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Spirit Jan 29th, 2002 10:40 AM

what are your views on war and how would you react to one if one happened to happen near your homeland

Pu the Owl Jan 29th, 2002 11:05 AM

I can't even imagine something like this happening in my country. Probably I'd be shocked and desperate, and probably helpless.

When you see things happening only on TV, you're not really involved: I mean, you're nauseated knowing that innocents are dying somewhere, but you feel relieved it's not happening to you and to the ones you love.

I guess I couldn't be able to manage a situation like being involved in a war.

Reid Jan 29th, 2002 11:38 AM

When I think of how I would react to war now I think that I might be similar to many North Americans.
From when I found out about what had happened, the morning of September 11 I felt afraid and I guess a bit angry.
Sitting at home, watching TV and seeing Kabul burning, not knowing what was going on made me wonder if we were at the beginning of another World War.

Needless to say, me, along with many of my friends, family, etc. were frightened because the kind of terrorist actions that had been performed meant that a certain amount of security we all thought we had was taken away.

Also, in the following months is was rumoured that bin Laden was going to attack on American soil, and people are still frightened, as no one even knows where he is.

I don't know what I would do if war ever broke out on Canadian soil, however.

Sorry, my thoughts are kind of mixed up on here, but that's just what I had to say. :rolleyes:

007_JamesBond Jan 29th, 2002 12:23 PM

Me I am going in the military anyway, and if there was a war I would fight, and if an attack was placed on my home I would defend it at all cost

Spank-A-Thon Jan 29th, 2002 12:27 PM

Firstly, North America got one hell of a wake-up call by September 11th. For the first time in living memory, North America was attacked. Sure, Americans have had Vietnam but that wasn't on their own doorstep.

We in the UK had the Falklands War as our last 'proper' war (I'm not really counting the Gulf War in all of this) which again was not on our doorstep. Previous to that, obviously, was World War II.

Don't get me wrong, what happened on September 11th was truly horrific. Many times I found myself stifling tears when reading/watching news about the event. But compared to what my grandparent's went through during WWII it is not as frightening I think.

Many cities in the UK were completely flattened by the German Blitz's. Children were forced to evacuate to the countryside. People would go to bed, only daring to half sleep in case the air raid warnings would start. It wasn't a question of 'if' it would happen again, it was 'when'. Many German cities suffered too. Basically any sense of normality was destroyed - people couldn't live normal lives. There was conscription to the armies, food and clothes rationed and the constant fear of the air raid sirens.

During WWII the US was pretty safe, in fact the US mainland was never attacked directly. However, as weapons technology has improved exponentially, the American people now realise they are just as vulnerable as Europe. And in these days of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, the consequences of a third world war could be potentially disasterous for the human race. That, in my eyes, is what is even more terrifying about September 11th - it could have been (and maybe still could be) the catalyst that sparks WWIII.

In terms of it being a terrorist attack, although the death toll was catastrophic, it is something that has to be dealt with. For as long as I can remember the UK has been at threat from terrorism all my life by the IRA. There has been many terrorist attacks over the past 20-30 years, and many people have died. Spain is continuously under terrorist threat. Although I can't remember the groups' name right now, they have used a couple of car bombs so far this year.

The important thing to remember is to never give in to terrorism - never let it compromise your life if you can. Never say to yourself, 'I'm not flying there in case something happens'. Because that's how terrorists win - by affecting your life.

War is not good, cool or great no matter how Hollywood may glamourise it. I don't know how I would deal with a war if it broke out. I'd be scared for sure. Angry maybe. But I refuse to let terrorists scare me. War - yes. Cowardly, fanatical terrorism - never!

- S

x157anz Jan 29th, 2002 01:21 PM

I would hate there bieng a war near me.
Then i would have to join the army , but you americans would help out anyway !
I mean America And the U.K could kick any 1s ass !! Unless other coountrys teamed up.
But that would never happen :p

MakgSnake Jan 29th, 2002 02:01 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
When you see things happening only on TV, you're not really involved: involved in a war.
I Am Involved In This War As All My Relatives Are Living In Pakistan. And I Feel Very Afraid....Cause Things Are Going Worse Day By Day Over There!.!

Someone Should Mention This, That Bombing IS NOT A FREAKING Solution!.! Period!

devilmaydie Jan 29th, 2002 02:05 PM

If there was a war in my homeland, I would do anything and everything in my powers to repel them and get them out of the country I hold so dear!!!

MakgSnake Jan 29th, 2002 02:09 PM


Originally posted by devilmaydie
If there was a war in my homeland, I would do anything and everything in my powers to repel them and get them out of the country I hold so dear!!!
Exactly.....Thats What Every Country Wants To Do Man!.! Each And Every Country Wants The "ARMY" Troops Out Of Their Country, Cause Nobody Needs War. But Love!.!

Someone Should Explain This To The WHOLE WORLD!
Stay Out Of Other People's Country! Simple!

x157anz Jan 29th, 2002 02:12 PM


Stay Out Of Other People's Country! Simple!
True ! but try telling that to *** ***** like bin laden.
They do it just because of there god damn religion i mean whats the point ?!

IcyMourdor Jan 29th, 2002 05:12 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]I think war is the worst thing the mankind can do to each other, but if a war does break out between us and the Taliban, I'll proudly fight for the United States of America. Being raised in a family where my dad was in the army during Vietnam, I learned what it means to be patriotic. War is hell, but I'll go through hell and back for my family and friends.[/COLOR]

jenova_jeb Jan 29th, 2002 06:34 PM

If they were here, attacking us, I would get out my guns, and kill as many as I possibly could before they take me out.

Reid Jan 29th, 2002 07:34 PM

If you think of some of the things people are saying though, we're acting in much the same manner as people on different sides.
And that's why these things escalate.
We need to humanize the "opposition", by knowing about them, or even getting to know one of the people of their nationality.

Some of us say we want to go and kill as many Arabics as we can because of what a a terrorist group in their country did.
Many people from Afghanistan are now being trained to hate North Americans and their allies.

This cycle only breeds more and more hate. And more and more war.

We need to get a message out, something different, before our race destroys each other.

Spirit Jan 29th, 2002 09:13 PM

war always causes casualties, deaths and many other bad things. It's also very expensive for countries to go to war and the pressure of war doesn't wear off until a long time after the war ended since the ciitzens have to pay off the taxes. But wars always have a purpose, or should I say a single source that they originated from, and it's always one soruce, it's never more than one. They are all based on a lot of people's greed and jealousy.

MakgSnake Jan 29th, 2002 09:16 PM

War Is Ugly There Is Nothing Glamorous About It. I Am Serious!

Neo_Soldier28 Jan 30th, 2002 09:45 AM

When Sept 11 came we had been attacked before Spank-a-thon the twin towers were attacked i believe it was 2 years ago don't quote me on that time but by bin laden with a bomb but they didn't fall and we had the bay of pigs where we fought down in cuba when russia back in the day moved their ballistic missiles at our back door step. This wasn't the first time this has happened to us and im pretty sure it isn't gonna be the last. If this were to escalate even higher then it already is i would gladly join the army or navy or air force to defend my country. When the attack happened i couldn't believe it but after the shock was over i don't know about you guys but i was pissed. But i think that over the incident the U.S.A. has united and we are even closer of a country than before. I also think that over this that it united countries with other countries when they saw what happened

Spank-A-Thon Jan 30th, 2002 12:08 PM


Originally posted by Neo_Soldier28
When Sept 11 came we had been attacked before Spank-a-thon the twin towers were attacked i believe it was 2 years ago don't quote me on that time but by bin laden with a bomb but they didn't
Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean the US had never suffered a terrorist attack - I'm sure the residents of Oklahoma could verify that.

What I really meant was that the US had never before been subject to a direct act of war (which, lets face it, Sept 11th was) on home soil. Cuba happend in, well, Cuba. Vietnam was in 'Nam. Pearl Harbour was Pearl Habour. But never before has continental North America been subject to that level of an attack.

- S

007_JamesBond Jan 30th, 2002 12:20 PM

NO, no war has ever been enacted on American soil since the Civil war, but to me the attacks sent a message that only made us stronger. The complete opposite of what was intended by the terrorists. We will over come.

LoRd BanShee Jan 30th, 2002 12:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

[IMG]squall ff8[/IMG]

007_JamesBond Jan 30th, 2002 12:25 PM

I agree completely, I am a patriot and I would fight as long it was for a cause, if it was for nothing my opinion might be different.

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