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happy_doughnut Jul 1st, 2003 04:23 PM

Cooking ?
How many of you like to cook ? Or are you the lazy type and eat the food others make (I actually like this much, too ^_^) ? Or how about a combination of both ?

Personally, I really enjoy cooking. This summer I've spent much time in the kitchen and love doing so. I get the shivers when I see a dirty plate >.<;;. I take great pleasure in cooking things I've seen my mom cook. I also cook things I see on TV (chef Tony XD). Ah, but the greatest joy comes from making things I "make" up. Sometimes I just spent such a great amount of time making things... and end up making way too much. :P

Luckily, most of what I make comes out pretty good (and I don't mean to sound arrogant :(). I guess this just comes from me liking to do this so much :).

So, what kinda food do you guys like to make/eat ? Are you not fond of the kitchen ? Got any recipes ? Share, share. :shappy:

dan da man Jul 1st, 2003 04:55 PM

I hardly ever cook, im too lazy, I can cook I make a meal now and agian, but while I still live with my parents its done for me, my mum makes the best food in the world so I cant complain.

Also I have alot of takeaway food, so there is no cooking needed, or the microwave, best invention for the single man.;)

Vicious_2003 Jul 1st, 2003 08:33 PM

My cooking is done for the most part out of the microwave XD

Pu the Owl Jul 1st, 2003 08:33 PM

I must say: I'm a pretty decent cook. I don't want to sound arrogant, like MenaSniper said (yes, that's the ultimate name I have for you dear! lol), but I can cook very well. I'm not one of those persons who spend hours everyday in their kitchen though. I only cook when I'm in the right mood and I've tried anything, from cakes to other recipes. BTW, on the other hand I do not particularly enjoy eating what I cook. It's because eating alone isn't very appealing to me and in that case cooking becomes a sort of "duty" and not a pleasure. I love cooking for others, when I have the chance, or cooking when I'm not eating alone, mainly. Plus, I'm very lazy and I need an excuse ;P

merylsilverburg Jul 1st, 2003 09:02 PM

I'm not a good cook. The only things I can probably make because I like to make them, are sweets (like cakes, cookies, etc.). Otherwise, I wreck havoc in the kitchen.

Sleazy P Martini Jul 1st, 2003 09:14 PM

I can cook enough to get by.......well lets just say I'm glad my wife can cook :D

I'm with Vicious. Microwaves are the best! Fast too. ;)

Redpyramidhead Jul 2nd, 2003 02:19 AM

Hey does it count when you go through the fridge and put together leftovers in new and exciting combination plates for yourself? Sometimes I'll grab some frozen hot dogs, microwave em and try all these interesting seasonings things on them along with a cold plate with potato salad and other random things and I'll micro some beans and add syrup and other weird stuff.

I like to "modify" things that come in a can that I can microwave. I'll put extra things in them mixed in :P

I'm good with breakfast! That's my sepcialty! I make awesome omelette's and I'm creative and put new things in 'em every time...usually veggies and ham slices and I try cooking in all these seasonings as im mixing it up in the's all experimental. The ones that work I used to make somewhat regularly for my x-gf in the morning. I brought her breakfast in bed and everything!:P oh well...when my new gf comes back from australia and if I cook for her maybe she'll apreciate it.

But yes... I guess I'm one of those few guys who likes to sort of cook anywayz.

_RED_ stuff

Berserker Jul 2nd, 2003 03:36 AM


I'm good with breakfast! That's my sepcialty!
Mine too dude, because my girlfriend or my mother cooks diner( my g/f truely can make some kickass mexican and italian food:drool: ) I never learned to cook any decent meals, just the basic stuff like chinese, some pastas and easy dutch stuff.
When I used to be single after a night drinking I loved to make me breakfast, which usually consisted of lots of eggs, cheese, bacon, tomatoketchup and soup. After that I felt like reborn they were the best hangover killers.;)

Zone Jul 2nd, 2003 04:12 AM

I'm a pretty good cook even though I don't do it very often. I learned from the best, my parents. My dad has worked in the food/restaurant business almost all of his life. My mom learned most of her stuff from my grandma (who is a great cook herself). Of course, I have to know something.

Even though I eat quite a bit of fast and frozen food, nothing beats a home-cooked meal. I want to know how to feed myself only the best, so that's one reason I learned. Well, that and I heard women like a man who can cook. ;)

SplinterJD Jul 2nd, 2003 07:25 AM

I aint bad at the cooking. I get many things and add.:cool:

Then make a good recipe and everyone like.;)

Hylas Jul 3rd, 2003 08:21 AM

I was very bad at cooking, but I'm still in the process of learning. Now I'm not so terrible anymore. Cooking is funny after all, it's just that I have problems with doses :heh:

Rei Jul 4th, 2003 04:51 AM

I can cook, but I don't particularly enjoy it.

blindman Jul 6th, 2003 02:51 PM

I can cook sandwiches...really good ones...and sometimes i can be good at pancakes. Nothing meal-like though...but i could make salads and stuff...i dont mean? microwave for me, well not usually.

I would cook if i enjoyed it as much as i enjoy eating the food people make for me:D

BlackThornn Jul 6th, 2003 08:45 PM

I don't really LOVE cookin' or anything, but I'm good at it. ^_^ Most of the time I eat frozen dinners or some such shortcut opposed to actual food, though.

Chara Jul 6th, 2003 09:06 PM

I cook all the time. I love it. Im best at cooking chinese food. If you need any general tso's chicken for free, just call on me.

Deathwatchz Jul 7th, 2003 01:13 AM

I'm a great cook, but I screw up under pressure. My g/f was always joking about my cooking, so i decided id make something, and it was only average. I am the master of spices, though. I can take any dish that anyone is making and improve on it with spices. I make great spaghetti sauce, chicken alfredo, normal chicken, mashed potatoes, pierogies, turkey, tuna salad (recipe: three cans of tuna fish, one can of salmon, about five to seven heaping tablespoons of mayonnaise depending on how much you like, around a quarter pound of green peas, frozen ones work fine, a couple handfuls of chopped chives, about two tablespoons of mustard [brown or yellow, depending on what you like], about a half teaspoon of paprika, garlic powder, and parsley flakes, and then salt&pepper to taste) as well as a lot of other things. i can cook well, but usually i dont like to cook just for myself, cuz i dont enjoy spending all the time to prepare it if im the only one eating. i hope whoever tries the tuna salad enjoys it, but there is one note on it, if you dont like salmon, dont use it, it gives the salad a heavier taste, and you could substitue another can of tuna for it. usually you can make sandwiches with it as well, and you could probably get 6-8 sandwiches from that batch.

Rei Jul 8th, 2003 08:52 AM


Originally posted by Chara

I cook all the time. I love it. Im best at cooking chinese food. If you need any general tso's chicken for free, just call on me.
That's cool Chara! Thanks for telling us! :D

xtreemgmr84 Jul 10th, 2003 02:37 PM

Once you find someone to cook with, or for, it becomes more appealing. My girlfriend and I like to make things together - everything from desserts to salads, to casseroles, B-B-Q and whatever else we can think of. I always look forward to making something new... and the best part is, we've discovered that we're actually pretty good cooks!

Virtualeclipse Jul 18th, 2003 08:19 AM

My favorite food is chinese but I can't cook. The only thing I can cook is chef boy ardee. I dont know how to spell ardee or whatever. Maybe one day ill learn.

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