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Uchiha Sasuke Jul 2nd, 2003 11:33 PM

T3 is amazing
Just got back from the movie and I must say I was floored. I never seen so much action in a movie before. Everything was excellently done. The story, effects, and the acting. This movie definately lived up to its hype. I never had a doubt that this movie wouldn't be great. Remember the X2 vs Reloaded thread. I was the one who brought up the movie and everyone disclosed as not being able to beat the other 2. Well man it walks all over them.

dan da man Jul 3rd, 2003 08:49 AM

You mean termaintor 3, becuase thats all I can think of by T3, by the look of the trailers it does look like like a nice action movie, I wonder if it will be good as T1 and T2?

Cannibal Clown Jul 3rd, 2003 12:23 PM

I saw the first showing of the movie in my town, and it really was excellent. I loved the action, the acting, and the story, with a lot of twists, and the classic bits of comedy that seemed so enjoyable in the first two. It was too shoprt though, only 105 minutes long, which seemed inferior to the others, but everythign that they jammed into it made up for the shortness of it. They somehow put as much stuff into it as they possible could, but didn't over do it, taking away from the plot and story, which was also great.

but i do fgeel that it didn't have the dramaticness as the others did, untill the end, but i wont bother spoiling anything.

MakgSnake Jul 4th, 2003 12:36 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake

Remember the X2 vs Reloaded thread. I was the one who brought up the movie and everyone disclosed as not being able to beat the other 2. Well man it walks all over them.
You are kidding me right?...?.... I saw the movie last night, and Jonothan Mostow has actually ruined the Terminator series. "Terminator" doesn't mean "ACTION Sequences". From what I saw, the movie was made just for that......... nothing else. The movie was actually cheesy, or should I say corny.

Terminator 2 was a dark action movie with some morals and rules. T3 was just another commercial action movie. And one of the strenghts of T2 was its MUSIC, the background music. T3 has none of it. The movie doesn't even have a single action music.


The fight sequences are HUGE no doubt, but thats it. They are not actually good. They are alright I guess. The direction was ACTUALLY very very poor. I couldn't relate to any of the scenes, when he is programmed to destroy John, that could have been a good emotional scene, but it was just BAD!.!

And the ending...Oh my god..... the way the two Terminators terminate..........soooo freaking lame.

The only thing I liked was that the movie showed how JOHN CONNER became the leader, how it all started.....when he is talking to the people outside, and when they ask "Whos incharge", and he had nothing else to say but "I am."... that was pretty good. And it seems like Terminator 4 will come too...... but if the same director gets on it... it'll be another average action movie.

I am actually very pissed right now. It was just a good movie.... not very good, not excellent, not outstanding, not unblievable. We all know that no one can be better then James Cameron, but still Mostow could have tried SOMETHING that would have taken then movie on a close level, if not the same.

goodman Jul 4th, 2003 03:19 PM

Saw it two nights ago and i totally agree with Makg, so that is a rare enough thing in itself. The Terminator series is over with, done, finito, no mas.... Average to below average would be the best possible description i could give it, but if i thought about it, it'd only get worse...

kittens&cats Jul 6th, 2003 07:13 AM

well my little brother saw it in kwait where he is and he got
to meet arnold schwarzenegger his all time favorite actor
i can't til my brother come home

Azuma_Ninja Jul 6th, 2003 02:46 PM

I saw it last night and like was mentioned above this movie totally ruined the Terminator name. What was up with all that cheap humor? Very poor. James Cameron was lucky his name wasn't a part of this but then again if it was, the movie might actually be good. I walked out of the theatre thinking to myself I can't beleive I just paid to see that.

stormshadow Jul 7th, 2003 01:52 AM

I heard it sucked from a couple of my friends and I just watched T2 and did'nt want to ruin my thoughts on the name so I think I'll forget they made a third one and watch number one again.

DSgamer Jul 7th, 2003 09:02 PM

hate 2 say it, but T3 sucked

Frozen Jul 8th, 2003 05:49 PM

I watched this movie 2 hours ago, and I would not say it was AMAZING but BADASS :laugh:

I did like it a lot but I hated the fact it made me want a T4 XD

But if you talk to me about action, it didn't get as pakced as M reloaded, no fucking way. And honestly, the only thing this movie bested X2 and Reloaded were those terribly wonderful gluteus shwon on the beginning. (note that I ain't talking about Schwarszenegger :laugh: )

And it was awsome how he terminated her.

Uchiha Sasuke Jul 9th, 2003 01:38 AM

The only reason I probably like it more than others now that I realize it is for 2 reasons. 1.I'm A FREAKING HUGE TERMINATOR FAN and 2.I LOVE ACTION MOVIES. Sorry for the cap's but I download the movie recently and I can't get over how much I love it.

Frozen Jul 9th, 2003 02:17 PM

Also this movie had some humour I did not remember from the previous two, those star-shaped-gay glasses were hilarious!!!

Spoiler: show
And how he saved the chick before he meets John connor, it was BAD ASS!!! I mean, how he bounced the freaking truck on top of the chick without killing her, that was too damn unbelieavable, but looked too cool!

Preventer Wind Jul 9th, 2003 07:27 PM

When I first thought of the idea of another Terminator movie I was kind of disgusted. I didn't like the first but I thought the 2nd was one of the best movies of all time. Then when the previews came out and there was a female terminator I was kind of disapointed.

But boy was I shocked. I thought the movie was amazing. Arnold does an even better job in this one and the plot twists were great. Granted it wasn't as good as T2 and was too short. I think that there will no doubt be a T4 and I hope there is one. I had no idea I would come out of the movie wanting another one.

I thought the movie was better then X2 but no where near as good as Matrix Reloaded.

TtTackler Jul 11th, 2003 10:39 AM

I agree with Makg and Farfus.

However, I did enjoy the action sequences, since I'm an action buff. But this movie could have been better, especially if Jamesy did it, anyone know why he didn't? How could he let one of the best movie series of all times reduce itself to a simple action movie? :disturb:

MakgSnake Jul 12th, 2003 10:10 PM


Originally posted by TtTackler

But this movie could have been better, especially if Jamesy did it, anyone know why he didn't? How could he let one of the best movie series of all times reduce itself to a simple action movie? :disturb:
James Cameron wanted to direct Terminator 3 but didn't get the rights to do so. He has a special contract with a company (I cant remember the name) but because of the contract which made him NOT do alot of movies he wanted to do in the past. I think the contract was made after Titanic. Its ending soon, thats what I heard.

When Spider-Man was in the making or wasn't even started yet. I saw Cameron saying in his breif interviews that he is looking forward to get to direct the Spider-Man movie. But as we all know now, he couldn't get that either.

But James Cameron is finished with True Lies 2 script and next year the shooting of the movie will start...... also starring Arnold. That movie will rock. Small note..... James Cameron finished the script of True Lies 2 like years ago, but after Sept 11 he had to change the script because it had a HUGE Aeroplance HighJack action sequence, which is no longer in the script.....he had to re-write the whole "important" action sequence and thats why one of the reason True Lies 2 has been delayed so far.

Neway.......SSSnake....I think I understand you. I am huge and I MEAN HUGE FREAKING fan too bro. Seriously I am.........its because of Terminator 2 I am studying "Film And Television" at college and thats why I have started making movies. Thanks to T2 and James Cameron. AND thats why I am EXTREMLY Pissed, because it could have been MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better. T3 is very very bad in my opinion...and that makes the a very sad human being. It actually hurts!.!

dan da man Aug 6th, 2003 02:19 PM

Just back from the cinemas/movies and T3 is indeed AMAZING, I loved it, I loved the action and acting, the terminator is back, but I perferd Matrix Reloaded, but one thing I can say about the movie is I dont think it was as good as T1 and T2, no way! T1 for it's amazing lines, "Sarah Connor" BOOM:laugh: , and T2 for Liquid man that was so AMAZING for that time of age, the woman baddie was a evil b*tch even though she was fine:D
But I thought Liquid man was harder then her, so overall I liked T3 alot.

BTW I spotted a major flaw over the 3 movies connecting togther, il post that later.

Daniel Legge Aug 8th, 2003 09:01 AM

I saw T3 on monday and to be honest i didnt think it as good as it cud of been. The effects and plot are amaszing but the thing that really p:censored:d me off was the endin. Those of u who have seen it will know what i mean. It stops at a stupid place. I dont thnk it was as good as T2 but i guess on the hole not that bd a film.

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