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FATT47 Feb 1st, 2005 11:21 AM

GT4, I just can't get excited, I.........
came to that conclusion a couple of weeks ago after playin GT3 again for a few days.
I realize that GT3 is two years old now and it was cool havin that game at the time when there wasn't many good racin games out there much, but, I had forgotten just how arcadish the game really was, the bouncin off the walls no damage go as fast as ya can with no racin strategy what so ever just doesn't get it any more IMO, I've grown to use to and enjoyin a game like ToCA, now that's as close to real racin as a video game has gotten IMO

With the scenarios I've mentioned regardin the GT games if ya lose a little time slidin on a wall the other cars are or shouldn't at least be catchable, if they are catchable then the game is really goin to be bogus because race cars that are as equal speed wise and handlin wise as the cars in GT4 will never be caught if they get a good lead.

What I see in this new game is pretty much the same ole sameo, no in race plannin in regard to tire wear, no worry of minor or severe body damage to affect you or the other cars and it just seems like it'll get pretty borin pretty fast IMO.
Playin the GT3 game again brought back the opinions I had a couple of years ago that the GT series is a great lookin creation, but it's nothin more then a glorified arcade game.

Ok, all that bein said, I do think the new GT4 game will be better in respect to the overall looks of the game, the cars will look awesome more awesome then before, the tracks will look better, the number of cars available will be more, the car tweakin ability will undoubtedly be better but, the game IMO will still be an arcade atmosphere type of game because it has no damage feature which takes away the reality and the ability to plan race strategy.
Nether words it'll be a game of see how fast ya can go with nothin else much bein a factor.

Those issues along with GT4 not bein online as far as I know to this point puts this game way at the bottom of my racin games list, but, that's just my opinion, I'm sure tons of gamers will enjoy it.
Now at this time I think it's better that GT4 wont be online because it would not be a fun game online with no damage feature, maybe in another year or two when the PS3 hits the shelves the GT folks will give us an awesome racer with the unveiling of GT5 Online with a realistic damage feature feature.
At least give us the option of turnin on and off a damage feature.

goodman Feb 1st, 2005 11:32 AM

To say GT4 isnt even a blip on the map is putting it lightly, but if you wanna talk about it with some of my friends over at another forum, send me a PM and i will set you up...

FATT47 Feb 1st, 2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by goodman
To say GT4 isnt even a blip on the map is putting it lightly, but if you wanna talk about it with some of my friends over at another forum, send me a PM and i will set you up...

goodman thanks for the invite but I've kinda grown to like these new boards here of late and I'd just as soon have some intelegent, adult type discussions right here if it's possible to round up some gamers who'd like to partake of that atmosphere.

I just left one of the more popular or at least maybe one of the more active racin board sites over at because it turned into nothin more then a one or two game discussion general racin board with not much bein discussed except for those one or two racin games and a bunch of kiddy talk about wantin real cars, I'm not interested in that when I visit a racin game board, I go to real car boards to do that stuff.

This board has some good user features, some good software and some good posters, if they'd only post more and give some ideas and opinions about the racin games this place would Rock!
If your fiends are logical, fair minded and like to yak about racin games or other types of games without poundin their internet chests then why not bring em over here, there's a lot bein offered here IMO and I'm tired of jumpin all over the place :cool:

goodman Feb 1st, 2005 01:07 PM

Hey no prob, bud, actually i found ps2fantasy through this other forum, its got some of the very same members here that are there also. They just happen to have a big thread concerning this game, and i know the discussion hasnt been much on here... ive been on ps2fantasy about two months after its start so i know the feeling!

LeCrap Feb 1st, 2005 10:50 PM

Do what I do, take some Video game Viagra. Works like a charm...except I stopped using it for GT4. Now, for HL2, I have to know because I beat the game and so I need to still be excited.

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by goodman
Hey no prob, bud, actually i found ps2fantasy through this other forum, its got some of the very same members here that are there also. They just happen to have a big thread concerning this game, and i know the discussion hasnt been much on here... ive been on ps2fantasy about two months after its start so i know the feeling!

Ya know I'm just kinda burnt out as far as movin around to different message boards anymore most gamin boards get so silly after a while, I'm a little older then wantin to put up with silly LOL, I was an Admin for 4 years on a very active NFL message board and I pretty much spent most of my last 6 years of internet livin jumpin around to many different message boards, so, I've had my share of message board activity, now I'm lookin for quality more then anything.

I'm hopin that this place starts gettin some activity when some new games hit, I'm sure once GT4 gets close there will be some good info and opinions bein laid down here, I probably wont get the game but I sure am interested to hear about it.

If need be I'll hang lose til ToCA 3 comes out if it does, as good and fun as ToCA 2 was and is ToCA 3 should be even better, but, hopefully some great racin games will come out even before that.

Hopefully we can enjoy em and yak about em together :cool:

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by LeCrap
Do what I do, take some Video game Viagra. Works like a charm...except I stopped using it for GT4. Now, for HL2, I have to know because I beat the game and so I need to still be excited.

Hmmm, well, I don't have any problem bein or gettin excited about PS2 games, as long as they're good games, my problem is for all the great technology we see and enjoy today gamin wise, I personally can't find all that many games that I really get pumped about.

I'm a big racin game fan, and I've had most of the PS2 racin games to come out in the last year or two, I do look mostly for games with online support, but I've had a few that weren't online.

I'm not into the arcade type or street racin types of games, most gamers are but they're just not my cup of tea.
I'm more into the "simulator type" of racin games, racin games that at least attempt to get close to reality by includin a damage feature, damage is important for me in a racin game, there aren't any real true simulator games bein produced yet IMO, I don't think as many gamers want em as much as they want the arcade scenario games right now but maybe in time they, each monkey to their own rope.

goodman Feb 28th, 2005 08:51 AM

Im not too excited about GT4, but im getting Devil May Cry 3, which should be out by either tomorrow or Wednsday, will let ya know......

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