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AudioBoxer Aug 1st, 2002 10:58 PM

PC vs. Console
Even though there is a war going on, on the console scence which do you think is better, PC or Console?

Me I think the PC is way better, but that is my choice, I do love the PS2 but there is sooooooooo much more you can do with PC games than console. Like Half Life the biggest game in history, over 400 mods (Games supported by the main game)!!

Carlito Aug 2nd, 2002 04:08 AM

For videogames the console is better, because it solves a lot of troubles involving requirements, compatibility and so on. For all the other things, it's obvious you need a PC :P

Frozen Aug 2nd, 2002 06:06 AM

Carlito said it.

My vote goes on consoles as I understood the question as regarding video games.

The Skum Aug 2nd, 2002 06:21 AM

i'd have to vote for the point already mentiones is the games.Half-life on pc was big moddability chances that you couldself could modify anything....while H-L on ps2 the only fun thing it has is the 2 player was odd i didnt find ps2 hl so fun....also,the thought of seeying originally pc games for a console is somewhat.....bothering.Take battlefield1942 for pc and xbox...the game is so hard to fly the planes,and all of the many hardware requirements....i dont understand how can the xbox manage all that either...i just heard there will be no online play for it.So PC is my obvious vote,but i wouldnt count out old classic consoles like the snes and 64,they are truly fun too.

kupoartist Aug 2nd, 2002 01:08 PM

*sob* PC...

I can't imagine playing and First Person Game on the console... I'd miss my Mouse and Keyboard to quickly... Though I still love consoles ^_^: owning the PC versions of FFVII and FFVIII is possibly the best example of "its over a year old and a crappy port anyway" syndrome - Let me use my graphics card you meanie!!!
PC wins in the end, because its very open to what you can do on it (especially arty stuff and music...) ... its not just the ability to play mods and extra maps that puts the PC ahead : the fact that you can actually Make them is pretty vital...

Pu the Owl Aug 2nd, 2002 02:37 PM

Depends on the game. Some games are better played on a console, some others on a PC. So I'd pick a third option that is not among the ones you put in the poll.
Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't like playing MGS or similar games on a PC, as I don't like very much playing games as Monkey Island on a console.

AudioBoxer Aug 2nd, 2002 08:50 PM

they are devolping an Half Life rally mod, basically racing

Jon27 Aug 7th, 2002 02:08 PM

I think the need for PC gaming has been dieing ever since xbox has come around, with the hd, the 2 joysticks that perfectly take the place of the kb&m, and the better then PC graphics.

I think when PS3 comes out the need for PC will become even less then it is now

kupoartist Aug 7th, 2002 02:23 PM

ummm... no. With GeForce4 out, the PC is already sprinting ahead of the X-Box (you have seen Doom 3, right?). Given that the X-Box's appeal seems to come entirely from its Graphics, when you take into consideration that they're hasn't been any worthwhile games since the pretty tasty launch line-up (the best evidence for that is how Halo is still at the top of the charts after such a long time... AND the PC version is going to steal a bit of thunder there...), the X-Box is already severly out-classed by the PC.

Its also worth pointing out that the PC has many, many exciting titles coming soon, some of which are exclusive: Doom 3, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament 2003, Command and Conquer: Generals, Counter Strike: Condition Zero, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest II, Freelancer, Deus Ex 2 and then theres always Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Quake 4, Black and White 2, MGS 2: Substance and Homeworld 2...

The PC isn't dead. the X-Box is closer to death (still can't get over how the Wonderswan out-sells it in Japan :laugh:). also look at it this way: the PC was there, with playable games when the Commodore 64 was bashing the Spectrum, when the Master System was knocking the NES, when the Mega Drive was getting spat on by the SNES, when the Saturn was getting left down by the PSOne and its here now... you can't kill it, even if you want to when it crashes 90% of the time :frust:

ToulaPich Aug 7th, 2002 06:56 PM

PC... Ha. Look the console scene is where it's at. Think about it, Console games are more mainstream, more affordable, easier to maintain (I mean ALOT easier) and you play your system usually in more comfortable conditions.

Oh yeah, console games have the best of the best... Best racing series=Gran Turismo, best RPG series= arguably the FF series... car combat, fighting sports and eventually FPS as well as Strategy (those usb ports in your PS2 isn't all useless).

The PC is has great games and the such but upgrading, downloading patches than seeing if you have the right drivers and making sure your computer can handle the T&L along with texture compression for the best the PC world has to offer is a real turnoff.

Soul Angel Aug 7th, 2002 07:26 PM

I have to say Consoles are better, I find them much more easiler to play games on, then PC. Plus the Console main function is to play games So you don't have to worry to much if it has enough memory to install the game etc...

AudioBoxer Aug 7th, 2002 10:24 PM

Console are fun but PC there is unlimited stuff you can do with it

ToulaPich Aug 7th, 2002 10:42 PM

I'm not disregarding the pc as nothing more a typing machine, I'm simply stating the fact. Gaming machines are optimized for games... while pc games aren't always so clear when it comes to plug and play...

Look, you like pc games, good... I'll stick to my PS2 and give grief to my friends who own an Xbox (luckily none of my buddies was unfortunate enough to spend money on the damn thing).

PC, consoles, if they can satisfy your gaming urges, it's all cool.

kupoartist Aug 8th, 2002 12:52 PM


Originally posted by ToulaPich
Oh yeah, console games have the best of the best... Best racing series=Gran Turismo, best RPG series= arguably the FF series... car combat, fighting sports and eventually FPS as well as Strategy (those usb ports in your PS2 isn't all useless).
So if you take into account the fact that FF7 and 8 were PC games, and that 11 is in the works, that leaves One game as your proof? ... besides, as RPGs go, many, many more hardcore RPG fans (I don't count myself among them: console RPGs have a far nicer appeal.) will point to RPGs like Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights and any other characteristically "PC-ish" RPG. Essentially thats all about what the PC is... for the "Hardcore" (a few exceptions fall ever side of the line occasionally of course...). A console will always have its instant ready to go appeal, but just because the PC doesn't have that, why would it not appeal to people? There'll always be room for a system that gives better performance for crappy reliability: thats essentially the price you must pay for the best tech, before its implemented well. Its all Microsofts fault anyway. Windows is the most buggy piece of software ever, and it gets worse with every version.

AudioBoxer Aug 8th, 2002 01:56 PM

LOL I know even if you take time to think about it, that Console games are made on computers, i dont know why I put it but I bet it will make a point from one of you.

ToulaPich Aug 8th, 2002 03:13 PM

Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter... these are the only types of RPGs the PC is good for. Games like those are played by devoted PC gamers who have alot of time to spare. Regular gamers like me and my friends say that a game like Baldur's Gate, which is too complicated to fully comprehend, takes to much time and effort to truly enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I own Baldur's Gate and I LIKE it to an extent.

Best of the best = the FF series, if you think it's not the best, that makes you the minority, me along with a hell of alot of other gamers out there think otherwise.

Yes video games are made on computers... not regular ones, the expensive kinds you can't get at regular vendors. I don't think many of us here are lucky enough to own such hardware.

I'm just kind of bias when it comes to gaming rigs... I'll prefer the console game over a PC one. That's just me...

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