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Vic Viper Sep 14th, 2005 10:56 AM

Here it is, MGS4 scans

they made snake looks so Old. i dont like it. :frust:

Otacons model looks cool though. :lick:

dan da man Sep 14th, 2005 12:11 PM

WTF, why the hell does Snake look older than George Bush, my arse not having that, get it right Kojima pleaseeeeee. :D

Other than that nice news vic.

kupoartist Sep 14th, 2005 12:31 PM

lol, that's so silly that I like it! Great things come with moustaches... Charlie Chaplin, Scatman John... err... the Turn-A Gundam... ok, he should lose the moustache, but Snake as an older guy isn't such a bad idea...

Qjij_jijQ Sep 14th, 2005 01:48 PM

Awesome pics... hate the moustache!
... and what's with the eye patch?

Guess every Snake is destined to get one sooner or later.
( there's only Liquid left and we're all set! )

Kojima DID say that the story somewhat 'ended' with MGS3 and that was something else, right? It looks like it's in the future... or something.

... can't wait to get some more info.

Vic Viper Sep 14th, 2005 02:12 PM

no its not an eye patch, its a visor that connects to that robot he has with him.



Originally Posted by kupoartist
lol, that's so silly that I like it! Great things come with moustaches... Charlie Chaplin, Scatman John... err... the Turn-A Gundam... ok, he should lose the moustache, but Snake as an older guy isn't such a bad idea...

i hate teh has to go.. :laugh:

Qjij_jijQ Sep 14th, 2005 05:31 PM

... what a subtle way to spy on people that is :laugh:
Anyways, technically isn't it an 'eye patch' visor? ( the look is similar )

I'm not too sure where they're going with all this.
Well, thanks for the info Vic. It's good to know there are at least 'some' fans left 'round here. *shifty eyes*

kupoartist Sep 14th, 2005 05:38 PM

He kind of looks like Dick Van Dyke in Diagnosis: Murder...

Phenom Sep 14th, 2005 05:45 PM


they made snake looks so Old. i dont like it.
LMAO. You make it sound like you don't like old people.
Guess they gotta grow old in some point of time.
Although I do hate the mustache.
Nice pics.

Qjij_jijQ Sep 14th, 2005 06:11 PM

I just found some more information...

on Gamespot:

Surprising trailer will show an older soldier that resembles Solid Snake, hinting at a futuristic timeline.

Director Hideo Kojima's trailers for the Metal Gear Solid series have always contained surprises. Back when Metal Gear Solid 2 was first shown, audiences at the Tokyo Game Show were fascinated by the high-quality graphics rendered in real time on the PlayStation 2, with some visitors mistaking that it was a prerendered movie. Metal Gear Solid 3's trailer teased gamers by hinting that it would take place during the Cold War, making everyone wonder who the main character was. The trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 that will be shown during the Tokyo Game Show 2005 this weekend will undoubtedly surprise fans of the series once again.

It's only a matter of days before Konami shows off its first real trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4 at the Tokyo Game Show, and the latest issue of Famitsu disclosed preliminary details on what event attendees will be seeing. As gamers may expect, the trailer will show how Metal Gear Solid 4 will be the most realistic-looking MGS yet, thanks to the PlayStation 3's high-quality graphics.

But the greatest change in Metal Gear Solid 4 may not be on its surface. In what may come as a huge surprise to gamers, screenshots in Famitsu show a character resembling series hero Solid Snake--as an elderly man with gray hair, wrinkles, and a moustache. Though the older man hasn't been confirmed as Solid Snake, he seems to have all the hero's trademarks, including a gray bandana, a muscular physique, and the habit of smoking cigarettes. The man wears a mechanical patch on his left eye (making him look similar to Metal Gear Solid 2's Solidus Snake), which seems to be a high-tech scope connected to his new small mech partner, Metal Gear Mark II. Metal Gear Mark II looks identical to the robot that appeared in Konami's classic game Snatcher, one of Kojima's early works. A screenshot from another scene shows a man resembling Otakon, who looks like he's in his 30s or 40s.

Other screenshots hint that Metal Gear Solid 4 will take place in a desolate, futuristic city rather than in a jungle like Metal Gear Solid 3. Soldiers, tanks, and two-legged mechs are seen on the roads. Talking to Famitsu, director Kojima confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4 will take place in a war zone. The game will feature multiple countries waging external wars and suffering from internal strife. Kojima plans to add realism to the relationships between Snake and the countries to make it more than just a simple character-enemy relationship. For example, if Snake kills a soldier from one country, he may end up allying with its opponent.

Kojima says that he hopes to make Metal Gear Solid 4 more "natural" than previous installments in the series. With the hardware shift to the PlayStation 3, the developers will be able to give natural motions and facial expressions to the characters--eliminating the need for exclamation points to appear above soldiers' heads when they recognize something.

During the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Kojima said that he wanted to develop elements that weren't "visible by the eye" in Metal Gear Solid 4. He revealed to Famitsu his plans to include "mind games," which will have opponents' concentration depend on their mental condition. For example, soldiers may become weaker if they get intimidated.

For fans of Metal Gear Solid 2's Raiden, Kojima confirms that he will be making a comeback in Metal Gear Solid 4.

GameSpot will have more details on Metal Gear Solid 4 from the floor of the Tokyo Game Show.

Some of this looks quite... interesting.

Urahara Kisuke Sep 14th, 2005 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Qjij_jijQ
I just found some more information...

on Gamespot:

Surprising trailer will show an older soldier that resembles Solid Snake, hinting at a futuristic timeline.

Director Hideo Kojima's trailers for the Metal Gear Solid series have always contained surprises. Back when Metal Gear Solid 2 was first shown, audiences at the Tokyo Game Show were fascinated by the high-quality graphics rendered in real time on the PlayStation 2, with some visitors mistaking that it was a prerendered movie. Metal Gear Solid 3's trailer teased gamers by hinting that it would take place during the Cold War, making everyone wonder who the main character was. The trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 that will be shown during the Tokyo Game Show 2005 this weekend will undoubtedly surprise fans of the series once again.

It's only a matter of days before Konami shows off its first real trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4 at the Tokyo Game Show, and the latest issue of Famitsu disclosed preliminary details on what event attendees will be seeing. As gamers may expect, the trailer will show how Metal Gear Solid 4 will be the most realistic-looking MGS yet, thanks to the PlayStation 3's high-quality graphics.

But the greatest change in Metal Gear Solid 4 may not be on its surface. In what may come as a huge surprise to gamers, screenshots in Famitsu show a character resembling series hero Solid Snake--as an elderly man with gray hair, wrinkles, and a moustache. Though the older man hasn't been confirmed as Solid Snake, he seems to have all the hero's trademarks, including a gray bandana, a muscular physique, and the habit of smoking cigarettes. The man wears a mechanical patch on his left eye (making him look similar to Metal Gear Solid 2's Solidus Snake), which seems to be a high-tech scope connected to his new small mech partner, Metal Gear Mark II. Metal Gear Mark II looks identical to the robot that appeared in Konami's classic game Snatcher, one of Kojima's early works. A screenshot from another scene shows a man resembling Otakon, who looks like he's in his 30s or 40s.

Other screenshots hint that Metal Gear Solid 4 will take place in a desolate, futuristic city rather than in a jungle like Metal Gear Solid 3. Soldiers, tanks, and two-legged mechs are seen on the roads. Talking to Famitsu, director Kojima confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4 will take place in a war zone. The game will feature multiple countries waging external wars and suffering from internal strife. Kojima plans to add realism to the relationships between Snake and the countries to make it more than just a simple character-enemy relationship. For example, if Snake kills a soldier from one country, he may end up allying with its opponent.

Kojima says that he hopes to make Metal Gear Solid 4 more "natural" than previous installments in the series. With the hardware shift to the PlayStation 3, the developers will be able to give natural motions and facial expressions to the characters--eliminating the need for exclamation points to appear above soldiers' heads when they recognize something.

During the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Kojima said that he wanted to develop elements that weren't "visible by the eye" in Metal Gear Solid 4. He revealed to Famitsu his plans to include "mind games," which will have opponents' concentration depend on their mental condition. For example, soldiers may become weaker if they get intimidated.

For fans of Metal Gear Solid 2's Raiden, Kojima confirms that he will be making a comeback in Metal Gear Solid 4.

GameSpot will have more details on Metal Gear Solid 4 from the floor of the Tokyo Game Show.

Some of this looks quite... interesting.

Sounds pretty cool. Hopefully though if that is Snake he looses the moustache. >.<

Qjij_jijQ Sep 14th, 2005 08:18 PM

Yeah... the more I look at it, the more I hate his face.
He looked so damn cool on the original 'teaser image'... too bad.

BTW, am I crazy or is it a fact that Snake has some type of problem that makes him grow old faster than regular people ( since he's a clone )?

TtTackler Sep 14th, 2005 11:49 PM

This has made my DAY. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

Qjij_jijQ Sep 15th, 2005 09:21 AM

For some reason, I don't want to believe that this is Solid Snake.

When we saw the original "teaser image", with most of the cast, Solid looked like he had half of that guy's age... who ever he is. I'm no expert in the whole MGS mythos, but is it possible that this is Solidus, at the time he was at war? ( where he found Raiden ) Could it be that, since we already played as Solid and Big Boss, a part of this game would be played as Solidus, to further 'explain' his background?

Maybe his visor could get blown off at one point, which would explain why he has an eye patch in the other game. Later, we could have Solid come back to this place ( since apparently, the action takes place in a war zone ) and he would have the opportunity to do what Solidus didn't??

Anyways, I'm just not feelin' it... an old Solid Snake?
I prefer ( by far ) the one that was shown on the teaser image, which seemed a little older than in MGS2 and sportin' a cool battle beard! :D

BTW, check in Vic's first pic... in the upper right corner, he seems to be injecting something into his neck. Some kind of medicine? drug?

Also, in the last pic ( which is more of a concept art ), at first I thought it was a weird foot we were looking at ( right ), but now it looks like it's someone's left hand, with a kind of retractable knife attacked to the forearm. Quite interesting... well, to me at least.

dan da man Sep 15th, 2005 10:10 AM

Raiden, he's making a come back then, cool, never understood why there were so many haters of him lol.

Can't wait for the video of mgs4, always wait for this years after years. :lick:

Qjij_jijQ Sep 15th, 2005 12:07 PM

CaN'T WAiT 2 SEe ALl thE NeW bAD GUys!

HmMMm... i DOn'T FEeL S0 g00D.
i BeTTeR LiE d0Wn, 2 MuCH eXiteMeNT! :shappy:

Vic Viper Sep 15th, 2005 12:48 PM

the trailer should be coming soon, either tonight or tomorrow. :lick:

oh btw heres what the kojima said about Raiden:


Raiden will also return, series producer Hideo Kojima reveals to the magazine. The new Raiden will apparently be so cool that you'll rethink your opinion of the Raiden from MGS2. The TGS trailer will give us a first look at Raiden's next generation debut.

Qjij_jijQ Sep 15th, 2005 02:56 PM

^ YEah, i ReCaLL REaDiNG thAT S0MeWheRE.

i'M HaPPy aB0uT iT. i DiDn'T 'reALly' liKE Raiden iN MGS2, BuT i Th0UGht hE HaD a L0t 0F PoTenTIaL 2 bE aWeS0ME.

merylsilverburg Sep 15th, 2005 10:41 PM

According to the text on the right in the first picture link, the man is Snake (unless it's all false information to throw us off and in reality, it's Big Boss...maybe he never died and was cyrogenized or something). I was able to translate a little of the text and this is what I got:

With the PlayStation 3 beginning to form in the real world, we are showing the first strong impact of "man" (I think the phrase meant that the idea of "man" equals strength and that is what the PlayStation 3 is proposed to do. So, the article is relating the PlayStation 3 and MGS4 with "strong impression"). The face (I think) has grown old and the body is unbecoming to it. The clothes is familiar and unique and see the bandana (I couldn't see one of the characters in the page so I couldn't translate it).This man is indeed Snake. He is the aged "Solid Snake" as expected. I couldn't translate the last part because of one character.

So, that's all I got from it. If this man is really Snake, I have to admit that I am very sad that Snake has become an old man for this game. I don't have a problem with old people, it's just that...old people depress me. I feel that they should retire and relax comfortably instead of having to go through all this vigorous and straining ordeals that's more suited for the youth who can take the hits. I know that Snake still is all fit and in shape for that age (I mean, my God, look at him! He's still busting out the CQC moves!) but I just...don't like it. :( I don't mind the mustache...though he looks a little like Ocelot.

Okay, so now...I have a question. Do you guys remember that "line-up" picture that features sketches of Snake, Raiden, Meryl, Ocelot, "Naomi" and that old guy with the eyepatch? Okay, well, if the old guy with the patch is supposed to be Snake, then who's the youthful looking Snake-look-alike standing next to Meryl?

I don't know what to make of the injection picture...unless that's the new "rations" for the game (you inject this needle in order to survive or is futuristic after all). Otacon looks much better now that he's older. As for Raiden coming back, let's just hope he isn't as whiny as he was in MGS2...hopefully he's grown up a bit.

Oh and Metal Gear Mark II...:disturb: I don't know what to make of him. He reminds me of that little robot character in "Star Wars"...uh...R2-D2 or something. I wonder if he's more helpful or more useless. It seems like it's going to be a challenge trying to play a stealth game with a little robot with you all the time.

Great pics Vic. Do you know which Japanese magazine this is? I would like to pick up a copy, if possible.

Vic Viper Sep 15th, 2005 11:01 PM

its from the famitsu magazine meryl.

gamespot has a new info on the game, discribing the trailer.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

merylsilverburg Sep 15th, 2005 11:17 PM

Famitsu, eh? It's probably sold out, lol. Thanks for the link too...I love the title "Guns of the Patriots." Wow...the name alone sends shivers down my spine. :D

I forgot to add my opinions on the futuristic setting of MGS4. Personally, I don't really like the futuristic enviroment...I normally don't like futuristic stuff anyway, with a lot of mecha or machinery so I don't know how happy I'll be with this setting (I think this is why I enjoyed MGS3 so much).

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