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MakgSnake Jun 3rd, 2003 10:53 PM

Official "Animatrix" Thread.
Just like the "Reloaded" thread, this is the Official Animatrix thread. The DVD was released today, and I know most of you must have seen most of the episodes online, but this "Animatrix" pack is mind blowing. I got the double disk set, which came with Animatrix Soundtrack, which by the way rocks...completely.

So if you havn't seen the Animatrix dont read much, cause it'll contain spoilers. So we'll just start with which episode did you guys like the best among the 9.!.

Mine has to be "Kid's Story".... excellent animation done in it and nice story and amazing music in it too, too bad the same track cannot be found in the soundtrack.

My second fav would have to be "Beyond".

So which one is yours fav.!.?

Meiko Jun 5th, 2003 03:23 PM

I've voted for Kid's story too. It's my fave among them, even if they're all quite good. There are only one of two of them I don't like much, but the others are all great!

Zephyr Jun 5th, 2003 03:27 PM

Makg, you probably think all us newbies are just agreeing with you but trust me - im not... I voted for Kids story becasue it has a good plot and yes as you said I liked the music better. If I was going to go for a second favourite I would probably vote A Detective Story because I think it also has a good plot.

MakgSnake Jun 6th, 2003 03:18 PM

Nah, dont worry. I am pretty sure you guys have strong reasons for why to like Kid's Story. It is a great episode. But surprisingly, not many people here have seen Animatrix, I assume. I really liked Detective story, but when I first saw it, it went through my head, but the second time I understood the meaning of it. Which is quite amazing.......! And thats why not everybody can be reach the real world. They are just not strong enough as Morpheus said. :)

Zephyr Jun 6th, 2003 03:22 PM

I dont believe it! Just after id bought Animatrix it goes down in price by a fiver - eek! why does this always happen to me? Anyways it is a great series - do you think they will make any more? I would hope so.

Redpyramidhead Jun 10th, 2003 06:58 PM

I picked #9. It makes you think and has so many implications on so many things in society and the way we learn to see the world, etc. It's also very sad, but hopeful at the same time. I almost cried. More comments on it later.

_RED_ stuff

Cannibal Clown Jun 11th, 2003 01:41 PM

I posted Final flight of osiris, mainly because of the fact that it looks sooo unbelievable and realistic. But, that didn't really make it much better than the other ones. I thought that the fight scene was awesome, and that the setinals were frickin bad ass.

Another was kid's story. I wasn't sure exactly what i was watching, but at the end, it was quite obvious of what relationship the story had with the movie. It wasn't necesarily the story itself that made me love this one, but the unique animation that was used. It was so cool ther way it was animated, and how the expressions and drawings moved. That was probably what iu really loved about kid's story.

Next was probably the two rennasance episodes were really awesome. Just the way the matrix unfolded from it was so interesting, and the animation, and directing was excellent. So that's pretty much why those got my fav vote as well.

The fifth was beyond. I thought that the whole idea of a glich in the system was developed perfectly in this episode. And the way it really made you think was sweet.

The detectives story was also cool. The black and white thing was very odd, but enjoyable nonetheless. But when i was able to see trinity as a cartoon, that made it all the better.

I also liked program, but not as much as the others. It seemed kinda bland compared to the rest of the collection.

And the last episode, well, it seemed to out there for me. I liked the way it incorporated itself with the matrix story, but it just didn't really do anything for me.

And world record, was just, uhhh....weird. I enjoyed it, and the agent looked crazy and wicked in the unique artistic form that was given to them. It was still cool, but not as great as the others.

I was given the special addition dvd/cd thingy from my friend as a small graduation gift. Thought it was awesome. Only wish other poor souls who haven't seen this piece of work will soon be awakened and too be able to watch the magnificant DVD.

merylsilverburg Jun 11th, 2003 08:56 PM

I picked all of them, because I really enjoyed each story and how they relate to the films in a little way. Plus, they revealed possible hints for the last film.

The only I really didn't like that much was "Matriculated". The animation was nice, but I didn't quite understand the story and how it relates to the film. Hm...maybe I'm just dumb...:P

Minor Spoilers:
Two of my favorites concerning story, are "World Record" and "Program". What I liked about "World Record" is how they're trying to say that no one in the Matrix is truly "free" no matter how much you try to escape (at least that's what I was getting from the story). Using sprinting/running as the concept is very interesting and the ending was pretty sad to me. As for animation, it was okay, but the colors and character designs were what really grabbed my attention. The colors are very bland and keep with the same balance with each other. I also enjoyed how the colors made the setting look like a "wasteland" which is almost appropriate with how the Matrix is described. If no one is free, they are stuck in the Matrix and left to "rot".
For "Program", I loved the setting of using ancient Japan, but incorporating the future terms and situation. Plus, the theme of the story as "will you choose love or Zion" relates very well with what happened regarding Neo in the films. The colors used are bold and dark, very close to a lot of Japanese art.

"Detective's Story" was quite enjoyable and the unique "black and white" reminds me of those classic, noir detective stories. Plus, using a grainy surface over the animation made the story seem gritty and realistic. The story was okay, it didn't do much to relate to the films, but it was good anyway.

"Kid's Story" has great animation and I liked how the characters looked: sketchy, simple, and surreal (like a dream). This story was basically surreal all over and it kinda reminds me of that famous painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. Not so much as the background, but the animation. The story is good too and I especially enjoyed the ending. :)

Redpyramidhead Jun 12th, 2003 12:39 AM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

[color=black]I picked all of them, because I really enjoyed each story and how they relate to the films in a little way. Plus, they revealed possible hints for the last film.

The only I really didn't like that much was "Matriculated". The animation was nice, but I didn't quite understand the story and how it relates to the film. Hm...maybe I'm just dumb...:P
Just making sure... I know the one that I liked the most was number 9... I'm assuming you listed them in order so it would be the one called "Matriculated." I hope I'm not getting the names mixed up. Actually I saw most of them, but not all of them so maybe I'd change my mind if I saw all of them, but I don't know. I saw the ones most people are saying they liked the most though as well. The Kid was great. Anywayz...I had a point here somewhere...where did it go? *grabs point out of the air from floating around my room and sticks it back in my head* Here we go...

Sssssssoooooo am I the only one who liked Matriculated? No your not dumb at all Meryl!!! It was a complicated story!! Basically, the simplest answer would be...

Spoiler: show was about humans (who lived, ever hunted-like all the other humans in the matrix story- in an unknown place on the ruined surface of the world somewhere. Somewhere where the sentinels had adapted to that form you see in it) who tried to "convert" the sentinels they captured into helping and being on the humans side by reprogramming them both physically and then mentally by plugging them into the matrix itself (or theyre own matrix I mean that they had made like the training program like in the first Matrix movie) which is kind of a big deal because the idea of plugging in the machines into a matrix which they use their own version of to control the human race is kind of ironic (lack of better word.) Anywayz...the humans use all these weird abstract imagery (where I'm sure the makers had fun getting artistic with) to brainwash the sentinel (more irony?) a la Clockwork Orange style (don't know if you've seen that) and there you have it. Meanwhile, everybody gets killed because they are attacked while plugged into the matrix and the saddest part for me was when the sentinel tried to plug them back into the matrix so they would "play" with him again and give him company after being lost and without purpose from then on. It didn't understand. How could it? I almost cried for that robot. That was a huge plot twist.

Actually, that was a little complicated, but maybe I helped so that you can go back and watch it again and enjoy it more this time. :cool: I wish now that I watched anime so I could discuss it with you. Could you name some for me that make you think as much as the animatrix does? I might visit the anime forum often if I found stuff like that. Later....

_RED_ stuff

merylsilverburg Jun 12th, 2003 07:27 PM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

Spoiler: show was about humans (who lived, ever hunted-like all the other humans in the matrix story- in an unknown place on the ruined surface of the world somewhere. Somewhere where the sentinels had adapted to that form you see in it) who tried to "convert" the sentinels they captured into helping and being on the humans side by reprogramming them both physically and then mentally by plugging them into the matrix itself (or theyre own matrix I mean that they had made like the training program like in the first Matrix movie) which is kind of a big deal because the idea of plugging in the machines into a matrix which they use their own version of to control the human race is kind of ironic (lack of better word.) Anywayz...the humans use all these weird abstract imagery (where I'm sure the makers had fun getting artistic with) to brainwash the sentinel (more irony?) a la Clockwork Orange style (don't know if you've seen that) and there you have it. Meanwhile, everybody gets killed because they are attacked while plugged into the matrix and the saddest part for me was when the sentinel tried to plug them back into the matrix so they would "play" with him again and give him company after being lost and without purpose from then on. It didn't understand. How could it? I almost cried for that robot. That was a huge plot twist.

Ah! So, I was right! See, I saw this story and when it ended, I thought about it and came up with that theory you said, Red. But, I didn't know if I was right or not, so I just thought I was wrong in the end. But thank you for explaining it to me, I appreciate it. :phew: :happy:

Frozen Aug 5th, 2003 10:43 AM

lol, until now I got to buy this DVD, I voted for The Final Flight of the Osiris but I like as much Program and a Detective Story.

DragonSphere Aug 6th, 2003 01:48 AM

Some spoilers...
I was only able to watch the DVD a few nights ago, and have to say I throughly enjoyed it. But since it is quite hard for me to choose a favorite, I'll list my thoughts of each of the nine below:

The Second Renaissance(sp?) Parts 1 and 2 I thought out of all the other shorts, this provided the best source of information and insight to the Matrix story arc as it did directly relate with it. It gave you a sense of sympathy for the machines as they were, in fact, an oppressed "race"- if you were to call them that- as the humans no longer had to do any sort of tedious work. I found it interesting on how it was the human's own fear and misunderstanding of the machines that ultimately lead them to their imprisonment. Found it a bit depressing as well.

Final Flight of the Osiris Since this, too, directly related with both the story and game, it helps to understand the plot a little bit more as to how the humans first found out about the armada of sentinels ready to invade Zion deep below the ground. The excellent visuals were a sweet bonus.

Program I especially enjoyed its setting in one of Japan's more elder eras, and how the fight scenes were brought about. It was also cool on how the two characters were against each other in the idea of whether or not of going back to the Matrix without remembering the terrible truth. Kinda like the choice Cypher made in the first Matrix movie.

Kid's Story I can see why Makg and the others voted this as their favorite, as it did have unique visuals, music, and meaning that separated it from the rest. Gives some good insight on the kind of people that can be rescued from the restrictions of the Matrix.

World Record The art style in this short was as unique as "Kid's Story", but I found the story here much more appealing, as it didn't fit with the usual norm of only hackers being able to find some haven outside of the Matrix. Coupled with the character's determination to push himself forward as much as he could, the idea of being able to feel "free" after overcoming and finishing a race presented a new door of sorts for other, "special", people to find out the truth themselves. I liked the way how the creators made him fail though.

Beyond I think this one gave you a more "playful" outlook of the structure of the Matrix, as errors were bound to happen- however scarce. To see it from the childrens' point of view, without ever knowing the hard truth, was a relaxing departure from the serious attitude presented in the others. Very enjoyable.

A Detective Story I found this short to be pretty cool (note the avatar) and was definitely reminiscent of all those old detective films as well with the black and white palette. Too bad Ash wasn't able to go with Trinity...

Matriculated Undoubtedly, this has the most artistic and (as already said) surreal atmosphere out of the nine. I already recognized the character design from "Aeon Flux" and "Reign", so it was cool to see them in a Matrix universe. Also interesting to see how the humans brainwashed the machines so as to use them for their own bidding. But in the end, no matter how much they toyed with a machine's AI, the humans were altogether afraid of their existence and being.

Bl4ze Aug 12th, 2003 03:01 PM

I know this is like a month or so late but I jjust saw this and I liked Final Flight of The Osiris best becasue it had good action and good animation as well as fast paced sword fighting :roflmao: (cut dein clothen (ooh)) But it was better than the other eight becasue it had an overall feel of the Matrix theme.

Vicious_2003 Aug 18th, 2003 05:15 PM

I just saw them on DVD and i must say they were almost all VERY good. I Didnt like Matriculated much, but other than that they were excellent. I liked the Second Renaciance episodes the best because they were full of interesting information as apposed to JUSt fighting. Of course kids story wich was directed by the guy who did my Fav anime cowboy Beebop was good for the same reason. it explains what the deal was in reloaded with that kid who was hanging on Neo when he returned to Zion. If you just watched them on the internet i suggest you get ahold of the DVD . There is a really interesting special feature segment on the history of Anime that was good.

stevil935 Aug 21st, 2003 09:02 PM

animatrix is ok but i still like the movie the best. i say kenshin is better than all of it but matrix is still good!

Redpyramidhead Aug 21st, 2003 11:37 PM

It's not a matter of it being better or worse then the movie...the two aren't supposed to be compared. The animatrix is a way of further enjoying stories from the Matrix story universe.

_RED_ stuff

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