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Pu the Owl Mar 10th, 2002 02:48 PM

Anime you can't watch in sunny days :P
Why when people decide to vote for anime they're only interested in talking about most funny, or in general best anime series?

Ok, many anime series are funny and some others, even serious ones, have some hilarious parts in them. But let's talk about gloomy anime series, the ones with most desperate and depressing plot, characters and atmosphere.
Some of them are very good, even if there are not many bright parts or aspects in them.

For example Evangelion is kinda gloomy and macabre..
The whole EVA question is *shivers* oh well...

Anyway, I think Lain is the most depressing anime I've ever watched in my life. I can't see happy, calm, funny moments in it. I bet noone can.
I must add I liked it, but being honest, I can't watch Lain in any moment of the day or in any day of the year :p

IcyMourdor Mar 10th, 2002 03:14 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]Cowboy Bebop

This anime has as many sad moments as it does funny moments. I like when anime gets serious. It shows the how well the writer is when they do these scenes. They just give off so much emotion.[/COLOR]

Yuna Mar 10th, 2002 04:12 PM

I don't watch much anime, but I'd have to say I don't see much of a point in Tenchi Muyo... :peoples:

Pu the Owl Mar 10th, 2002 04:24 PM


Originally posted by Yuna
I don't watch much anime, but I'd have to say I don't see much of a point in Tenchi Muyo... :peoples:
Agree with Yuna on Tenchi Muyo!

Regarding Cowboy Bebop, I think there's some melancholy in it, especially towards the end of the series, but there are also very bright moments during the greatest part of its 26 eps. It has a good way of mixing sad and ironic emotions.

merylsilverburg Mar 10th, 2002 08:03 PM


Originally posted by Mourdor
[COLOR=sky blue]Cowboy Bebop

This anime has as many sad moments as it does funny moments. I like when anime gets serious. It shows the how well the writer is when they do these scenes. They just give off so much emotion.[/COLOR]

Oh God, I know....Cowboy Bebop depressed me for the longest time. Only because the characters and the whole situation kinda related to my life in a way. It was so December just before winter vacation, last year, I accidently turned to the Cartoon Network and they were showing an episode of Cowboy Bebop on the Adult Swim. Since there was nothing else to watch, I decided to watch that. That was the worst choice in the world because the next day at school, I was severely depressed than usual and I just kept thinking of the "Blue" song in my head the whole day. Then, I came home and did my homework, listening to "Green Bird", and I couldn't do anything else except listen to that. That night, I couldn't sleep and woke up crying and crying until finally my sister came in and I explained to her everything wrong with my life. She didn't let me go to school the next day. Usually, when I have a bad day like that I recover within the next day, but when the next day rolled around, I woke up and still felt so depressed and cried some more. I wasn't able to go to school for the rest of the week. When I returned to school after Winter Break, all the teacher's were up my ass, but by then, I recovered some so it was okay. By the way, but weird avatar. :)

Spirit Mar 11th, 2002 12:37 PM

I'm intrigued by every single anime out there, and it effects me in some way. I prefer the sad ones to the happy ones, due to the fact that sad ones give me an experience and an insight to someone's soul, while the happy ones don't really do anything. When I see a really sad one I feel really bad but after I see it I feel nice, because I'm glad whatever happened didn't happen to me. Oh and I'm watching evangelion right now... so I'm really into it :)-

Cannibal Clown Mar 11th, 2002 05:27 PM

the last episode of Cowboy Bebop got to me as well. Nothing toio dramatic or anything, but it was still really depressing.

Right now I'm watching Evangelion and Escaflowne. I'm up to episode 14 on both of them and Evangelion is getting a lot deeper than it was earlier in the series. And I think Escaflowne has got to be one of the coolest animes I've ever seen. My sisters just got the first 4 DVDs of the series last week and I spent hours watching it. And the story is soooo deep and i have to watch the next episode.

Just the other day I was watching these Club Escaflowne interviews of the voice actors and mecha deaigners of the series and they couldn't stress enough how realistic and serious they were trying to keep the show.

But the animators did make a few notions on how they wanted to put a gundam in a short scene during the battle with Van and the fifteen dragon slayers which I though would have been funny as hell.

Reid Mar 13th, 2002 12:24 PM

Eva definently got under my skin and depressed me. Living in that kind of world would be terrible, and you feel so sorry for every one of the characters.
Berserk is also quite sad, and very horriffic.
Serial Experiments Lain and Boogiepop Phantom are like that as well.

Mana Mar 13th, 2002 06:40 PM

I haven't watched the whole Lain show, but it's more than depressing! I couldn't stop thinking of it for a long period, because it really disturbed me!

TtTackler Mar 15th, 2002 03:25 PM

Cowboy Bebop is one of the greatest animes I've seen, depressing, serious, and downright outrageous (in a funny way). I have the first 3 DVDs of it.

I've seen Lain at the store a few times and I've been considering to get it or not, I think I might pick it up sometime soon.

Today I saw Pet Shop of Horrors at Anime Club, the idea of it was stupid but the presentation was good. I also want to get Rih-joh, I saw a commercial for it on Adult Swim, it looks good.

BowevelJoe Mar 15th, 2002 10:40 PM

aye, Bebop, Lain, Eva, all kick ass and depressing animes all in there own ways, Trigun although goofy as all get out in the end it had its serious moments too

Cannibal Clown Mar 16th, 2002 05:35 PM


Originally posted by TtTackler

Today I saw Pet Shop of Horrors at Anime Club, the idea of it was stupid but the presentation was good. I also want to get Rih-joh, I saw a commercial for it on Adult Swim, it looks good.

I just saw that preview on adult swim a few weeks ago too. That was the first time I've seen an anime movie advertised on TV other that pokemon, or digimon since Akira in like 1989 or something. back oin the day when I hated japanese cartoons. I saw the preview of it and it said that it was for mature audiences only. I thought to myself what kind of scenes would actually be in it. I was thinking a lot of violence and a bit of graphic gore perhaps. I could never have concieved in my mind that a cartoon would ever contain swearing, or nudity, for that matter, graphic sex!

But now, I've seen the light and I know better.

Japanimation rules!

BowevelJoe Mar 16th, 2002 06:13 PM

aye, i was a bit shocked when i saw sex for the first time in an anime too, but hey, like CC said, Japanimation rocks lol

Miata Apr 15th, 2002 04:58 PM

Depress this...
All the above are grim and/or depressing but no one has mentioned 'Kite'. A story of kids turned into assassins, their morality and sense of self stripped away, etc...oh yeah, this is grim. And the director's cut retains some of the harsher violent sex, making this NOT one to share with-well, anyone, really. I kinda liked it when I rented it a while back, so I bought the DVD Dir. cut. Ooops. The animation is very good, but the story just doesn't put that bounce in your step, know what I mean?:shock: Anyway, unless brutality and un-pleasentness are your thing, stick to the mildly depressing Akira, which ends on a high, or Evangelion, which sorta doesn't end...really...I guess...:peoples:

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