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Spank-A-Thon Nov 17th, 2003 10:00 PM

Anyone playing Star Wars Galaxies?
Hey all,

just wondering if anyone's playing SWG yet? If so lemme know your name and what server you're on - could be fun to meet up and do missions in tandem.

Anyway, I'm currently an Artisan novice going by the name of Ymobacca (Yup, I'm a wookiee!) and I can be found on the Flurry server.

I'm based on Tatooine at the moment and have mainly been working in Mos Eisley and Bestine - Can't decide whether to start work for the Rebels or the Imps though.

Apparently there is a shortage of Imps, and everyone knows the bad guys are always cooler - but the good guys always win.... Hmmm, decisions decisions...

Anyway, any players? (Yes Sleazy, I'm looking at you!).


- S

BlackThornn Nov 23rd, 2003 05:56 PM

Argh. Now I'm wishing I had a copy of this just to play with some buds. *laughs*

I was thinkin about getting it though. ..although I heard that the game wasn't all it was cracked up to be. What do you think of it, Spank?

Bogart Nov 26th, 2003 05:22 PM

Me too! I've dreamed about this game for two years... but now I haven't the PC to play it. I had hoped it was going to be released on this generation of consoles!

Chara Nov 27th, 2003 10:21 AM

Yea, I heard the game was not that good when it was first released, but all mmorpgs are not that good off the bat. Did they fix most of the problems with a patch? If so I might be playing it...

jjmoohead Dec 1st, 2003 02:25 AM

Hey guys,

Yes i have swg, as you noticed from my lack of posts latly i play alot of pc games now rather then ps2. I have 2 characters on 2 servers.

On Bloodfin I am Georgeilias, I am a master artician, 1 block from Master Tailor. I am a Novice Pistoller and i also have basic knowledge in Medic, Scout and Entertainer.

On Valcryn my name is Curious- George and I am almost master artician and I am working on brawler right now to eventually get to commando.

Look me up if you want to do missions.

jjmoohead Dec 4th, 2003 11:26 AM

Just to note:

I am now a master tailor! WOOT WOOT!

Spank-A-Thon Dec 19th, 2003 09:56 AM


Originally posted by BlackThornn

Argh. Now I'm wishing I had a copy of this just to play with some buds. *laughs*

I was thinkin about getting it though. ..although I heard that the game wasn't all it was cracked up to be. What do you think of it, Spank?
Sorry for the late reply Black, been somewhat busy lately...

To be honest, at first it can be very overwhelming. There's so much to learn but fortunately people can be very helpful. Some parts of the game can be a tad boring (just like in real life) but other bits are indescribable. Allow me to cite a few examples:

I am working my way through the Artisan skill tree and in order to progress I need to do certain things to gain experience. For example, to improve my Surveying skills (which allow me to create mines so that I have raw materials to build with) I have to survey... a lot... which can become tedious.

However, I'm also working my way up through a weapon skill tree which means I must get combat experience - which is more exciting obviously.

Other times I have simply been wandering round Mos Eisley just observing other players. It's facinincating seeing the interaction between players from around the globe - at times it really does feel like I'm in another world.

Speaking of character interactions, I asked one person a question - turns out they didn't understand Wookiee - so I had to teach them Wookiee before they could understand me!

One of the highlights thus far has been due to a character I met called Esmay. She's a Bounty Hunter (a bloke from Gothenburg in real life though) and we went on a mission together to destroy a secret rebel research camp on Yavin 4.

At the time Esmay was a covert Imp, but once we reached an Imperial outpost on Yavin she decided to go overt which means she can call in Stormtroopers for back-up.

We spent some time treking across Yavin until finally we reached our target... Hmmm, 8 Rebs against Esmay, myself and 2 Stormtroopers. After quite the battle we were victorious and had acheived our objective so we headed back to Yavin Starport to return home (Mos Eisley).

Unfortuanately on the way back we got jumped by some NPC (Non-Player Characters) Rebs who wasted both me and Es...

Absolutely thrilling! And to cap it off, I also have my own personal Probot droid now!

The latest development has been the addition of player vehicles (so far a landspeeder, swoop and speeder bikes) but there is a Space Combat and Flight expansion due next year!!!

Graphically it's superb and you do feel like you're in the Star Wars universe - and to me, that's all I need. I mean, let's face it - I can handle boring moments, spesh if it's in the SW universe.

In the mean time, I'm off to go visit Jabba's Palace...

- S

Samoht Dec 19th, 2003 10:51 PM

I cant afford to play another MMORPG, just dont have the time like I used too. Played EQ for over 3 years...

jjmoohead Dec 22nd, 2003 03:22 AM

i go in spirts for the game, i really enjoyed it at one point but now am finding it annoying at times. I am master tailor and am now working on master merchant while i sell my reenforced clothing from the aid of a engeeneer.

I make about 100,000 grand every week from these clothing sales and am about half way done the merchant tree. When I get it done i will have mastered 3 areas and then its just a matter of time before i discover what it is i need to master to become a jedi.

The game is fun, but yes is very tedias and repetative at times. But what MMORPG isnt.

jjmoohead Jan 23rd, 2004 03:12 PM

I am now Master Now need to decide weather to quit the game or start something new...i really dont like it, but im so bored of it these days that it seems like the thing to do. Besides everquest 2 is out soon and im looking forward to getting it.

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