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Pu the Owl Feb 24th, 2002 01:32 AM

Angel Sanctuary
I started reading Angel Sanctuary today, because I've always heard it's sooo good, soo cool, sooo original...
I'm kinda disappointed. I don't know if the anime/manga fans of these forums know anything about Angel Sanctuary, so if you do let me know: what do I have to expect from this series?
I've only read the first two episodes and I hate it. But still, if everyone's saying it's good, maybe it's because it becomes better after the first episodes?
Grrrrrrrrrrr I don't know what to think. Maybe I just wasted my money with Angel Sanctuary instead of buying something better :mad:

Rei Feb 24th, 2002 02:00 AM

Being honest, I don't like Angel Sanctuary for the same reasons I don't like Vampire Princess Miyu:

first of all I don't like the genre. The idea of making "goth" anime is not something I like very much. Then the story isn't that clear. That's not for the complexity of the plot, but for lack of content IMO.

Then I don't like that much the style of the drawing as well.

I wanted to try both of them, but I gave up after few episodes because I was annoyed and I wasn't involved.

Reid Feb 24th, 2002 03:21 AM

I've only read a little bit of "Angel Sanctuary" but a feature I read on it said that it does get more involving as it continues.

Pearl Feb 24th, 2002 08:15 AM

I've read 12 episodes of Angel Sanctuary, and I like it.
It's obvious you have to be a fan of the genre or you won't like it.
In fact I got involved from the begining, and I liked the other episodes even more. I like also the style of the author.
But I admit many people wouldn't like that type of stories.

Cannibal Clown Feb 24th, 2002 11:45 AM

I've never heard of it before.
What's happening to me, I used to be so good at knowing what everyone is talking about when it comes to anime, but lately whenever someone mentions a new series, I have no idea what they're talking about.

I guess I'll have to look into the series. I'm sure i'll find somewhere to download a few clips from and some good sympnosises of it.

Speaking of which, did anyone see the late night anime last night on Cartoon Network. New shows that I thought were really cool.
Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory, Pilot Canidates, Cowboy Bebop, and very highly edited Outlaw Star and Tenchi Muyo.

IcyMourdor Feb 24th, 2002 12:11 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]I've never heard of Angel Sanctuary before. I guess it's just a matter of preference. You like it, you like it; you don't, you don't.[/COLOR]

merylsilverburg Feb 24th, 2002 02:26 PM

Ah, yes. Angel Sanctuary/ Tenshi Kinrouku. I've seen the OVA released in the US, but it was only the first 4(?) episodes and there was a lot of parts they cut out so it's really confusing. There is supposed to be a beginning that explains the entire situation, but in the US release, they completely cut it out. So, I was very confused. I've never read the manga, I don't know if there is a TV Series, but from what I've seen in the OVA, it's enough for me to say that it's an okay anime, not the best. Here is just character introductions and the basic story for the OVA. (Since so many parts were cut out, I'm not going to go into FULL detail, 'cause I'm slightly confused too, I only know the basic story from the OVA)
Mudo, Setsuna is your average teenage guy. He a violent side to him only because his parents are divorced, the mother hates his guts (she thinks the devil is protecting him) and not only that: He is in love with his sister, yes you read that right, Mudo, Sara. Sara is also in love with her bro, but unfortunately, they are forbidden to see each other, 'cause....well, it's weird how they're in love with each other. Not only that, but Setsuna is the reincarnated version of the most powerful Angel in Heaven, Alexiel. Alexiel untited with Hell in order to fight against Heaven and for that, she was considered "fallen". She also has a twin brother, Rosiel, who is an insane lunatic. Before Alexiel was cast away from Heaven, she sealed her brother within Earth, because he was too evil to be dealt with by anyone else. Rosiel is one of God's favorites, but he's obsessed with his sister, Alexiel. Even though he escaped from the seal she put on him, he continued to stay on Earth to cause mayhem and destruction and to get his sister back to him. Now, since Setsuna is the reincarnated version of Alexiel, she has begun to take over his personality and soul in order to wage war against Heaven again.
Whew!! :phew: I hope that's it!! It is truly one hell of a confusing plot, so if anyone here knows the FULL story, you can correct me majorly! :)

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 24th, 2002 11:43 PM

Wow!From what Meryl says it sounds pretty good,i'll have to check it out

Mana Feb 25th, 2002 12:07 AM

I've always wondered about Angel sanctuary and I always confuse it with X/1999, even knowing they're completely different works.
I want to buy both of them, but I'm not sure Angel Sanctuary is as good as X.

merylsilverburg Feb 25th, 2002 01:32 AM

Oh man! X is sooooooo tragic! is Angel Sanctuary, in a way, but I hated X because of the whole tragedy. I won't say anymore, 'cause I'd be giving away spoilers to those who haven't seen it.

007_JamesBond Feb 25th, 2002 12:30 PM

never even heard of it

Cannibal Clown Feb 25th, 2002 05:27 PM

This is just my opinion, but I though X was retarded. I hated the movie. It didn't really seem very interesting to start with and the plot was a bit boring, so were the fights. the drawings were pretty good though. But if you say that they're similar, then perhaps I wont bother trying to see it.

merylsilverburg Feb 25th, 2002 07:15 PM


Originally posted by Cannibal Clown
This is just my opinion, but I though X was retarded. I hated the movie. It didn't really seem very interesting to start with and the plot was a bit boring, so were the fights. the drawings were pretty good though. But if you say that they're similar, then perhaps I wont bother trying to see it.
No man! I didn't say they were similar, I just said they're both tragic! Though I wouldn't recommend Angel Sanctuary that much, I didn't want to not make you see it. You should see it and judge it for yourself. X's movie was really dumb, but I mostly thought it was such a pity. The X TV Series has been licensed, so that means we get to see it in the US and not have to buy fansubs! I heard that the TV Series isn't that tragic. CLAMP (the team of artists, who are all women, by the way) always draws in that same style, which I think is very pretty too. Just like Magic Knight Rayearth, X is similar to that. But, Cardcaptor Sakura's drawings are just slightly different, even though it's also by CLAMP. I think that's pretty cool how they can alter they're drawings because it's all different artists.

Pu the Owl Feb 25th, 2002 08:05 PM

X manga is not as dumb as the movie IMO.
For example Card Captor Sakura in manga version is a lot better than the anime. It's because anime are made by a larger team of persons, so the original author has not as much freedom as it happens for the manga. Not saying every manga is better than the anime, in fact sometimes it's the anime to be better, but only that manga and anime are different products.

On a random note: you remembered me I hate Magic Knight Rayearth :mad:
But I like other Clamp's works, even if they're not my faves.

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