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007_JamesBond May 16th, 2002 04:27 PM

Invincible 10 (the end)
well it has been fun and the long anticipated ending is finally here, as far as I know this is it unless more ideas come or something, I am glad that you enjoyed my story I just hope that the ending is as good as you all think

I ducked back around the corner before they saw me, I pulled out my two guns and counted my shots. I had five shots left, three in one and two in the other, the names that were on the bullets read, Will, Steve, Scott, brother and sister(brother and sister on same bullet), and my mother. I turned the corner guns drawn, and fired at all four of them, Scott and Will went through the two in the frony paving the way, and no sooner were they hit the two that were behind were hit by Steve and my siblings.

“That was for my family,” I said as I walk passed their corpses and enter to take down the one that started everything.

I entered the door, and saw two figures in the dark room one was the entity, I recognizes him first and the other was my father.

“Son I am sorry but they promissed me imortality, I told them that you would be at the hospital, and I even constructed the laser that they used,” said my father.

“You bastard, I will take care of you here in a moment, but first thing is first, you will now die,” I said as I point my finger at the entity.

The entity looks at me and starts to streatch, we stare at each other and start to circle each other. First I throw the first punch, it lands him in the eyes, then he starts the attackfirst he throws punches towards my head, but in my state I moved fast enough, I dodged all of his punches, we started to lift off the ground, when we got about ten feet up, I got the hit that I wanted I got above him and hit him into the ground, then I got down there, he got up quickly and tripped me, causing me to get off my balance, and causing me to fall back, but before I got down on the ground my hand caught me, and I flipped back up on my feet before he could hit me again.

“Now I see why the force fears you so, you clearly are stronger than the rest of them, none of them lasted this long in a fight with me,”I said.

“Thank you, but I now know that I can not beat you, So I will leave this place, ok?” the entity said.
“No, too late, time to die,” I said as I prepare to fight, as does he. He then rushes me and starts to attack, he hts me with every thing that he had, I could feel that after that punch he had nothing left, he nailed ,me square in the face. He thought that hehad me and that I was finished, but I wasn’t. It didn’t really effect me, I was not stunned at all, I then hit him and he flew in to the wall causing a fire and a hole in the wall. He was pretty beat up and he started to bleed, as he hit the wall he broke his leg, so he could not move. He was helpless. I then pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head.

“One bullet left, and one life to kill,” I said as I put my finger on the trigger. I then look at him as he pleads for his life. “This is for my mother.”


I then put away my gun and turn my attentions toward the ship and my father. My father just stands there looking at me, as I walk to the controlls of the ship, I push the self-destruct button, with a 10 min delay, and destroy the emergency shut down controls, and set the auto pilot for space. Ten minutes should be enough, the generators from the ship start up and the ship gains speed.

“Here father if you can find a way to survive and stop the ship, then you have earned your right to live, bye Dad,” I say as I blow a whole into the ship and jump out just before the ship leaves the atmoshpere, I land saftly and turn back to normal.

Chapter IVX

I know that the battle here on Earth is done, but what about those whose planets are still under the rule of this force, even though the leader is gone, there still will be terror and Hell throught the universe. My job will never be done, and I can not go back to the way thngs were before this day. I will one day regain peace in the universe, but not yet. Not Yet.

Mana May 16th, 2002 10:23 PM

So, this is the end of your story :)

Thanks for posting, I suppose it was hard for you to complete it, because it was a long one. But the result is very good and I'm sorry you won't post it anymore. :(

007_JamesBond May 17th, 2002 11:40 AM

Thank you but I am always revising it, and it was fun, agian I am glad that you liked it

Cannibal Clown May 17th, 2002 04:59 PM

Wow 007. That was really cool. I've been waiting for you to finnish that up for quite some time. I'm glad it's finally done, and I enjoyed the ending very much. I can't wait to read it again after the summer's over, so I can read the revised version.

007_JamesBond May 17th, 2002 07:17 PM

Well, I do have a copy for you on disk just tell me when you want it

Pu the Owl May 17th, 2002 08:15 PM

Congrats for completing your story Bond :)
Hope to read other stories from you in the future!

007_JamesBond May 17th, 2002 08:17 PM

more to come soon but of course not soon enough

Hylas May 18th, 2002 08:00 PM

I liked your story Bond. I was really waiting to read the last part and now I'm kinda satisfied. But I hope you will think about a new story to write, because this one was good.

007_JamesBond May 18th, 2002 08:50 PM

what do you mean Kinda satisfied? did it not end the way that you hopped , tell me

Ruby Moon May 22nd, 2002 03:41 PM

Maybe she was trying to say she's satisfied to read the ending, but also she is not happy that was the end of the story ;)

A very good work!

Hylas May 24th, 2002 11:28 AM


Originally posted by Ruby Moon
Maybe she was trying to say she's satisfied to read the ending, but also she is not happy that was the end of the story ;)

Sorry! My last post wasn't really clear, but luckily Ruby explained the meaning for me :right:

Indrid Cold Jun 11th, 2002 10:31 AM


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