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JC Denton Apr 24th, 2002 02:55 PM

What's makes a main character?
in your opinion. What do you like in the main characters you play as?. What should a good main character be like?. do you like the cool, calm, serious characters that brood alot or do you like them to be upbeat. Should they start of as a nothing and build there way up as a champion? or are they a member of a royal family, an outcast or somone with special powers? or do you just like to take them as they come.

Describe the ultimate main character in your opinion

Sword 4 Hire Apr 24th, 2002 03:38 PM

The ultimate main character lil upbeat but not over doing it...a womanizer...has to be cool looking, has secret unknown powers, and knows martial arts...that's the ultimate character!

JC Denton Apr 24th, 2002 03:56 PM

thats cool.

i like my characters serious and brooding. doesn't show off is more of a swordsman than magic user and has some sort of a death wish in battle or is a hero wannabe. or is a hero.

IcyMourdor Apr 24th, 2002 04:57 PM

The character has to be serious. He has to have a look to him (or her) that makes them standout from the rest of the party. Usually has a disturbing feature in the past that he can't get over. A strong leader with a noticeable weakness that eventually catches up to him.

Buttsblaster Apr 24th, 2002 05:38 PM

I would have to say my fav. character is a dude/chick that takes no crap, he's ready to fight all the time, his past was raveged by some mythical creature or something similar and his whole life was spent avenging his family. He has to carry Axe's cause axe's are freakin awsome. and he has to be a little dumb so that he isn't held back by fear, but not to dumb..... thats my kinda of character

jenova_jeb Apr 24th, 2002 05:56 PM

Zidane (FFIX) was everything I wanted in a main character to be. Funny, and cool. I don't really like the depressing characters like Cloud and Squall, but I'm glad there are characters like that, cause I'd get tired of having the same type over and over again.

happy_doughnut Apr 24th, 2002 11:56 PM

Ah, he/she has to be serious. Having a mysterious side makes a main character more appealing. I don't really know why but I think it's cool when they're cold hearted and mean. His/Her fighting skills have to be unmatchable!
Also, they have to use some kinda sword!
On a lighter note, they have to have dark colored hair and blue eyes:love:

jenova_jeb Apr 25th, 2002 05:12 PM


Originally posted by Mena

On a lighter note, they have to have dark colored and and blue eyes:love:

:laugh: lol :laugh: .

JC Denton Apr 26th, 2002 03:20 PM

how many suppoting characrers do you like there to be and what should they be like?

Sword 4 Hire Apr 26th, 2002 07:02 PM

I like 5 or 6...mostly an FF cast of characters... I need a silent, strong, fighter, an upbeat character, an excellent healer, a black mage...oh and give me a demi human or two

happy_doughnut Apr 26th, 2002 10:49 PM

I'd go for 3. 2 guys and a girl. They should all be deadly for the exception of one that should be the merry one. The other two have to be eviiiiil!!!

ChronoSquall May 9th, 2002 08:59 PM

I like characters that are possitive in thinking but not overly hyper and they must have a dark part of their past that is mysterius that you gradualy find out over the course of the game.

Honestly I like depressing up beat and cocky characters. I don't like one more then the other really it just depends on how good the character fits into the story that makes him a good character or not......He can be really depressing but if you give him a good reason to be from his past that is revealed later in the game and him gradually coming to his senses and he fits the story then it's all good.

I hate over cocky characters like seifer who really are all show but no blow yuh know? :P I don't relate to them and they annoy the heck out of me. But if they fit in the story well then they can be good as long as they mature a little dearing the game, but I prefer those characters as a party member or a bad guy but not usually as the main guy (or girl).

SSJ Lacan May 10th, 2002 08:34 AM


The ultimate main character lil upbeat but not over doing it...a womanizer...has to be cool looking, has secret unknown powers, and knows martial arts...that's the ultimate character!
Well i agree with Stein on some points but the Ultimate main character in my Eyes. Has to be the Silent type(meaning he doesn't talk crap he just backs it up.)a secert mysterious power is a must(like something happens in his or her life that triggers a flame in there body and makes them go completely mad and transform into something extremly powerful.)He should stay loyal to the one he loves. A HERO in all accpects always showing up in the last second and saving the innocent. I also think in at least one gmae the main character should take his own life to save the world or what not. You just never really see that in any game! Farewell till next time!

ChronoSquall May 10th, 2002 11:04 AM

Yes the character has to care about others too and have a soft side for the innocent. That's one of the main reasons I didn't like seifer.......he just didn't care about anyone but himself which wouldn't make a good main character.

JC Denton May 10th, 2002 03:52 PM

i agree with some points,
they cant be too selfish but nor to willing to save others,
though i would say they would have to have very low confidence and not good with people,

yes a death wish is the most important, if they are to die they would like to take the badies with em', not too cleaver they leave that to the supporting guy/girl.

Sword 4 Hire May 11th, 2002 11:48 AM


Originally posted by SSJ Lacan

Well i agree with Stein on some points but the Ultimate main character in my Eyes. Has to be the Silent type(meaning he doesn't talk crap he just backs it up.)a secert mysterious power is a must(like something happens in his or her life that triggers a flame in there body and makes them go completely mad and transform into something extremly powerful.)He should stay loyal to the one he loves. A HERO in all accpects always showing up in the last second and saving the innocent. I also think in at least one gmae the main character should take his own life to save the world or what not. You just never really see that in any game! Farewell till next time!

No way Oddo...I see too many of those in like...EVERY RPG I play...I want a Kyle or Ronfar from the Lunar series...someone who can make some time for the ladies and booze...and THEN save the world...I know it's everything opposite from the traditional "hero" but that's why it would be so cool!

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 06:50 PM

Sword 4 Hire may have somewhat of a point here... We've seen those kinds of heroes so many times, it's starin' to get really old.

Nevertheless, I think it still is one of the best "kind" of hero there is... I'm not particularly found of the group leaders in most cases, so I often don't really care... I think that the attitude of the heroes sould work well with the rest of his team.

Sword 4 Hire May 12th, 2002 04:40 PM

Exactly...I'm sick of the "Yeah lets go save the world!" attitude...and the "If we all work together we can do anything...because friendship is stronger than evil!" type bit. I want somethin new...somethin fresh...somethin real bada$$!

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 04:58 PM

Oh yeah !
What's more pathetic than a littl' group of friends that gives us lectures on how to behave and gives littl' morals about how friends should help each other and that love is something deep and beautiful... I mean, wtf ?!?

It's time for a new breed of heroes...

JC Denton May 27th, 2002 03:58 PM

they dont have to be lawful, i agree they shouldn't, a mix is good though, one lawful good character and an evil anarchist wold be good to put together. Because friction in the party of heros is always good, who wants to have a group of freind where there isnt a cat fight going on at least once in a while. Who says all of them have to be heros?
some could be there out of there own personnal gain or made to come along. That can work very well, and it does work very well in bg1 and bg2. i like some selfish and evil characters it makes the game more realistic. but a evil main character i dont think works either, nor does a lawful one, Rightoues works, carefree rightoues but not outwardly so, so they dont go along saving damsels in distress, carefree out for revenge, evil streek but good at heart, thats my best character.

of course its all up to personnal opinion, no one is right no one is wrong

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