc... You need to try to analyze the causes of jealousy whether their real or not, and after that you must think about what you can do, what means you can use to solve the problem if it's real. Being paranoid is the first step you take when you don't ask yourself too many questions or when you don't have a clear vision, I suppose. But if you know you're paranoid it means you partly know the problem is not real, at least not completely, and that it's only inside your head. That's why you have to reflect more on it, to find out the causes. I think a deep self-analysis is a good point to start, but asking for partner's support is also a good idea. It's easier to be objective when you ask for the other's person help, especially considering in many cases the other person is involved as well in this problem and that your relationship is being ruined by it. If on the other hand you see your partner is jealous, it's good to force him/her to talk about it, to explain. Offer your interest and support without the other person's request, ask to talk about it more.

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 10:35 AM

honostly i think your looking into it to much.

BlackThornn Sep 30th, 2003 11:43 AM

do something positive to occupy your mind. Take a walk/hike, enjoy a vista, visit some friends, even just veg out watching some TV shows you like or playing a game you enjoy.

Jealousy can suck worse than near any other emotion you have, and letting it gain a foothold is not a good idea. Do everything you can to distract yourself and try to put yourself into a positive mind-set, pushing whatever you're jealous about into long-term memory instead of short-term when it's called up frequently.

Also, cutting down on time spent with any people you might be jealous of or be the focus of a person you're jealous of is a good idea.

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 12:15 PM

I think you should talk to him in person after school

fantasytiger Sep 30th, 2003 01:17 PM

i think i sent him a PM he did not respond to !!!!!!:mad:

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 01:19 PM

i did,it said your box is full

fantasytiger Sep 30th, 2003 01:23 PM

my box is screwed its completely empty and i still cannot recieve messages

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 01:24 PM

ill meet you at the school at 3:00, dont dodge me

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 01:25 PM

but its about time we are on at the same time

fantasytiger Sep 30th, 2003 01:27 PM

lol good luck i am suppose to go to borders today and i have a feeling this thread is going to get locked

neomarik Sep 30th, 2003 01:31 PM

just please wait for me

Frozen Sep 30th, 2003 01:45 PM

Jealousy is a completely natural feeling.

Being jealous usually means that you care for that person. but there are different levels of jealousy, and you need to be careful to see which level of jealousy you are on.

I see it simple. When a person is on a relationship, which is supposed to be based on love means that this person has no eyes or heart other than to his/her loved one. However, this does not mean that he/she can not talk to another person of the opposite sex (I'm using an heterosexual relationship as an example).

But it is the way, that, say, the guy looks at other girls, and the way he talks to them, and looks at them, that it can be determined wether jealousy is justified or not.

So, in this case, I think, if Mr. Neo goes all happy around the school, slapping all the chicks butts, holding hands with them, kissing, or stuff of the kind, then I'll find it absolutely normal that missy tiger is pissed off at him. This means that Neo does not respect the compromise he has with Tiger, and as such probably means he does not really love her the way he says.

Now, if Mr. Neo has a lot of female friends, who he talks to, as FRIENDS, with respect from both sides, minimum or no flirting at all, then it is Tiger who has to solve her own problem if she finds herself jealous at this.

I don't mean to pry in any of ya'lls private lives or anything, but well, it's the way I see it, personally. If I had a girlfriend, I would not mind her looking at other guys, specially if such men are good looking, because it is human nature to look at people we are sexually attracted to, however, it would not just bother me, but actually piss the hell out of me if I noticed that she is not just looking at these guys, but actually staring at them, or worse, flirting with them. That's why some times it's so good to be single :D

ssjtrunks13 Sep 30th, 2003 01:51 PM

Wow, this word has a different meaning than I thought. I was gonna say something, but it turns out I don't have any experience with that. I guess it's envy I feel then.(just felt like saying that)

Frozen Sep 30th, 2003 01:55 PM

Jealousy actually has a very similar meaning to envy, because jealousy can also differ on the kind of person you feel jealous towards.

ssjtrunks13 Sep 30th, 2003 01:59 PM

Well, I just envy those who have gone out with someone.

Hylas Sep 30th, 2003 02:44 PM

I think jealous people are always in need to be reassured of the relationship, that's why they often become paranoid. They also believe that a relationship is something similar to a possession, which is very wrong. They are often people who are not as strong as they pretend to be, speaking of feelings and maturity they're a bit confused about their limits, they're frail and constantly in need of certainties.
To be with someone who's really jealous, you have to be very strong, to not allow them to make you feel weak or on the wrong side. Making them feel special or necessary or important is also a good idea, if they're not exaggerating with their jealousy. If they are, better leaving them alone

Preventer Wind Oct 1st, 2003 12:19 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
Well, I just envy those who have gone out with someone.
Word :laugh:

You Envy someone because they have something you don't. A physical attiribute, talent or item but you still repect them. Jealousy is the same thing only you hate the person. I think Envy comes first then over time you become jealous. Whether or not you ever get jealous depends on what kind of person you are.

I hope you work out whatever problems you may have Tiger. Unless you have already worked out your problems then here's a pat on the back for a job well done *pat pat pat*

Infernal Mass Oct 1st, 2003 02:24 AM

i don't know, workout or something..

do some sit ups and some push ups..then go take a run or something..

you can do a 10k,20k..

hell, just pull a Forest Gump.

ssjtrunks13 Oct 1st, 2003 06:08 AM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind

Word :laugh:

You Envy someone because they have something you don't. A physical attiribute, talent or item but you still repect them. Jealousy is the same thing only you hate the person.
Yeah, that's the thing I just found out.

Tiger, I wish you luck in working it out as well.:cool:

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