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Infernal Mass Mar 22nd, 2005 05:46 AM

Soul Calibur 3
taken from the may issue of gamepro magazine.

* ps2 exclusive title
* 25 warriors, 3 new fighters
* create your own charcter

article here

Vic Viper Mar 22nd, 2005 10:30 AM

thats cool and all but i wouldve like for them to wait and release the game on the next gen PS3.:)

Urahara Kisuke Mar 22nd, 2005 02:53 PM

Yah, that is pretty cool. I liked the second one even though the article says it was a disappointment.

merylsilverburg Mar 23rd, 2005 06:44 AM

Great article, Infernal, I'm looking forward to this game and the ability to create your own characters. :D I thought the second game was great, but pales in comparison with the original "Soul Calibur" on the DC. Masterpiece, that one.

dan da man Mar 23rd, 2005 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Vic Viper
thats cool and all but i wouldve like for them to wait and release the game on the next gen PS3.:)

Yeah would of been a great Launch title.

Online play?

trunks69420 Mar 24th, 2005 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
I thought the second game was great, but pales in comparison with the original "Soul Calibur" on the DC. Masterpiece, that one.

i agree 100 %... soul calibur for the dcast was amazing.. and i still play it to this day... actually had a nice tourney on st. patricks day filled with booze and ass kicking old school style... *cries* i just wish i had more people who remembered how to handle the dreamcast controller... spoiled little brats these days :)

Vic Viper Mar 24th, 2005 01:34 PM

i still think it would have been better off for the PS3
famitsu scan 1
famitsu scan 2

- Soul Calibur 3 was shown in this issue. It's being developed by Project Soul and is about 30% complete.The girl dressed in green shown in the May issue of Gamepro is named Tira. She uses a ring-like blade called "Eisernedrossel." She was shown along with two other new characters. Zamalamel (He was also shown in the Gamepro pics if you look closely), who uses a scythe called "Cafuziel." And Setsuka, who uses a katana called "Ugetsu Kageuchi" <-- Lots of SCIII pics. <--ign article <-- Trailer. <-- Making of SCIII trailer.

Vic Viper Mar 24th, 2005 02:28 PM

SoulCalibur III - Fact sheet

[Development percentage - 30%]

Provisional release date: 2005
Retail Price: Not confirmed
Game Genre: Sword-fighting action
Other: Memory card compatible (capacity not confirmed)
Legal line: ©1995 1998 2002 2003 2005 NAMCO LTD.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The moment the evil and holy swords crossed,
The wheel of fortune begins to turn again.
The story of warriors lured by the bipolar swords, soon to be revealed...

Featuring 3 new characters!

A new title from the popular world-wide smash hit 'sword-fighting action game' SoulCalibur series is due to be released in 2005.

SoulCalibur III offers the series' hallmarks of exhilarating sword-fighting action and profound martial arts while also delivering highly improved graphics and sound effects to create a unique gaming experience.

It also features a Character Creation Mode, which allows players to create original warriors.

With so many new gameplay modes and new characters rich with personality, this title will offer players the world-class sword-fighting action they desire.


# Globally popular sword-fighting action gameplay style

# Substantial number of gameplay modes

# 'Character creation' mode allows player to create an original character

# World-class fighting system

# Superb graphics

# Dramatic events

3 new innovative characters

- Zasalamel (tentative)
This mysterious man desires to raise the evil sword. He drags those who witness the sharp light from his giant scythe to the abyss of death.

- Tira (tentative)
An angel of death from the darkness with a bird-like grace, she plays with lives using her Ring Blade.

- Setsuka (tentative)
The wandering beauty on a lonely journey. She lives for her revenge with a sword hidden in her umbrella.

An unprecedented number of modes in the series' history

- Character Creation Mode
Allows the player to customise appearance, weapons and roles of a character

- Story Mode
Offers stories of great depth, unique to each character

- Lost Chronicle Mode
Offers the hybrid combination of combat strategy simulation and fighting game elements

- Soul Arena Mode
Offers rich variations of battles in special situations

- World Competition Mode
Offers world championship battles against virtual tough contestants, all aiming for the top

- VS Standard Mode
2-Player fighting mode which offers a quick battle

- VS Special Mode
2-Player fighting mode with rich variations of battles features and special situations

- VS Competition Mode
Single to multi-player mode, offering knockout tournaments and league competitions

- Practice Mode
Offers training facilities where players can sharpen their skills

- Museum Mode
Enables players to check items obtained in the game and view the history of the SoulCalibur series


The Soul Calibur, a holy sword, has been created to oppose to the Soul Edge, an evil sword which corrupts human souls.

The power of the Soul Edge drove many adventurers and mighty warriors to seek the sword. Every time the evil sword rises, the Soul Calibur will rise to fight the brutality. The countless severe battles between these swords became legendary throughout the decades.

Towards the end of the 16th Century, the two opposing blades have risen again to the centre stage once more. The eternal tale of legendary rivalry is to be retold again...

Berserker Mar 25th, 2005 02:43 AM

Excellent finds guys, the trailer doesn't work here though. Looks cool nothing really different graphic wise, three new characters mmmm acceptable to modern fighting game standards, ps2 exclusive always a good thing, create-a-fighter-mode sounds like a lot of fun( as long as you can create a unique fighting style that is not just Talim or Raphael with a diff. look).

I loved SCll, speed and action wise the best 3d fighter by far IMO. So they really can't go wrong I guess, but like most people I'd expected it to be a ps3 title like said ps exclusive good launch title!

merylsilverburg Mar 25th, 2005 08:40 AM

Great info/scans Vic. :D I read somewhere that SC3 is supposed to be on all 3 consoles and, like SC2, will console-exclusive characters. Anyone know about this?

Vic Viper Mar 25th, 2005 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
Great info/scans Vic. :D I read somewhere that SC3 is supposed to be on all 3 consoles and, like SC2, will console-exclusive characters. Anyone know about this?

for now its PS2 exclusive.

check the article, it says it wont be coming to xbox or gamecube anytime soon. :lick:

merylsilverburg Oct 12th, 2005 08:54 PM

I just thought I'd bring this old thread back now that "Soul Calibur 3" is on it's way at the end of October. :)

So, which new character are you guys looking forward to playing? I'm interested in all three actually, but I think Tira interests me the most because of her ringblade weapon. Doesn't her appearance and occupation (a dancer) remind you of Ellis from the PS1 game "Battle Arena Toshinden" though? Coincidence? Hmm...:dozey:

What kind of characters are you planning on creating and what will their occupation and appearances be like?

What modes are you guys interested in checking out? I think the Chronicles of the Sword mode will be refreshing and challenging. I hope so.

Phenom Oct 19th, 2005 05:55 PM

I really haven't thought about it much. All 3 characters seem very interesting. The guy with the scythe seems most intriguing to me. (Don't know his name)

I'll probably make a samurai or a ninja. "shrugs" Appearances.... "shrugs" either all white or all black. And the occupation will more than likely be an assassin. If it's available that is.

Berserker Oct 21st, 2005 01:25 AM

I'm putting my money on the Lost chronicle mode, sounds cool. I like the sound of the Setsuka character, with the sword hidden in her umbrella reminds me of the crazy Guilty Gear-characters could be fun.
I'll probably try create a old school Street Fighter ll look-a-like with a mitsurugi sword.

happy_doughnut Oct 31st, 2005 01:32 AM

Just got the game today; it's nice. I like it.

Has anyone else played it already? How are you liking the game? How are you disliking the game?

Personally, I hate the character loading thing. Like when you are chosing your character for whatever mode, it takes forever for them to actually appear on-screen! You have to wait there for a while, looking at a sparkly light which is supposed to be them, until they actually become visible. This sucks because it makes it so tedious to look at their different costumes because you pick one, takes forever, press R1, takes forever again, and so on. Gah, this got on my nerves right away. Wtf is up with that?

Anyways, other than that, I have not found anything else I dislike... except for the bastard boss who was kicking my ass.

I haven't given the Create a Character mode a chance yet. I might try it out tomorrow. So far I've only played the regular mode and have been practicing, since I never really played SCII...[I pre-ordered the thing and then lent it out to someone a few days later and never got it back O_O] so I'm outta practice.

But yep. Outta the new characters I only like Tira. She's so fast. O_O And that ringblade is badass. Very cool. I'm still sticking to my favorite, though: Taki.

And you guys?

Berserker Oct 31st, 2005 02:15 AM

Haven't got it yet, my financiel situation is making me get only one game for the following months so I'l probably only get RE:4. I'll just wait for all the taxes to come in januari and I'll see how much money there's left then :laugh: Maybe Santa Claus is nice to me this year and get's me a brand new spanking copy of S.O.T.C. or Soul Calibur lll.

merylsilverburg Nov 14th, 2005 04:36 AM

Well, I've been playing the game for a good portion of the past weeks and I have to say I give the game around 7.5 out of 10. It's okay, not that great, which is a disappointment. I think it's because of all the changes...not that change is bad, but the tone of the series isn't "Soul Calibur" anymore, IMO.

I played the "Chronicles of the Sword" mode which I felt is pretty good, but not well-placed in a game such as "SC." Plus, the story was just messy IMO. The idea of the strategy is fun though, but it's obviously not a real strategy game, so real strategists would hate it, I think. One gripe was that I couldn't stand some of the weaker jobs that causes the character to die at the blink of an eye even though you level up after winning a battle. For example, my main character is an Assassin and her attributes are mostly in speed. Even after countless leveling up and dying, the speed increases to its max point and the others (health, strength, and vitality) are improved but there doesn't seem to be a difference to me. I have bought the best weapons she could wield, I have practiced with her and I still die horribly in some battles. Or maybe I'm just a bad player, who knows?

The character creation mode is interesting and there are many, many possibilities to create various characters. So far, I've created Kurosaki, Ichigo from the anime Bleach, Tenjou, Utena from the anime Shoujo Kakumei Utena and Aerith from (duh) "Final Fantasy VII." The items to customize your characters are endless nearly which makes this mode really refreshing; what's more, you get to use those characters to fight. What's annoying, I think, about the job choice is that not only do you have to unlock the other jobs, but you have to stupidly buy them as well. It's a real waste of money, I feel.

The Soul Arena is pretty fun but I can't say it holds my interest all that long. And the Tournament thing? I thought this was "Soul Calibur" not "Tekken"...the look of the Tournament mode just feels out of place.

The Tales of the Souls mode is okay but it's somewhat annoying because of the same paths and scenarios that occur. There is hardly any variation whatsoever...the only story I found interesting was Ivy's.

Finally, the new characters. Well, Zasalamel is fast (like all the characters now) and I feel like he's more for the middle-advanced players...his scythe is easy to handle and it's good in both close and long range. But, he can be somewhat cheap and somewhat hard to use because his scythe can destroy anything in a matter of seconds, but takes some knowledge to perform the attacks. Setsuka (I like her) is very, very fast to me...and I love her battousai fighting style. She is, to me, for the novices because the poor woman has so many stupid cheap shots (like Mitsurugi) and lack of moves (she repeats the same move over and over again) that fighting against her will cause more than a few blood vessels to explode. Tira is definitely for advanced players, IMO, because her ring weapon is hard to use and the attacks are hard to execute. She is definitely someone who needs to string a bunch of combos together (like Xianghua) in order to do some serious damage. When I was playing as her in the "Tales of the Souls" mode, I died so many times even when I tried to just mash buttons or attempt to perform combos. She seems slow to me, somehow.

Well, that's my mini-review. It's still a good game though...what I find stupid is that the Xbox 360 will soon have the game with, apparently, "better looking graphics." Okay, well, the graphics on the PS2 were fantastic to me but if they don't spruce up the gameplay for the X360, then all the beauty and sparkle of the mind-blowing graphics wouldn't do much.

Berserker Nov 16th, 2005 02:10 AM

Good review meryl! I wanna get this, but I've spent my money on RE:4 plus with SCll I bought it on the release-day and it dropped to like half-price within a few I think I'll wait this one out.

merylsilverburg Nov 20th, 2005 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Berserker
Good review meryl! I wanna get this, but I've spent my money on RE:4 plus with SCll I bought it on the release-day and it dropped to like half-price within a few I think I'll wait this one out.

Thanks, I'm glad my mini-review helped a little. :) Yeah, it's not too big a deal if you wait out on the game...the previous ones, like SC 2 or SC on the Dreamcast, were better worth the wait. I just don't know what's going to happen or what NAMCO will do if they decide to make a SC 4. :P

Berserker Nov 21st, 2005 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
I just don't know what's going to happen or what NAMCO will do if they decide to make a SC 4. :P

Do you mean game-wise???

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