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neomarik Sep 22nd, 2003 07:02 AM

tell me about yourselves
obviously im new here so i really dont know anyone so someone, anyone tell me about you.:spidey:

Frozen Sep 22nd, 2003 10:21 AM

People around here hate me, they don't talk to me, cuz they're afraid I might bite them.

I like video games, anime, martial arts, anything that relates to/recquires physical excercise, and women :B

Why don't you begin to talk about yourself?

neomarik Sep 22nd, 2003 10:32 AM

Well i like drawing, card collecting, video games, anime, manga, and definately hockey!!:cool:

Hylas Sep 22nd, 2003 02:34 PM

My name is Astrid, I'm a girl from Austria (duh...). At this moment I live near Salzburg, but in the past, when I was a kid, I used to live in Switzerland too (the German part of the country, not the French or Italian ones). I'm not particularly fond of the place I'm living in, but we make great desserts. All gluttonous people are invited to come here! I have an older brother and sister, but my sister is married and she lives away from home. I see her only once or twice each year.

People often tell me I'm too arrogant and proud of myself, that I pretend to be opinionated just to appear better than I actually am. My friends, mainly guys, tell me I'm caring and affectionate, and a bit too extroverted. I don't think these can be considered faults though. I consider myself as a positive person, and I don't like to be with people who always complain about anything. That's why I have few female friends maybe, lol :D

Of course I like videogames, anime, chocolate and milk and cocoa too (but not necessarily mixed hehehe), martial arts (but not Hollywood flicks about it), sunny days and having a good time. My tastes are eclectic. I don't like to limit myself. You can consider this to be pretty banal, but to me it isn't and anyway I cannot write a whole biography, so I'm just trying to be brief.

Cannibal Clown Sep 22nd, 2003 03:03 PM

Well, my name is Steven, I am from the U.S., Northern WI. to be precise, and i hate the cold, an attribute that wisconsin holds so true to being. I've always lived here, only moving to another town once, which was only about 30 miutes away, so all it did was give me a new school to attend to. I am 18 years old, and am in my first year of college, hoping to become an animator, or else a writer, I'll probably do both and make comic books. I live with my Mom, and my Step dad who i hate. Two cousins, Katie and Amy, and my little half sister Kimberly. All younger than me. My father and step mother, along with my three half sisters, Chris, Ellen, and Jessica, who are also younger than me.

Living with 8 women in my life never really helped me much. I've always been single, and the whole idea of flirting/wooing/becomming so much as a good friend with girls never really seems to work. Oh well, that's just my bad luck i guess. I still have many friends, some are female, but nothing more, and we all pretty much either obsess over, anime, RPGing, gaming, or sci-fi and action movies, many contain all these attributes. I am very friendly, and have always considered myself a nice person in general. I do have a potty mouth, a very bad one at that, and can be very creative with insults and other things in that catagory. Other than that, I am very creative in writing, and just comming up with nonsence bull shit. I laugh a lot, and am very generous. I am very energetic, and have too much energy and outgoingness for my own good. Another reason why I've never gotten myself a girl.

My talents consist of Drawing, and drawing. Writing I excell at, if you ignore the spelling of course. Most of my drawing is anime, and the things i write about consist of comedy, or fantasy/ drama/ sci-fi, mostly inspired by anime. Oh, and did i mention that I am obsessed with anime? Only one person in the town i live in has more of a collection than me, but i'll beat him soon enough, if i can hold the title from my sisters and a few ambitious friends that is.

I don't smoke, drink, or do any form of drug, unless perscribed. So that makes me a good person i guess. I am a christian, but don't really express it as much as i used to. I am not very athletic, nor do i consider myself very intelegent. I'm your average "C" student. That's pretty much my summery of me. I try not be be long, but i talk and ramble on a lot, another annoying quality of mine.

ssjtrunks13 Sep 22nd, 2003 04:31 PM

The name's John and I live in the northern part of Virginia, used to live further south in VA from my current location. Video games are the number one thing in my life and even more into them than other people who play video games may be, basically I play whenever I get the chance and sometimes it happens to get in the way of homework. Nothing else I can think to add.

Chara Sep 22nd, 2003 06:18 PM

My name is Lawrence, I'm 16 years old, 5'11'' tall, weigh 170lbs with an athletic build, and am of african-american descent. Currently I live in Maryland, real close to D.C. I was born in Texas, then moved to NYC, then North Carolina, and finally Maryland. I like video games (of course), Hot Pockets, Football, and martial arts. As a matter of fact I am learning Ninjitsu.

Personality-wise I am a quiet person. Its not that I'm shy, I just dont talk much. People say I have a great leadership sense, probably because I tend to keep a cool head no matter what the situation. Think Squall from FFVIII with a bigger sense of humor and you have me in a nutshell.

Like Cannibal, I lived with femals and spent a lot of times with girls most of my life. But unlike him I never really had bad luck with girls relationship-wise. The main reason I havent had many girlfriends is because of my quiet nature, it really doesnt make people that comfortable. Also I dont find myself attracted to many girls. I'm not gay or bi (the thought of me touching a naked dude makes me shudder), I just dont feel attractions that easily. Girls that make passes at me usually give up after a while. Usually for me to have a girlfriend a girl will have to have to be pretty damn persistent.

And ummm... well, that's pretty much it. :)

Vicious_2003 Sep 22nd, 2003 06:25 PM

Hmmm.....Ill keep this short and sweet. I think we all could write books about ourselves If we wanted to.

Im a 19 year old male who lives in Toledo Ohio. Im very non-confrontational(As are many Gemini's) . The thing I like most in people (Any People) is kindness. I try and be an upbeat person and its made alot easier when the people I surround myself with are the same. I love animals (Except Insects). And I love kids even more. I am a bit of a loner by choice. Many of the friends I hung with in my High school days were getting into drugs and...well...lets just say alot of things I didnnt want a part of. So that kept me from forming many close relationships with friends.

I live inside my head (I think Alot), and rarely show too much emotion. Alot of people I do hang around tell me "You are soo funny". So I guess that means ive got a sence of humor. I love football, hate baseball, and cant get enough anime (Although I havent seen as much as id like). Im into rock music and resent white people who are waaaay into rap. I tend to dissagree with people on many issues. and im not afraid to say it. Im very critical of others, although not verbally. Im the kind who would treat you just like anybody else in the open, but in my head im cursing you for how stupid you act (Again, im non-confrontational) .

Again, theres tons more, but I dont want to bore anyone ;)

BTW...Good post Neomark. Ive been here a while, but Im not a real prominant member and I dont know alot about many of our members. Interesting stuff

Berserker Sep 23rd, 2003 01:38 AM

I'm a 23 years old male from amsterdam, I've been working in logistics for 4 years now, tried to go to university two years ago but failed to motivate me enough to keep it up longer than 2 months:shame:
I'm having a steady relationship with a wonderful girl for nearly two years now( it seems I finally found my soulmate:cool: ).
My interests are hardcore/punk, working out, kickboxing, ajax( besides vid games of course).
If been playing guitar in a hardcore band for over 5 years and had a hell of a time. Playing guitar is something I've done for 14 years and still do sometimes but I just don't seem to have the time and motivating to do it much nowadays....too bad:disturb:
How I am as a person? You'll probably have to wait and see;)

neomarik Sep 23rd, 2003 06:49 AM

you all seem really cool. for chara, thats how fantasy tiger and i started, i was the same way. i have 1 younger sister, and i work at blockbuster video. oh and hot pockets do rule! so do pizza rolls. im 18 at very outspoken which gets me in trouble sometimes:right: I love to have fun and have a hard time hanging with people who cant take a joke.

Hylas Sep 23rd, 2003 07:58 AM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003
BTW...Good post Neomark. Ive been here a while, but Im not a real prominant member and I dont know alot about many of our members. Interesting stuff
I didn't know a lot of things as well! This thread is very useful! :)

ssjtrunks13 Sep 23rd, 2003 02:09 PM


Originally posted by neomarik

I love to have fun and have a hard time hanging with people who cant take a joke.
I guess maybe you'd have a hard time hanging out with me, I can't take any joke that's directed towards me or someone I care about.

Uchiha Sasuke Sep 23rd, 2003 02:30 PM

Well my name is WIll, I'm a 19 year old male living in Northern Wisconsin. Same town as CC in fact. As of now I'm outta school and working for FedEx for a living, while working on developing on a music career, which I really wanna do.

I am extremely talented to whatever I choose to do, espically musically. I can play bass, guitar and drums easily. My dad tells me I came farther as a musician in 3 years than most did in there careers. Plus the people in his band tell me the big time probably won't be a problem for me. Hope its true. I'm great with engines and vehicles of all sorts. I'm quite athletic, I don't show it because I'm quite a small guy, 5'10" 150 pounds, but I can keep up with the best. I'm very good with video games and computers and stuff like that.

As far as women go considering that everyone else is mentioning that part of there life, I'm kinda focused on one. Even though shes gone off to college and I'll probably never see her again, I still love her with all my heart. Right now I'm definately not looking to start a relationship with anyone cause of my deep love for her. I'm pretty confident that if I wanted I could go out and get a date with another female if I wanted, but I fell there is no need for it.

Also I have great friends that are dear to me. They support me and I try my best to do the same back to them. Without them I don't know what I be as a person and such.

More little details about myself. Things I really enjoy as far as what I didn't mention. I like winter activites: Snowmobiling, Snowboarding, Ice Fishing, etc. Summer: 4 Wheeling, espically mudding, swimming, diving, etc. Videogame, Rock Music (All genres of Rock), CREED!, METALLICA!, also I enjoy adult material such as videos and magazines and please don't label me as a pervert. Yeah I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, pretty much the same as CC in that catagory. I also like anime, not to the extremes CC does.

Well I think thats most of it.

kupoartist Sep 23rd, 2003 02:31 PM

my name is of no real consequence.... hell knows it does more bad than good. not that its ridiculous or anything. I'm 17... somtimes I look and sound older, other times I look and sound younger. But thats just me. I hail from the UK, so I have a tendancy to drink tea and complain about the time it takes games to get here.

I'm the Jack of all trades, master of none type. I'm fairly good at pratically everything which isn't great when you consider that i've a pretty ambiguous personality. I'm everything and nothing at the same time, so it usually depends on who you are, as to how you get on with me. Even so, I absolutely suck with relationships. I have no close, inner circle of friends, just a quite wide range of people who like me. Anyone who's figured me out definatly hasn't let on about it... unless they're part of the group of people who absolutely despise me!

Oh, academically I got 5 A*s, 3As and 3Bs at GCSE, which is deceptively good. I put it down to luck, even if my parents would beg to differ.

As a gamer, I started on Consoles, got a PC and kind of yo-yo-ed between the two ever since... though I tend to annoy with a large bias towards the PC at the moment. But then if you'd just spent £600 on updgrading your PC, you'd want to hope like hell you spent that money for a good reason :D

Virtualeclipse Sep 23rd, 2003 04:30 PM

Im danny. I like video games, drawing and tv. I collect cars and I love baseball. Its always good to have new members.

neomarik Sep 24th, 2003 08:34 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I guess maybe you'd have a hard time hanging out with me, I can't take any joke that's directed towards me or someone I care about.
When i joke i dont slam people:laugh:

Rev0lution Sep 24th, 2003 02:15 PM

Well my name is Scott, I'm turning 19 in a few days i also am living in Northern Wisconsin. Same town as CC and SSSnake. Right now i am working at home depot before i go to the winter semester of college.

I am currently searching for what i want to do with my life as a career. I like to play video games and work with computers, but i also like to do anything that is physically challenging.

Sorry for stealing this from you sssnake but this is so well put.
"Also I have great friends that are dear to me. They support me and I try my best to do the same back to them. Without them I don't know what I be as a person and such. "

I have been converted from a open minded music lover to a rock n roll lover only. Some of my favorite bands are, Ra, Smile Empty Soul, A.F.I., Metallica, Trust Company.

Thats my tid bit for now.

Uchiha Sasuke Sep 24th, 2003 02:26 PM


Originally posted by Rev0lution

Well my name is Scott, I'm turning 19 in a few days i also am living in Northern Wisconsin. Same town as CC and SSSnake. Right now i am working at home depot before i go to the winter semester of college.

I am currently searching for what i want to do with my life as a career. I like to play video games and work with computers, but i also like to do anything that is physically challenging.

Sorry for stealing this from you sssnake but this is so well put.
"Also I have great friends that are dear to me. They support me and I try my best to do the same back to them. Without them I don't know what I be as a person and such. "

I have been converted from a open minded music lover to a rock n roll lover only. Some of my favorite bands are, Ra, Smile Empty Soul, A.F.I., Metallica, Trust Company.

Thats my tid bit for now.
I guess thats my fault :(. I'm sooo sorry. I must be monster.

Rev0lution Sep 24th, 2003 02:29 PM

Im confused your a monster why again?

Cannibal Clown Sep 24th, 2003 03:36 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake

I guess thats my fault :(. I'm sooo sorry. I must be monster.
You haven't converted me, I'm stil a hard core techno, dance, and rave-trance fan, although, i'm still enjoying everything there is to enjoy about rock, punk, and nearly anything else that isn't rap, R&B, country, and whatnot.

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