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merylsilverburg Apr 3rd, 2002 08:29 PM

Kojima Speaks About the Future of MGS
Okay, I got my recent issue (May) of OPM and there was an article on Kojima-san as he speaks about the future of the MGS series. I'll just sum it up for you guys:

After receiving some negative feedback about MGS2, Kojima-san agreed that there were too many "passive cinematic elements" and not enough gameplay. Kojima-san also states that "Raiden was a one-time character, unlikely to return in a future installment" because he received a lot of negative feedbacks on the character's involvement with the sequel. However, Kojima-san thought that "through Raiden, we get a new perspective of Snake; a new appreciation". He talks about the missing character from MGS2, Chinaman (which MakgSnake already stated) and his abilities. Chinaman was supposed to be like a Jet-Li character with a body tattoo of a dragon. When Chinaman enters the water, the tattoo was supposed to "consume" him and changes him into a dragon. This character was supposed to possess a lot of powers and abilities that Vamp possessed (like walking on water, etc) and he was originally planned to be in the same room as Vamp when Raiden fights him. Vamp was originally supposed to be a woman but they decided to make him a guy because of the removal of Chinaman. As for the future of MGS, Kojima-san is not sure if there'll be another game, but if there is, he won't have much involvement in it, but he'll teach his team on how to make the MGS games and hopes they'll do a good job on the rest of the series.

Well, that's it. Also, the reason why Rose in MGS2 was so buggiful, was partly influenced by Kojima-san's wife, who used to bug him about their anniversary. Of course, the guy forgot, so he thought he would incorporate this into the game. Kojima-san also said that Rose represents his "ideal" woman: Smart, pretty, and a scientist. Hmmm......:laugh: Anyway, I'm sure surprised about the Chinaman character. It would've been cool to watch his transformation from a human being to a dragon! :shock: Hopefully, if there is going to be a third MGS, I hope his teams does an excellent job at it. :)

Hadoken Apr 3rd, 2002 09:42 PM

yeah, I hope the new team does well.
chinaman seemed like one hell of a character. kinda unbelievable, which may have been a reason they left him out.
I was wondering why rose was such a b**** all the time. lol
guess hideo didnt know. anniversary`s are important!:D
but eh, rose as an ideal woman?
if she doesnt call 24/7...:p
and ask so many damn questions!...

merylsilverburg Apr 3rd, 2002 10:59 PM

:laugh: I agree Hadoken! Man, if I was a guy, I'd be so friggin' annoyed! Hell! I'm a girl and I'm still annoyed with the chick! :laugh: I guess all those Raiden fans will be disappointed not to have him back in the future games. I'm not saying I'm happy that he's not returning, but.....honestly....I had a feeling that Raiden was "just" a character and not really that important to the developing series. I mean....

*MAYBE SPOILERS* Raiden already settled the score with Solidus and everything, so I didn't really see the point of his return. Plus, the ending with Rose and her pregnancy kinda hints of Raiden not making a come-back, so...

The one character that I really do hope will return is Meryl. Man, I like her so much! *Girly Mode On* Meryl is sooo cute with Snake! :love: Sigh.....well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, ya know? I mean.....the voice actress who did Emma's voice in MGS2 was actually the voice actress who did Meryl's voice in MGS, so I kinda hope she'll re-appear in the future games. :)

Pu the Owl Apr 4th, 2002 03:21 PM

*nods in agreement*

Let's hope Meryl comes back in the next game...

MakgSnake Apr 4th, 2002 03:58 PM

She Will Be There!.!
I Loved The Game. And Especially The Cut Scenes I Wanted More Of Them. But...I Guess We Wont Seee ANy Cinematics Anymore IN MGS3, If It'll Be All ONLINE.. DARN!.!

And About Meryl, She'll Be There...I Just Know It. She Has To Be. Or Else I'll Brake Up With Her!.! Lol!

nanjij Apr 4th, 2002 04:03 PM

in the dvd that the pal version got of mgs2 hideo talks about him wanting to make a film
sounds intresting ;)

Uchiha Sasuke Apr 4th, 2002 07:18 PM


Originally posted by nanjij
in the dvd that the pal version got of mgs2 hideo talks about him wanting to make a film
sounds intresting ;)

Hay thats cool.Was a CG movie he was talking about or a real one with actors outta hollywood.

Dante Apr 5th, 2002 12:34 AM

Raiden was only in it so they could tell the story from another persons point of view and we could see snake for what others thought of him and theres ment to be a message like about your genes and snake and his bros couldnt do that because they were clones of big boss and they wanted to leave there mark in the world

the messages r about passing on knowledge from generation from generation

or atleast that is what it says in the pal dvd ;)

Hadoken Apr 5th, 2002 04:36 AM

Re: She Will Be There!.!

Originally posted by MakgSnake
I Loved The Game. And Especially The Cut Scenes I Wanted More Of Them. But...I Guess We Wont Seee ANy Cinematics Anymore IN MGS3, If It'll Be All ONLINE.. DARN!.!

I doubt it`ll be online. it might have an online feature, but not be entirely online.
I mean, what would they do? have a couple thousand snakes running around a base at the exact same time? :D
Probably not.

Soul Angel Apr 5th, 2002 02:00 PM

Re: Re: She Will Be There!.!

Originally posted by Hadoken

I doubt it`ll be online. it might have an online feature, but not be entirely online.
I mean, what would they do? have a couple thousand snakes running around a base at the exact same time? :D
Probably not.

Actually Hadoken, Kojima is planning on making a online MGS game

Here is alittle bit of what it said in the OPS2


Kojima-san tells us exclusively of his ideas for an online Metal Gear:
"In an online Metal Gear game you could be playing with four other people and all of you are Solid Snake. The better players will proceed in the game, but the weaker Solid Snakes will maybe die in 5 seconds and not get to play any more. Not everyone gets to be the hero...."

Sounds interesting... :)

Spank-A-Thon Apr 5th, 2002 02:19 PM

How funny would it be to see about 12 different Snakes in boxes creeping around a room... :laugh:

Heh heh... that's quite a stupid thought!

- S

Hadoken Apr 5th, 2002 08:46 PM

i thought kojima wasnt doin more MG games. take part, but make em?
that bastard is a liar!:D jk
but wow, if your the weak one, you get killed off... how nice.
"you are the weakest snake, go die!"

merylsilverburg Apr 5th, 2002 09:21 PM

Yes, an online MGS sounds pretty cool actually. Hopefully, each of the Snakes get different colored bandanas in order to distinguish each one. So you won't get confused. :laugh: I know, that if there was going to be an online MGS....I'd be the weakest Snake. *Sigh* I love the MGS series, but I suck at them! I'm a big coward, that's why. :laugh:

Hadoken Apr 5th, 2002 09:48 PM

you know what would be a nice feature?
If the female gamers out there could play as meryl instead of snake.

Infernal Mass Apr 5th, 2002 11:26 PM

I have a feeling Kojimas' name may not be on the box but he'll have a liitle bit of influence to the third MGS..anyway here's somethin' from a newbie it's link to a video that has some of the most surprising MGS footage i've seen gotta watch carefully because it doesn't last long...okay now the footage is of Rose fighting Raiden on top of federal hall(where raiden defeats solidus)..i don't know what version it is but it looks great.
here it is...,00.html

info: look for the box that says video highlight the whole story talks about ladies in videogames.;)

merylsilverburg Apr 6th, 2002 08:53 PM


Originally posted by Hadoken
you know what would be a nice feature?
If the female gamers out there could play as meryl instead of snake.

Ah, that'd be AWESOME! :D Great idea!

Infernal Mass Apr 6th, 2002 09:49 PM

:peoples:Bah!!.. that's the worst idea i've ever heard. Meryl, was a wreckless cry baby in MGS...if she wasn't in the game Mei Ling or Nastasha would have been the main female protagonist.IMO

Also if Meryl wasn't in MGS, Snake wouldn't have had to run all the way back to the Armory to grab a sniper rifle and save her..that was very time consuming and not necessary.

At best she deserves maybe a little cameo in MGS3 maybe a codec conversation...ok,ok, maybe a little sidequest or something but to play as Meryl would be really lame..unless they change her whole persona..ya know make her less of a crybaby and more of a babe like Mei Ling or Nastasha. :D .. lol!!

Hylas Apr 6th, 2002 09:54 PM

Mei Ling?!
ROFL :laugh:
There was Sniper Wolf, after all...

Infernal Mass Apr 6th, 2002 10:02 PM

:laugh: aw yeah! Sniper Wolf,would kick all thier asses Mei Ling and!!

that would be interesting, a character like Sniper Wolf is well deserving of her own title.

Mana Apr 7th, 2002 11:56 AM

Meryl was a cool character and I'd be cool to see her in the next game. Why do you say she's weak? She's supposed to have had troubles in her life. So I think her character is very well developed.

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