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MakgSnake Dec 8th, 2003 04:08 PM

Sega Sues EA
This is one of the craziest things ever. I cant believe SEGA could do such a thing eh. But why......I know its for the money and all. But still......... time to wake up and smell the rubber of your Crazy TAXI!.!


Sega of America has filed a lawsuit against Electronic Arts, Radical Games, and a pair of Fox Entertainment divisions. Why? Because Simpsons Road Rage, released in 2001, apparently infringes on a Sega patent.

Sega claims that SRR was designed to "copy and imitate" Sega's own Crazy Taxi, which was a big draw on the company's Dreamcast console and was later released on the PS2 and Gamecube consoles, as well as portions of said game being unlockable in Crazy Taxi 3 for the Xbox.
The Report.

dan da man Dec 8th, 2003 06:24 PM

Hehe, good one sega, thats a bit crazy though.

Vicious_2003 Dec 13th, 2003 12:00 AM

Thats pretty rediculous. Considering I could name a hundred other games that are complete rip-off's of ones before them. But still, at this point id love to see EA go down in flames. Any game developer thats bias against one system (XBOX) can kiss my ass.

If you disagree explain to me why they rigged Microsofts Madden04's to not work right and then replaced them with discs that are even worse (Mine freezes all the time, and they call it fixed,....right. Screw you EA !)

and keep up the good work with the LOTR games ;)

Preventer Wind Dec 13th, 2003 03:08 PM


But still, at this point id love to see EA go down in flames. Any game developer thats bias against one system (XBOX) can kiss my ass.
Hmmmmm now let me see here.... How come I can't buy ESPN Football for the Game Cube? How come I can't buy ESPN Basketball for the Game Cube? Yeah, that's what I thought :)

Vicious_2003 Dec 14th, 2003 01:22 AM

Well...can you blame them for being bais against the Gamecube ?. I mean c'Mon ! ;)

Eden Dec 28th, 2003 03:35 AM


Originally posted by dan da man

Hehe, good one sega, thats a bit crazy though.
Sega were well within there rights to sue EA, Simpsons road rage is basically a 99% exact copy of the Crazy Taxi series, how dare EA blatanly rip off the CT name. I hope EA burn and die, they make shit games and are basically a shit developer all round, bar a few exceptions.

Vulcan Raven Dec 28th, 2003 05:35 AM

Yeah i'd call LOTR: ROTK and the MOH series good games by EA but......otherwise SEGA can sue EA's ass all they want.

and hope to see EA burn in flames and see its empire pulled down like US soldiers pulling down and destroying saddams statue in the town square of Bagdahd.


MakgSnake Dec 31st, 2003 08:58 PM

I dont know what you guys are saying. EA rocks in my opinion. They make great games.........every game they make has soo much money into it.......which means alot of resources which means good music/gameplay/stages/characters. They make massive games......with good publicity.

Its the biggest 3rd party company in the world making games. The Need For Speed series.....just an example of great franchise. They did good justice with Lord of the Ring games....... now we can say atleast that not every game based on a movie sucks. Thanks to EA in some way. Their every game is good......

SEGA is just being an ass here. I mean....... common.....

Vulcan Raven Dec 31st, 2003 09:27 PM

Hmm EA do make some good quality games (in my opinion eg: LOTR series, MOH, etc..) And they area good company but i guess the simpsons series really need some 'original' material...i mean the new one 'Hit and Run' is just a crap, kiddie version of GTA.
and Simpsons Skateboarding..well thats more of a universal title and alot of people make games for skateboarding (eg: activision, Konami etc..) so thats okay and not bluntly stealing an idea, but the Crazy Taxi and GTA Write offs are just plain stealing.

They have the potential to make great games, and we can see that (MOH, LOTR, NFS etc..) but they just need to get some more original ideas and stop copying peoples ideas!!!!!!

MakgSnake Jan 9th, 2004 05:17 PM


Originally posted by Grim_Reaper

but they just need to get some more original ideas and stop copying peoples ideas!!!!!!
You are right, but this is what I believe in...

You can do TWO THINGS in this world.

Either you CREATE something totally new.


IMPROVE something that has already been created.

Be a pioneer....or tweak things up a little.

So, if you see an idea stollen....its not exactly like STEALING, but trying to improve something that has already been created. Like take DRIV3R for example. Its a game on its own, doing stuff that GTA can only dream of............ its not copying, but improving something that has already been done.

Same with movies........ love stories, Love triangles, teenage horror movies, super heroes films and stuff like that.

Create or Improve.

Preventer Wind Jan 9th, 2004 10:54 PM


Same with movies........ love stories, Love triangles, teenage horror movies, super heroes films and stuff like that.
But not the Lord of the Rings! :laugh:

But if it's a law and someone broke it.... well that person(or people) should be punished.

jjmoohead Jan 10th, 2004 03:35 AM

Some of these post surprise me.

EA is a great company. They founded a lot of the genras that you play today. They have many good quality games and series. Im not sure where some of you get off with the remarks you made, but your opinion is your opinion.

I myself am a sports nut and buy pretty much every EA sports title each year. Well h+ockey and basketball for sure, the others not a big issue, but are great games.

QIf sega is that desperate to make money then hey all the power to them. Its only a matter of time before Sega closes its door for good. May as well attack a great company just to stick around a little longer.

Anyway, if you can honestly tell me that EA SPORTS sucks and MOH sucks and NFS sucks and LOTR sucks then those who say EA sucks have issues you need to deal with. I guess that means that every Musical group in the world sucks beacuse there is not a single band out there that doesnt have one bad song. But I guess thats what this world is comming too. If your number 1 you suck if your number 2 you rock until your number 1.


Uchiha Sasuke Jan 13th, 2004 12:02 AM

EA maybe be number one in some respects but most of there titles are rehashed products, take most of there sports games. Everyone is pretty much the same as the year before with a few new options and stuff thrown in. Cause there such a well known name they sell many products. As for this sega sueing them, its downright silly.

Vulcan Raven Jan 13th, 2004 08:00 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake

EA maybe be number one in some respects but most of there titles are rehashed products, take most of there sports games. Everyone is pretty much the same as the year before with a few new options and stuff thrown in. Cause there such a well known name they sell many products. As for this sega sueing them, its downright silly.
too true SSSnake, too true.


-PSX- Jan 14th, 2004 02:15 PM

But the reason they do them every year is to IMPROVE like said before. The players may be the same but they are all updated, improved and made a lot better than the previous year - it isn't just some money spinner because it brings new things into it each year.

Uchiha Sasuke Jan 16th, 2004 02:14 AM

But for what kind of company EA is and how much money they have, I would expect them to overhaul a game and introduce something entirely new. But they don't, they rehash there products instead.

Preventer Wind Jan 16th, 2004 12:03 PM


Originally posted by Il Palazzo
But for what kind of company EA is and how much money they have, I would expect them to overhaul a game and introduce something entirely new. But they don't, they rehash there products instead.
OMFG!!!. There are other companies that come out with games every year that are similar to games that have come out in the past. If EA is not a great company then by your standards Capcom, Sega, Acclaim and 989 Sports must all be terrible terrible companies. Sega and 989 come out with sports games every year. Yet their sales figures are no where even close to EAs. You want to know why? It's because they are constantly pushing their sports games to a new level. Franchise mode may be the single best feature of any game ever made and they have perfected it. Owner mode? What other game has that? Not to mention freestyle and playmaker controls.

You want them to overhaul a game? They have. They got rid of Triple Play Baseball and came out with MVP Baseball. They changed almost the entire game play. You can also say they did the same thing with NBA Live. So you can't say they have never done that.

They have a lot of other games that have been successful. Why do you guys try and put down this company using stupid reasons?

Uchiha Sasuke Jan 16th, 2004 01:06 PM

EA has so much money I don't understand why they don't overhaul there games and find new ways to make them new and groundbreaking. Plus EA is spose to be a much higher quality company why can't they live up to it in some aspects.

-PSX- Jan 16th, 2004 01:09 PM

I don't quite think you are getting the pint Il Palazzo. If EA were to completely overhaul the games to something new and different nobody would buy them. They redo them to improve like with FIFA soccer every year they improve something better in each game they bring out whether its graphics, control, options anything really.

DarkJacob Mar 2nd, 2004 03:55 AM

They should have never wasted there money on sueing ea

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