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Redpyramidhead Oct 30th, 2003 04:51 AM

The Supernatural Revived
Well it's around Halloween time so ghost stories would be perfect for about now, but not only that I have some new and interesting personal experiences to share with everybody. If you want to here them, though, I need some participation in this thread. That's the catch ;)

_RED_ stuff

tempted Oct 30th, 2003 05:39 AM

Do we have to tell a story so we can know one of your's?

Redpyramidhead Oct 30th, 2003 05:55 AM

OK, ok ;) Here's the teaser. I've always known that there's been something strange about the very old dirt road surrounded by woods that my house is on, but only recently did I learn from a friend how haunted or filled with supernatural and ghostly activity it indeed is. After becoming better tuned to such things recently, I have been able to feel these presences more myself. I'll be back with more on it:cool:

What about everybody else? Try to creep us out, please! :lmao:

_RED_ stuff

Hylas Oct 30th, 2003 10:13 AM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead
After becoming better tuned to such things recently, I have been able to feel these presences more myself.
*shivering* what... do you... mean... by... being able to feel these presences MORE?

BTW people, do you believe supernatural presences are easier to be seen during the halloween period? Like for the old thing that ghosts only come out after midnight? I'm pretty sure these are superstitions and suggestions, I mean, that in certain periods of the year (or of the day) ghosts and other supernatural presences are all around, wandering in the dark :peoples:

Vicious_2003 Oct 31st, 2003 12:38 AM

Not to be argumentative (Yeah right ;) ). I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in . The way I see it, if you cant prove somethings existince with solid proof. It probably doesent exist. Theres a reason ghosts are always seen at night . Because its dark and there are shadows. And people who over exaggerate them to make life interesting. Its funny how some people see a little spot in a picture and see a full fledged face of a "ghost". If you ask me there are just alot of people with overactive imaginations that have convinced themselves that that bump in the night probably caused by a few creaking floor boards due to a houses natural expansion, is more than just that

I LOVE horror movies. And the idea of ghosts is very interesting and entertaining, its just not reality. If people werent too scarred to investigate these noises that are so called footsteps or a ghost typing on thier keyboard they might just realize that its just the blinds blowing around because the windows cracked (Personal experience ;)) or a floor board creaking. And that door that slammed shut was due to a draft

Id like to believe in the supernatural but again, if there have been soo many experiences with these so called spirits, then why isnt it accepted that they exist ? And why isnt thier a single solitary shred of physical proof. Sounds like your average myth to me. Who knows, maybe I will some day have an experience with these "Spirits" people CLAIM to have heard, seen, or felt. Then id becomes a beleiver. But bet money that will NEVER happen

fantasytiger Oct 31st, 2003 08:32 AM

its your choice on weither or not you believe in spirits or not I have litteraly lived with ghosts all my life I see and heard things and well maybe I am just crazy but either way you put it there are many levels of exsistance why should you only accept the level your on

Vicious_2003 Nov 1st, 2003 12:31 AM

Many levels of existance ?. Really ?. And what are these levels ?

Redpyramidhead Nov 2nd, 2003 03:19 AM

How can you go through life not believing in the possible existence of things you don't know about? Theories on things we don't understand eventually lead to answers. THings that seem like magic to us as a society now won't in the future. That is the natural progress of science. New sciences are being born all the time. I believe that spirits may be a part of a science we have not yet excepted enough to explore yet.

And don't talk to me about assuming everything I see or hear is something supernatural or unexplainable. I, for most of my life, have been one of the most skeptical people on the topic among anybody I know. Some people just plain believe and that is all there is to it for them. That's the opposite of how I work. After carefully examining all logical possibilities, I come to one of 3 conclusions whenever I feel I may have witnessed something strange.
1. The logical explanation(s) of what it might have been cause me to dismiss it altogether.
2. There are somewhat logical explanations to the matter, but what happened was unsettling enough or maybe just plain different enough to me that I don't know what to think. These I usually dismiss as well.
3. I can't think of a very substantial logical explanation even though it may be there and what I experienced is convincing enough I am willing to consider the possibility that it is unexplainable by any science we today understand and might actually be something from what we today still call the "supernatural".

The third one hardly ever happens and even though the second one happens more often it still doesn't happen anywhere near as often as the first conclusion for me. This is why I remain a huge skeptic to this day. I will say, however, that I have had a small handful of number 3's.

And finally, about Fantasytiger's mention of different levels of existence, I am glad she brought that up. Like I said before, I will admit that most of these things are just theories, but theories are what find answers.

The fact remains that it is interesting to talk about, whatever your view on the matter is or how open that view is, even.

_RED_ stuff

Vicious_2003 Nov 3rd, 2003 06:22 PM

ahh forgive me for being too negative. I do that sometimes.

I just belive that EVERYTHING has a perfectly logical explination and that people let thier active imaginations and desire to belive that there are these Seemingly Magical/unexplainable things that go on in the world. I for one just dont buy it.

Im not saying I know 100% for sure it is a total load of crap. Hell...If I woke up and saw a ghost tommarow morning id become an instant beleiver that yes "Anything" is possible. Untill then I remain firmly "Skeptical" in reagurds to such things as ghosts

Im not denying the existance of things I dont know about, hell the odds are thier exist things/beings in the universe that we may never know of. But I belive EVERYTHING in the universe lives by the laws of scientific fact. As much as id like to I just cant belive something that completely spits in the face of science. Maybe its just me but I need some good solid proof before im going to belive that people can just materialize infront of you and vanish.

People just dont seem to be interested in logic, they jump strait to beleiving that the reason they got a chill and saw a wierd figure was because of a ghost. Rather than taking a logical look and realizing it was just somethings shadow and a draft from a nearby window. We as humans tend to look for familiar figures in everything, its natural. And of course once and a while by coincidence were going to recognize an object or figure in something. And maybe it will be accompanied by some floor boards creaking due to natural expansion of an old houses wooden framework, Im just saying why jump to rediculous conclusions ?

Mayby some day I will sleep in one of these so called haunted houses. It seems like everyone I know lives in one with all there supposedly true ghost stories. And then maybe someday I will be proven wrong. But after hundreds of years of these so called encounters, not a single solitary shred of evidence points to the existence of the paranormal. Something doesent exist untill its proven not to, it has to be proven to exist, untill then, it DOESENT

But thats just the way I work. Your all entitled to believe what you want to. Besides, I still like hearing ghost STORIES even if I dont belive them.

P.S. Ive slept in a few houses and even in the exact rooms where friends claim to have seen ghosts or heard strange voices. And Ive yet to have ever experienced anything that was unexplainable or supernatural. Wonder why that is ?
;) :ghost: And red, sorry if I brought negativity to a post that was meant to be light hearted, I do that alot.

Redpyramidhead Nov 4th, 2003 12:38 AM

It's totally cool man. I'm always up for a little debate on a subject, anywayz. It's all good:cool:

_RED_ stuff

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