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Satans_Angel Sep 25th, 2002 06:21 PM

Kingdom Hearts.....Best RPG ever?
I don't know how many times I have heard that Kingdom Hearts is the best RPG ever. Personally I think its great and all but it could have been much better. To me it is a Final Fantasy rip-off. I played it and it seems like a big disney movie or something! I mean we have to admit that squaresoft characters got jipped! I mean the game is nothing but disney themes, characters, and worlds! I mean its a great game and all but I think people need to THINK before they say its the greatest. Don't let me discourage you from playing it though. The gameplay is pretty darn good. I think though after you played it all the way through it wasn't as great as it sounded.

Sleazy P Martini Sep 25th, 2002 06:53 PM

Despite its shortcomings, Kingdom Hearts is a fun game. But its not even close to the greatness of Final Fantasy. Comparing the two is silly too....they don't share many similarities. The opening FMV is FF-like (and I was excited when I saw that) but then the actual game got under way and disapointment soon set in. I guess I was hoping for more FF in it.

Sword 4 Hire Sep 26th, 2002 06:32 AM

Well I think the reason why it's Disney World's and themes with cameo's of FF characters is because....well think of it this way, if it was the other way around and mostly FF worlds and themes with Disney characters...well...I don't think Donald or Goofy could survive 5 seconds in Midgar...

But best RPG ever....very doubtful

XboxKiller Sep 26th, 2002 01:49 PM

okay then its 2nd best

the game is good its not bad or great its good and you should buy it:laugh:

Sleazy P Martini Sep 26th, 2002 02:05 PM


Originally posted by Sword 4 Hire
I don't think Donald or Goofy could survive 5 seconds in Midgar...
How true! :laugh:

What would have made the game a "must buy" would have been a couple things:
1. Turn based combat (so you could control your whole party in battle, instead of just Sora)
2. Just one playable FF character. I know it's a "Disney world" but to be able to have Squall or Aeris in your party would have been sweet.

Sword 4 Hire Sep 26th, 2002 03:22 PM

Turn based would've made the game sooo much better. I'd definately keep Tarzan up in the air with the Jump ability :laugh:

merylsilverburg Sep 26th, 2002 06:07 PM

No, I would not consider this game as the best RPG ever. Everyone knows what the best RPG is...*points to FF games* and that's that. I do understand how many people might consider this a great game...the combination of Squaresoft and Disney, the great graphics, and the nice tunes. :D But still, that doesn't compare to FF.

I agree with Sleazy though, that at least one FF character would've been great. Squall would be my pick. :)

Darkness 4 Hire Sep 26th, 2002 08:36 PM

I beat this game eariler today, and did i love every second of it...yes, but would i consider it to the great RPG ever, not a chance! I had one of the best times ever playing this game, it just has a light feeling to it, that you cant help not to smile while playing it. I;d say its one of my top 5 favorites but nothing well surpass Xeno, ever i don't think!

XboxKiller Sep 27th, 2002 01:42 PM

you guys are making it seem that the game sucks. well you are all wrong the game is good and is worth every penny. Yeah they could have made it a little bit better but why do that when square's gonna make kingdom hearts 2. who knows what thats gonna be like. now your all thinking how do you know theres gonna be a part 2. well all i got to say is see the ending and you'll know what I am talking about.

and personally I dont think square wanted to make kingdom hearts better than FF. I think they just wanted to start making differnt type of games than just making fanal fantasy's.

Sleazy P Martini Sep 27th, 2002 04:45 PM

I'm not saying it sucked.....I'm just let down a bit. Running around like mad trying to pick up all those little orbs before they disappear....while still fighting......I dunno man....weak battle system. That's probably the main killer right there. I don't like mashing buttons ok? I'd rather see a turn based combat system where you can be somewhat strategic.

Gadzoox Sep 27th, 2002 05:21 PM

NOOO!!! It's a major insult to Square's characters!!!

You know what though? I'm probably going to rent it and get addicted; so just ignore me until I've played it. :happy:

shaunathon260 Sep 27th, 2002 07:14 PM

if any of you have the american version then you should play it on expert (it's not a button mashing game after that, you actually have to have some strategy)...i've been thinking it over and i got to say this is probably my 4th or 5th favorite game.

merylsilverburg Sep 27th, 2002 07:57 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini
Running around like mad trying to pick up all those little orbs before they disappear....while still fighting......I dunno man....weak battle system.
Yes! That's also what I'm griping about....those orbs that just fly all over the place and you run trying to get them and help your two allies at the same time...not saying it's confusing, but just a little hectic. But, it's still a great game overall.

XboxKiller Oct 1st, 2002 01:04 PM

yeh I know how those little health things get every where.
but the game is like my 6th favorite game.
can you guys try giving it a rating. and be honest
I give it a

8.9 out of 10:phew:

MADRUCKIS Oct 2nd, 2002 01:27 AM

I agree
Nothing can beat Xenogears for me.
But I dunno, the by the end turns into a Square story with the darkness in hearts and the ending.

Oh an Xboxkiller-that ending your talking about can only be done with all dalmations, hades cup finished and poohs world locked. Make sure you do that folks. You will enjoy it. I'm about to beat it again just to be amazed again.

"Where is Sora"

XboxKiller Oct 2nd, 2002 01:39 PM

oh yeah forgot to mention that. but you didnt rate the game. rateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee itttttttttttttttt:frust:

MADRUCKIS Oct 3rd, 2002 12:26 AM

Geeze. Alright leggo!

*pries xboxkiller off his leg

I definately give a 9 or a 8.9 or something. It was a great game through whatever anyone says to me.

Oh, and I'm wondering, Sephiroth. Has anyone defeated him here?First time I layed eyes on him, I was thinking like

"Oh yeah punk. You goin against my keyblade sucka, and just like Cloud..........IMMA TAKE YOU DOWN MOFO!
Oh yeah, Let's roll. Let's party"
Then 10 sec. later, I'm vewing my LOAD or CONTINUE screen with this face on:shock:

And then I said.
"Oh. You wanna play huh. AIGHHHTTTT Turkey!" And what happened above happens----------again!

merylsilverburg Oct 3rd, 2002 06:22 PM


Originally posted by MADRUCKIS
Oh, and I'm wondering, Sephiroth. Has anyone defeated him here?First time I layed eyes on him, I was thinking like

"Oh yeah punk. You goin against my keyblade sucka, and just like Cloud..........IMMA TAKE YOU DOWN MOFO!
Oh yeah, Let's roll. Let's party"
Then 10 sec. later, I'm vewing my LOAD or CONTINUE screen with this face on:shock:

And then I said.
"Oh. You wanna play huh. AIGHHHTTTT Turkey!" And what happened above happens----------again!

:laugh: I heard it was impossible to beat Sephiroth the first few times...I believe you have to level up a few more before you can take him down.

MADRUCKIS Oct 7th, 2002 11:07 PM

Hey Meryl!

Yup your right. As sick as it may sound-some books say that at a level 100 you'll still have problems. I'm at 84 now since I'm just elveling up to beat that scumbag (sorry sir).
Now it takes a few minutes for him to beat
His paterns are pretty much predictable cause he calls things out like "Sin Harvest" or "Your gonna die cause my sword is gonna slice you like cheese" (I think I made that up, but he still does it)

The trick is timing your moves. I'm one to play the secret bosses, like the Weapons in FF. One slip up and your done. I've already beat the Gold match in the Coliseum.........and the other two bosses shouldn't cause me a problem

But the greatest soldier in the world is not called that for nothing. I'll keep ya posted when I beat him.

Sword 4 Hire Oct 8th, 2002 06:09 PM

<----c'mon now look at the avatar! :laugh:

My PSM magazine says he weaker from the air so try soarin on him?

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