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Hadoken Dec 19th, 2002 09:31 PM

What Will You Remember about 2002?
As this year draws to a close, what will you remember about it?

MakgSnake Dec 19th, 2002 09:46 PM


Jan: Got my Ps2 with three games.
Feb: Got more games for my Ps2 and went to Pakistan.
March: My dad found out that his artery are 70% close, and he was admitted to Hospital for 2 weeks. A Bypass operation was being suggested but as he was operated, he recovered.
April: Celebrated my birthday, and busted my Ps2's fuse.
May: Couldn't watch Spider Man in the Cinema, as I was still in Pakistan.
June: Met some new (COUSINS)...and made really great friends with them.... had some crazy time with them.!!.
July: ....
August: ....
Sept: ....
Oct: My dad operation took place, he is prefectly fine now (Mashallah). :)
Nov: Started working at Best Buy..and started loving my work!!
Dec: Gonna get a Game Cube soon, and I will remember that!!!

Lost_myth Dec 19th, 2002 09:50 PM

I'll remember my trip to NY and NJ in september.

I will remember my professor- taught me so many things. Also, the issues my friends and I had to get thru. The way it felt today to know how much they cared for me. [I could of fell into tears. ]

Oh and my best friend, won't forget her. She helped me in the biggest way.

Remember who I was.

I'll remember Alcy too. ;) can't forget bout him.....

ssjtrunks13 Dec 19th, 2002 10:06 PM

Jan: Got FFX and Metal Gear Solid 2 for PS2 purchased last christmas
June:Got out of school for the 2001-2002 year and my older brother graduated
Aug:My mom's mom died;Younger sister's b-day the 10th
Sept:My b-day the 13th(friday!!)
Oct:Mom's b-day on Halloween
Nov:Established fact I have a girlfriend, finally :); Grandmother died day after Thanksgiving :(
Dec:getting less presents than previous years because my grandmother died and parents are tight on money.

Ninja Dec 19th, 2002 10:09 PM

i will remember my trip to brazil!

Vash Dec 19th, 2002 10:46 PM

The best thing I did over this whole year was go and see my grand-dad which I have never seen and spent a week down in Florida with relatives I haven't seen in years and years.

FlexMasterRice Dec 20th, 2002 12:57 AM

I transfered out of Boston to L.a. where all my buds are. And that was the best thing to happen this year.

And of course, ps2, i played it a lot more.

i can't reall ything of anything else right now...

Vic Viper Dec 20th, 2002 05:46 AM

when my Lakers three peat. :)

yes, that was the highlight of my year, really. yea i know its lame.:laugh:

IcyMourdor Dec 20th, 2002 07:10 AM

January- The forums reopened after the incident.
June- I got my job.
August- I turned 17
September- Senior year of HS started
October- My gf and I began going out.

That is about it.

fantasytiger Dec 20th, 2002 10:55 AM

i will remeber turning on my ps2 3 weeks after i got it and seeing that disc read error sign and then ............:weep:

IT DIED!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

:kupo:.........kupo po

Deathwatchz Dec 20th, 2002 11:25 AM

yeah, that sucked. she got a lemon for a ps2. well, the thing i will remember the most for 2002 probably has to be the trip i tried to go on for the summer. we ended up getting an hour from the house, the car broke down cuz the battery died. we waited for 8 hours till we got out of there, and while waiting, we got busted by the cops, cause one of the people with us had a warrant, since he was the only one over 21, they took our brew, and then while searching for alcohol, they got my friend for having weed on her. then it started raining, and since the battery had died while driving, we couldnt get the windows up, since they were power windows, and then it started raining on us thru the rolled down windows. OH BOY!!!!!

kupoartist Dec 20th, 2002 02:39 PM

I remember going on a geology trip... not a happy memory. there is nothing remotely interesting about rocks. tell everyone that you love that, and please god let there be no more suffering (okies... wasn't so bad :laugh: but knowing that ut2003 had just arrived didn't help the boredom factor)

other things... finally getting FF6 in europe (yay!) getting the first console i'd got in about 8 years (GBA, then PSOne and PS2) and joining here... aside from that, my year has been relativly boring. same old problems, same old life. oh well.

/me sighs

Edit: actually... I did find that I'm not to shabby at package design... for once I might actually have a small essence of what I wish to do with my life... (like... do you really expect me to make somthing of english when I never write or read?!?!)

DragonSphere Dec 21st, 2002 03:09 AM

Let's see...
Summer '02- Graduated from my catholic elementary school, greatest feeling I ever had. Went to New York for the first time to visit some relatives I've never seen before in my life. Had a good time though.

Fall '02- Older brother buying a lot new games at the time. More games=more fun. Oh, and started my freshman year at high school.

Winter '02- About to go to Hawaii for the holidays, so that'll definitely be a highlight!

Frozen Dec 21st, 2002 03:37 AM

Jan: Said bye bye to my homeland and said hello to the United States.

Feb: Most freaking boring month in a little sucky town of West Texas were the most fun thign was to go to the city's only mall :\

March: bye bye to that sucky town. Welcome to Austin.

April: Got the first job I ever had, where I'm still working. Got my PS2 with my first paycheck :D

May: Got MGS2 and Virtua Fighter 4 for PS2 XD

June: ...maybe got another game XD

July: ...same as June

August: ... began hanging out with the girl I've fallen for with nowadays.

September: Got closer to such girl. And got my Dreamcast in that same month, I think.

October: Bought me an X Box, my 19th birthday took place at the 17th,and at teh end of the month, "things got complicated" with "the" girl :laugh:

November: It was in the night of Oct the 31st and morning of November the first when the fact mentioned above took place. Some weeks later my pain began. And got me a GameCube.

December: My mood and emotions go from one extreme to the other; up-down-up-down-up-down. (and hopefully, I'll remember this month as well as the first time I got a car, but it's unlikely that it'll happen)

And this will be the second christmas I'll be away from both my mom and dad.

Things to highlight:

-This is the year where I discovered the meaning of solitude. I have not seen any of my parents for about a year, and this is such year.

-First time I ever bought myself a console with my own money. And it is as well the first time I ever got more than one console in less than, 3 years. (as a fact, I got them in a lapsus of about 8 months :B )

-First time I had some action.

This is the year when things definitely began to change in my life, for good, and for bad. But it is just the beginning.

jjmoohead Dec 21st, 2002 10:02 AM

well my year was probably the worst and best year of my life.

Lets see here

January - Only seconds into the new year i got cheated on by my GF so the year started off great. Ended up staying with her for a couple more weeks cause she said nothing happened...i still don't believe her.

February to April - Wanted to quit school. I hated going to my university classes and I was in my 3rd year of 5 and couldnt take it anymore. Ended up not dropping out but never went to any classes, I just wrote my midterms and finals and did crappy assignments every now and then. I somehow passed everything but got an acidemic warning for having under a 2.0 GPA for that year. Don't worry though im like just under 3 GPA overall.

May - Got the final plans complete for the trip of a lifetime. Well for me it was. Got my train ticket and had a blast with all my friends here before I left for Boston Mass, USA on the 22nd of the month.

May 22nd to August 22nd - My 3 months in Boston and my RETURN TO PS2FANTASY. Rather then going into detail here is the minor aspects. Worked for a DJ company got paid "under the table" celebrated my 21st B-day on July 3rd, went to downtown boston to the bars and clubs, good times. Went to such things as Ozzfest, WWE Smackdown, Six Flags Ammusment Park, spent 2 weeks 10 feet from the ocean (beach house), played alot of Counter Strike for PC. Went to a red sox's game too. Was a blast.

September - Back to school and I had a more postive outlook on it. Didnt go all the time mid you but It was a good start.

October to November - spent alot of money on my PS2, 4 games the adaptor and a bunch of magazines. Kinda started to hook up with this girl and decided she was not for me and moved on, but still shared some special times together.

December - Started an PS2 love affair with Rei, bowled my first 299 game in ten pin bowling (also my highest). Finnished another semester at University (1.5 years to go) I think i passed everything. and now im completly broke its not even funny, silly christmas.

Heres to a always positive 2003!

dan da man Dec 21st, 2002 01:23 PM

got mgs2 for my ps2, one of the best days of my life.
went on holiday.
probally christmas
lots of other things
and of course joining these forums

Beretta55 Dec 21st, 2002 04:22 PM

dont remember what month i got my xbox but it was a happy day:D

Plug 4 Dec 21st, 2002 04:55 PM

im gonna remmeber this year for 3 important things:

1. I played more basketball like i always dream of
2.Great year for hip-hop
3.Great year for video games!

Vicious Dec 21st, 2002 07:26 PM

Got my PS2 along with MGS2, DMC, Stuntman, Aggressive Inline, and Kingdom Hearts. Also started high school (its great!). Made some new friends and joined ps2 forum.

MakgSnake Dec 21st, 2002 10:16 PM


Originally posted by Plug 4

2.Great year for hip-hop
Oh my GOD, how can I was the year of the M and M.........

My fav album of all time was released in the summer!!!! and came along after just a few months my fav song of all time!! (Lose Yourself).

And then One of my Fav movies of all time was released.....on Nov 8th!.!

Damn..How can I forget......damn!!
Man some seriously great music by Eminem came my way!!! GOOD. I wonder when will he release his next Album....if ever! :(

And I should say......

December: First time my life......I am getting two consoles in 3 weeks time... . Just got myself a GameCube and Xbox is on its way.

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