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Frozen Oct 25th, 2002 03:18 AM

Resident Evil: I just finished watching this movie 10 minutes ago.
My God... How much I regret not having watched this movie on theatres... ;_;

I just have seen one of the MOST BAD ASS movies in my life. (I know many won't agree with me, tho)

Milla Jojovich is the chick. Damn, she's not just a terrribly sexy babe, but besides of that, she's not just the typical stupid nervous bimbo of a horror movie. She's "got balls" you know? Only movie I really liked that I remember her from is The Fifth Element. I loved her in that movie. And now... my God... she was just awsome.

And the rest of the crew was awsome over all. Too bad it was not a surprise to me that the bad guy, well, was the bad guy. (I knew it from the beginning)

I just had never seen such a movie that had so many good elements taken out from the games. Sure none of our main chars was there, but being a movie, I think that these ones did absolutely fine.

And hell... Resident Evil 2 is unavoidable. I just hope they make such a bad ass plot as they did in the first one.

And it just played the same tricks on me the games did... it did not scare me at all, although it was playing with my nerves most of the times.

Now I'm looking forward for a Silent Hill movie, if they do a job as good as they did in this one, I'm sure that one will scare the hell out of me.

I just liked almost everything from it. I can hardly wait for Resident Evil 2 :happy:


Opinions about this movie.

REChick14 Oct 25th, 2002 05:08 AM

Resident Evil The Movie
I totally agree with you. That movie kicked ass! They really picked the perfect cast for the movie. I saw it the first day it came out. My favorite part was when she was in the room with the dogs. She went comando on that last one. I jumped out of my seat once during the whole movie. It was funny cuz I was the only one that was surprised and my friends saw me and started to laugh. Anyways I've seen it ten times. I've memorized most of the lines. I cant wait for Resident Evil 2!


Spank-A-Thon Oct 25th, 2002 10:02 AM

Sorry guys, I'm going to have disagree with you. I saw it on the theatre and thought it was one of the worst films I have ever seen. I came out of the screening absolutely disappointed to the max.

The story was atrocious, the special effects were laughable (let's put it this way - the Zombie dogs in the GC Res 1 remake look better) and overall was a criminal waste of the franchise.

I found a copy of the original script somewhere although I can't remember where now and basically it was based on the first game.

What I didn't understand was how a game series with a fantastic story-line could result in a film with a terrible one...

But hey, that's just my opinion - I'm glad you guys liked it.

- S

Frozen Oct 25th, 2002 12:46 PM

Well, I knew there was going to be people who would disagree, as you said, opininons...


I totally agree with you. That movie kicked ass! They really picked the perfect cast for the movie. I saw it the first day it came out. My favorite part was when she was in the room with the dogs. She went comando on that last one. I jumped out of my seat once during the whole movie. It was funny cuz I was the only one that was surprised and my friends saw me and started to laugh. Anyways I've seen it ten times. I've memorized most of the lines. I cant wait for Resident Evil 2!

I don't think that was my fav part, although I thought it was pretty cool, as in that moment she more or less realised the skills she had.

But to tell you the truth, the zombies did not impact me or anything... what actually somewhat shocked me (I still think about it all the time XD) is whenever they were going to shut down the Red Queen and went through that corridor... poor guys XD

kupoartist Oct 25th, 2002 02:00 PM

a couple of girls at school keep raving about this... but then they only seem to know the Resident Evil games anyway. I'm yet to see it... but I think i'll ask a "miscellaneous dodgy and nerdy guy" for a divX version first ^_^ ... I wonder though... is this movie better than Final Fantasy : The Spirits Within? (ie. is it not a deeply average movie?)

Frozen Oct 25th, 2002 02:23 PM

To tell you the truth, I liked better RE than FF when having in mind what you were expecting about them.

FF Spirits within was an outstanding movie talking about special effects and all the work they did on that part. But it greatly disapointed me to see that it had very little of Final Fantasy itself. Very vague details, and something really out of place when talking about what Final Fantasy really is.

Now, Resident Evil, WAS RESIDENT EVIL. It just didn't have bases on the game, but it followed a lot of elements from it. (talking about all RE's in general)

As in most of cases, it's storyline probably was not as good as it was in the game (but having in mind that IT IS A MOVIE) they have to make the events kinda quick so everything gets explained. (but take in mind LOTR, everything happens ridicously fast when comparing it to the book, but if they didn't do so, the movie would probably be terribly boring)

I highly recommend you rent it. But I don't guarantee you'll like it, since I don't know how your tastes are... but I really liked this freaking movie.

Sword 4 Hire Oct 25th, 2002 07:10 PM

I just got done watching it too, ordered it on pay-per-view, I actually thought it was ok, nothing special though.

Beretta55 Oct 25th, 2002 09:12 PM

yeah i rented the movie it was alright. nothing really special here i wish it was more like RE1. that would of been really cool IMO. but remember Kaplan was the best character in resident evil IMO i wish that guy lived damn you director for killing him!!:mad: the zombie's were cool but i thought they were going to look all chopped up with skin falling off though. but it wasnt really that scary but a pretty good action flick but i hope they dont mess up RE2 well those are my two cent's.

AudioBoxer Oct 26th, 2002 12:45 AM

Yes, it is one of those you have to go see in the theaters! There are movies that are better at home than at the theaters and vis versa

MakgSnake Oct 26th, 2002 05:46 PM

I loved the movie, I think its one of the best movies when it comes to games to movies adaption. Excellent. It had a great story, and good characters and I loved the ending.

I cant wait for "Resident Evil 2: Nemesis" which hits the theatres next year sometime.

And man that starting music created by Manson was amazing.

Everquest3.0 Oct 26th, 2002 06:00 PM

Never seen it.Waiting for it to come out on hbo, cinemax, or showtime.Its best that way, don't have to pay more, and have something to watch lata on.

Sid554 Oct 27th, 2002 02:00 AM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon
Sorry guys, I'm going to have disagree with you. I saw it on the theatre and thought it was one of the worst films I have ever seen. I came out of the screening absolutely disappointed to the max.

The story was atrocious, the special effects were laughable (let's put it this way - the Zombie dogs in the GC Res 1 remake look better) and overall was a criminal waste of the franchise.

I found a copy of the original script somewhere although I can't remember where now and basically it was based on the first game.

What I didn't understand was how a game series with a fantastic story-line could result in a film with a terrible one...

But hey, that's just my opinion - I'm glad you guys liked it.

- S

This is what happens to great franchises after they've been "hollywoodized". To be expected, really.

Frozen Oct 27th, 2002 04:29 AM


Originally posted by goodman
You will be well off not having to pay for it, Everquest! There are movies that i wished i never went to, this was one of them.
Don't listen to goodman, Everquest!!!! :evil: j/k

It's all about opinions, because IMO, you won't regret the (at the most) 4 bucks you'd spend by renting it :D

Well, the clever thing to do is to download it and watch it on your PC, and then decide (that's what I do with anime :D )

What your gonna do always works if you are not actually very excited to watch it. To be honset with you guys, whenever it came out to the theatres I really was not interested at all on going to watch it. but as I said in the first post, I regret not having done so ;_;

Frozen Oct 28th, 2002 06:06 AM


Originally posted by goodman
It was so insanely loud and overdone, be sure to wear earplugs too! That will help a lot when watching it!
He's talking about the badass sountrack the movie has. :D

damn, I don't know why, but I liked everything about this movie. :evil:

Ninja Oct 29th, 2002 01:08 PM

I rather not watch this mooV cuz RE series is 1 of my fav series in all time I don't want 2 spoil it

insted of making a game into a mooV they should make a game about the mooV
sort of like The Thing

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