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kold Dec 4th, 2002 11:01 PM

anime recommendations
i havent seen a lot of animes but quite a few of the big ones can u gives give me some recommendations of movies/series whatever, just list what u like.

Deathwatchz Dec 4th, 2002 11:25 PM

some of my fav's are
1) demon city shinjuku
2) dagger of kamui
3) record of lodoss war
4) yotoden
5) ninja scroll
6) tank police
7) a.d. police
8) battle angel alita
9) dirty pair
10) A-ko
11) Lupin
12) 3x3 eyes
13) venus wars
14) grave of the fireflies (very depressing)
15) akira (excellent)
16) wings of honneamise
17) Madox-01
18) my neighbor totoro (kinda kiddy, but good nonetheless)
1) dragonball Z (obvious and popular)
2) Moldiver
3) Guyver (very good series, i like it almost as much as dragonball)

This should give you a start. I have all of these and ive watched them quite a few times.

ssjtrunks13 Dec 5th, 2002 09:50 AM

I've watched Dragonball/Z, Dirty Pair, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo, and YU-Gi-Oh.

Deathwatchz Dec 5th, 2002 10:47 AM

ohh yeah, I forgot about good old tenchi. other than that, i cant really remember any of their names. there are a few more series, but i dont really remember em. oh well. and gundam is pretty good, but it could have been better. it seems like it drags on forever sometimes.

BlackThornn Dec 5th, 2002 12:14 PM

Tenchi Muyo OVA series and Tenchi Universe are musts. ..Tenchi in Tokyo watch at your own risk, it's bloody awful.

Ninja Scroll is a classic anime.. and if you haven't seen more mature anime titles (censored CN "midnight run" crap not withstanding), this is a great one to show you just how gritty an anime title can be. Great movie.

Cowboy Bebop is also an outstanding anime.. kind of a spaghetti western/sci-fi mix that ends up making a great story out of itself, with characters that have depth and feeling to them.

Outlaw Star, when not cut up by censors, is great. When I saw this series on CN I thought it made very little sense, when I saw it on DVD, I found out that like a lot of older movies that are cut apart and stuck on TNN Outlaw Star needs the 'naughtier' bits to be really complete. The story arc of Outlaw Star is good too, but don't expect too much in the way of character development. They're all pretty one-dimensional.. though that doesn't make them bad at all. Every one of them is amusing in thier own way and contributes to the anime.

Evangelion..... y'know, I was going to reccommend this when I first started the post, but then I remembered the massive frustration I felt at the end of the series and with the movies. Stupid crazy ass Anno.. If you do get this series, you might want to think about stopping at episode 24.

Hellsing is also great. Violent as hell, since it is about vampire fighting, but a great anime. It's also got some pretty sick humor. ^_^

GTO (great teacher onizuka). If you're into comedy anime's you'll love this title. It's absolutely freakin' hilarious.

kold Dec 5th, 2002 04:19 PM

thanks im'a check some of those out, and do u know how many ep's there are of hellsing?

Rei Dec 5th, 2002 04:52 PM


Originally posted by kold

thanks im'a check some of those out, and do u know how many ep's there are of hellsing?
It's 13 eps so far.

You should add to the previous suggestion at least Trigun, which is one of the best series I've watched. I'm surprised nobody mentioned this series above, 'cause it's pretty famous...

Plug 4 Dec 5th, 2002 06:18 PM

one fo my fav anime movie : macross plus and metropolis

Deathwatchz Dec 5th, 2002 08:00 PM

I just remembered another really good movie. Vampire Hunter D is one of the first anime movies that i ever saw, and it is still one of the best. I think that they have another vampire hunter d movie out, i just dont know the name of it.

007_JamesBond Dec 5th, 2002 08:03 PM

3)Cowboy Bebop
4) Outlaw star
5) Trigun
6) X
7) Hellsing

just to name a few

Suzuki_Fanboy Dec 5th, 2002 09:26 PM

Samurai X

Rurouni Kenshin

and ye' shall be in anime bliss.

stuartb Jun 10th, 2003 03:01 PM

my recommendations are:-
1).vampire hunter d
2).blood-the last vampire(short but sweet)
3).princess mononoke
5).ninja scroll

Vic Viper Jun 10th, 2003 03:31 PM

stuart stop bumping old ass threads its fricking annoying.:mad:

Zephyr Jun 10th, 2003 03:34 PM

Oh well considering its already been revived my reccomendations are:

Coby Bebop
Or Gundam Wing.

I agree with Vic though you do keep pulling up old threads and its getting annoying. Are you just trying to get your post count up or something or do you just look through the pages?

stuartb Jun 10th, 2003 03:39 PM

sorri im new to this game.just need to get used to it thats all. i do apoligise

Zephyr Jun 10th, 2003 03:47 PM

Oh alrite then as long as its just that. Try not to go beyond the first page in a forum such as genral chat or the aznime forum as you just dig up old threads if you reply to them. Look, but dont revive please.

jackinthebox6386 Jul 2nd, 2003 07:14 PM

Some good anime
Ok, lemme think. Cowboy Bebop is just a crazy anime and i would reccomend it to anyone that has an interest in it. G-Gundam is a pretty good series if you're a Gundam fan. If you're into comedy, the i would get Excell Saga. Not only is it utterly pointless, it doesnt even hav much of a storyline to it. If Excell Saga doesnt make you laugh, i dont kno what will. A very good serious anime is Gundam Wing. It has a great storyline and who who couldnt love a great gundam story. Akira is a great starter( that was my first anime DVD). Its a bit graphic for the kiddies but other than that its a great story. Although i havent yet seen Rahxephon, i heard it a phenominal anime. My final reccomendation is Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is very engrossing and has a great storyline. Thats all for now. TTYL.

Suzuki_Fanboy Jul 2nd, 2003 09:16 PM

Gundam Wing = :boo:

Mobile Suit Gundam = :love:

Naruto = :love:

Rurouni Kenshin = :love:

Berserk = :love:

merylsilverburg Jul 3rd, 2003 01:21 AM

Re: Some good anime

Originally posted by jackinthebox6386

If you're into comedy, the i would get Excell Saga. Not only is it utterly pointless, it doesnt even hav much of a storyline to it. If Excell Saga doesnt make you laugh, i dont kno what will.
Hmm...maybe this is why I avoided this series. I don't see how an anime with no plot can be amusing/funny...but that's just me. :P

happy_doughnut Jul 3rd, 2003 02:25 AM

That's true : Excel Saga, in essence, has no real plot. The whole take-over-the-world storyline is merely a skeleton to keep the body of work propped up, imo.

However, the main reason why this is considered extremely funny is because it pokes fun at many anime, many of which are mainstream/popular. It also makes satirical references to just about the entire anime industry.

The "plot" mentioned above is just there for cover-ups. But even so, the whole deal with parodies and satire are enough to make one keep watching, which is really what it's all about. :P

Anyway, um... OH!

For recomendations, I'll go with Vision of Escaflowne and Noir. They're both great anime with plenty of action and drama, but no real comedy, though. :P

Hm... oh, and Ranma 1/2, too, if you don't mind some ecchi. It's really pretty funny, though. (Okay, and also because Ranma is so... :love: ). =)

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