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Frozen Nov 14th, 2002 01:15 AM

Star Wars: Episode II
After 6 months, when I nearly reached an orgasm watching this movie, I feel complete by having acquired the DVD this afternoon.

MY GOD, THIS MOVIE IS THE BAD-ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe I got a good deal on it, 22 bucks with tax, I recieved the 2 DVD set, plus a gift CD for the PC and a keychain ^_^

I have all the previous movies in VHS, but I'm sure I'm gonna upgrade them all to DVD.

A must buy for any Star Wars lover, without any doubt. I'm just in the ecstasy right now :D

But, the music makes me feel terribly sad. Specially having in mind that the events in this movie are the prelude of the upcoming tragedy. I'm sure that Episode III will be a most sad movie :weep:

Spank-A-Thon Nov 14th, 2002 08:33 AM

Re: Star Wars: Episode II

Originally posted by Frozen
I have all the previous movies in VHS, but I'm sure I'm gonna upgrade them all to DVD.
Sadly the original trilogy won't be released on DVD for a few years yet. George Lucas stated in an interview just before the Ep I DVD was released that he wanted to finish Ep II & III before he concentrated on a DVD release of IV, V & VI.

Apparently he want's to make sure they are absolutley top notch with tonnes of extra features.

If the final DVDs are anything like the Laser Discs I have, or better yet, the SSD Executor Boxed-Set I have then we will be in for a treat!!

I hope there is an option to remove the redone Greedo scene, and Luke's scream in Empire....

- S

Frozen Nov 14th, 2002 12:36 PM

Very true, gotta wait till 2005 after we see EP III to get the original Trilogy DVD's :(

But the wait will be worth it :)

But man, for sure EP III will be the saddest Star Wars movie ever. :(

AudioBoxer Nov 14th, 2002 06:32 PM

ummm I dont really like that movie, I am not really A Star Wars fan, I do watch the movies but I can wait and see the movie on DVD, but it is still pretty sweet! Anikin is a ***et though! And yoda is a true pimp

Uchiha Sasuke Nov 14th, 2002 09:58 PM

Yeah the im going to pick up the movie soon.Can't wait to see all the extras.

BlackThornn Nov 14th, 2002 10:50 PM

(this post may contain spoilers, read cautiously)

First off.. I really love this movie. I picked it up on VHS 'cause I have all the other titles on VHS.

There are a couple of major flaws in it though.

1) The direction. George Lucas needs to be tied and gagged so people can have a good director doing Ep. III.

2) It seriously drags in the middle. I didn't mind getting up for popcorn/nature's call in the middle of this flick. IMO it's not even really good back story.

3) Hayden Christensen has some gem moments but for the most part his acting is rather cardboard. And his lip trembles way too much, even for a teenager with superpowers who can't use them at will.

4) "My young (insert something like "padawan learner" or "apprentice" here)" is used too much in this movie, especially by Obi-wan. It makes the characters seem less versatile.

5a) C-3P0 and R2-D2.. When did 3P0 get that flexible..? And where the **** did R2 get rockets from? I sincerely hope that at least the latter is explained later on, specifically why he can't/doesn't fly in the later eps.

5b) The humor with 3P0's head was dragged on for far too long.. It was out of place in the first place (I mean.. there were literally DROVES of Jedi dying in that battle.. that's supposed to be an important moment, I think, not one that's trivialized by droid antics), and it was spoiled completely when 3P0 said "oh, this is such a drag" as R2 was carrying away his head. I mean come on. -_-

6) This is just a problem I expect myself, and only myself to have.. But the battle, while absolutely kickass, didn't have the effect of the others in the Star Wars Saga.. During the ANH, ESB, and ROTJ the exerpts of each battle are more extended. ANH had precious few Rebel pilots dying off one by one, ESB was one big rout.. the empire just smacked down the alliance there, and in ROTJ while the Ewok sequences were kinda stupid you could get a feel of how desperate the space battle was with brief sequences of pilots going down, crashing into ships or just being blasted apart by Imperial forces. The origionals seemed more like actual story-telling battle sequences and less like eye candy that was approved for the family.

It's like George went friggin' senile and just kiddie-fied the whole franchise. Ep 1's battle was spoiled by Jar Jar's stupid **** and super powerful clumsiness (knocking out three droids with a rifle attatched to his FOOT???), and Ep 2's Clone War battle (first of a war which was supposedly the worse in a thousand years) was trivialized by the canned laughter of 3P0's "head dillema" interjected into it.

Still an enjoyable movie though, but that might be just because I'm a big old school star wars fan.

lowdru2k2 Nov 15th, 2002 03:49 PM

Well I love Star Wars Episode II. When I saw it in the theater I didn't walk out feeling down or anything. I thought the movie was really entertaining. I just got it on DVD the other day and I have watched it about 2 times now. I watched almost all the special features. I really like the one about R2-D2 Under The Dome or whatever its called. Its really funny...its about R2-D2's early days and what he has went threw and all kinds of stuff. He goes from an upcoming actor, to smoking pot, to drinking, then back in the spotlight.

Also I like the stuff with Samuel L. Jackson in the special features. He seems like he had a really good time doing this movie. It was funny....Samuel and Lucas was standing there and Lucas was like "well the jedi have green and blue lightsabers and the dark side has red." And Samuel said "well can there be a purple lightsaber?" with a big smile on his face.

I can't wait till Episode III hits. I think it is going to be a really great movie with some kick ass action and special effects. Pluss its going to be really really dark. I think it will be the best Star Wars movie because it will be the last. Lucas will put all his energy into this movie and work harder than on any other movie he did. Pluss after he gets done with Episode III then him and Spielberg will start on Indy 4 :D

Redpyramidhead Nov 15th, 2002 06:13 PM

Another thing I had a problem with is when Anakin offs a whole village of sand people but the scene neatly cuts away to something else before the carnage begins. Now I realize kids are (stupid kids! Lucas is toning stuff down for you and you little brats didnt even know what star wars was until we told you! you weren't even born yet!) supposed to be able to watch this but this is an important moment during the story of Anakin Skywalker and how he gave into his anger and ultimately the dark side. Couldn't they have found a way to convey this better? Also when he later tells Padme about what he had done "I killed all of them including women and children!!" christianson isnt exactly very convincing about the angst involved and Padme's reaction is so extremely passive I wondered if she had even heard what he had said because i woulda thought something like that would scare her to death like "who the **** is this guy I'm falling in love with here he's a monster!?"'d think anyway.

well ummm... im done.

_RED_ stuff

Frozen Nov 16th, 2002 01:41 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn

1) The direction. George Lucas needs to be tied and gagged so people can have a good director doing Ep. III.

Just a little question, who else TF you think should Direct STAR WARS? :D

Spank-A-Thon Nov 16th, 2002 03:20 PM


Originally posted by Frozen

Just a little question, who else TF you think should Direct STAR WARS? :D

How about Irvin Kershner who directed Empire, which is arguably the best in the series thus far.

And while they're at it, get Lawrence Kasdan to write the screenplay.

- S

Frozen Nov 16th, 2002 04:19 PM

Oh, how ignorant I am towards the matter :D

I thought that Lucas had directed them all :evil:

Well, Empire was the HOLY S***, that director could perfectly direct the best SW movie after all then. Because ESB and EP 3will have something in common: both are gonna be very sad :weep:

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